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Proposed site of new ground

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Well, you can probbaly skip all mine and corp's stuff - he vaccilates like the wind blows through trees, claiming we might never get owners of the quality of TTA at one point, then claiming they are defeatist and want stagnation at another point. Of course this means he can always claim to have got things right, having stood in more than one camp;


"I'm aware that should the worst happen football might be the last thing on the minds of most of us-I'm simply focusing on what this means for the future of the club. Would TTA stick around with no prospect of developing the stadium and land, for instance? Would there be any chance of a buyer for the club anywhere near as good as they've been? Or any buyer at all?"


"as good as they've been", go on corp, claim it's all relaitive.


Hey ho. Over and out.




So real is actually obsessed enough with me to search my posts. Jesus.


The inconsistency you speak of is imaginary. I've never claimed that TTA's intentions towards the club have been bad. I don't even believe that the current proposal for downscaling the club comes out of ill-intent. Like many fans on here, they probably think that a well-run lower division club is now the best that Latics can ever hope for.

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Hang on a minute. Is everyone missing out on the fact that the Failsworth site is by far the better site to get access to from Manchester. So the scope for attracting new fans is miles bigger than somewhere like Ashton. This means the club can market in places like Salford, Prestwich, Cheetham Hill because it's only a ten minute tram ride from Manchester Victoria.


It isn't just the Failsworth residents the club should hope to be attractive to.





A little club in a new little stadium will attract no new fans from the catchment areas of both the most famous club in the world and the richest club in the world.

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Can't you think outside the box for a second Slurms? Man City last season was cheaper (some games) than Latics. But this was last season, and from this season onwards they've joined the $ club, and this will reflect in their ticketing structures in years to come. In a year or two, trust me, you won't be getting the cheapo £10 tickets at Eastlands any more.




The Arabs were in charge at City for nearly the whole of last season. Fair enough, ticket prices were already set when they arrived, but as far as I know their ticket prices haven't risen drastically this season.


Also, it could be a mistake to think that their ownership of City will follow the same pattern as takeovers by billionaires elsewhere. This lot are in a completely different league than even the richest of other club owners, and have a long-term strategy. If they wanted to, they could make every seat in COMS free of charge without it damaging their bank balance.

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A Manc is never going to convert to Latics? Are you that narrow minded? I never suggested for one minute the people of Chorlton-Cum-Hardy are going to flock down to Failsworth in their droves. But new people will come, because it's easy access and they'll be able to see a reasonable level of football for much cheaper than Man Citeh or Manchester United in a pleasant environment. I know a few people who pop down to either Stockport County or Altrincham to watch a game because it fills a bit of time and United or Citeh aren't on the box. Key thing here is that Altrincham and Stockport is pretty easy to access for the whole of South Manchester.





Same thing used to happen when admission prices were cheap. But now that they're expensive, less will come and they won't become hardcore fans. They never did. Believe me-all my mum's family are from Collyhurst. Most wish us well and some came to Wembley with me in 1990 and '94. But they are not Latics supporters, because they are not Oldhamers.

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do we go the way darlington did? great stadium which they didnt need and it helped nearley kill them.




Darlington is a red herring. For one thing, nobody has suggested that Latics build a 26000 seater stadium; most have merely questioned why 16000 was deemed apporopriate yesterday when a full 25% has been lopped off the proposed capacity today (the answer is that when the BP redevelopment plans were first mooted, intentions of getting into the Championship were still just about semi-serious and now they've been quietly dropped.) Secondly, Darlington's chairman at the time seemed to believe that he could make the club, 'bigger than Middlesbrough', to use his own words. He clearly didn't do his homework and got caught out.


As Stitch KTF says, though, this has been answered, along with all your other questions, many times over.

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If this board accurately reflects fans' feelings, then some clearly will, even if distance is not the issue.


Do you actually believe the people who say that tho? Id wager that the majority of those kicking up a fuss about moving to Failsworth are some of the most hardcore of our fan base whose lives revolve soley around Latics.

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Shame you said this then:-


"Virtually every club who has moved to a new stadium sees its attendancies rocket (Hull, Huddersfield, Wigan, Bolton all spring to mind). For me, moving would be a better option that BP every time. "


Nice job of going through my posts and quoting me out of context. I posted that before the location and size of the new arrangement was confirmed. On the whole, facts will back up that I am right.


I have no real love for BP other than nostalgia, and would love a move to a modern state of the art stadium. However, what goes without saying is that no-one else has been so stupid as to build a tiny stadium next door to a huge club with massive resources, a big fanbase, and in a town in which it has virtually no support. We would definately buck the trend in this instance if this crazy move goes ahead.

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I would be very happy with the club being established again in old money Division Two. I just don't think the club any longer has any serious intentions of getting there, let alone staying there, and that this is what lies behind the proposal for a very small stadium.


Firstly I haven't read all the posts since this one so apologies if this has already been covered?


Am I right in understanding that its predominantly the size of the proposed stadium that worries you? I happen to think that 12,000 is on the small side and would much prefer one that holds 18-20k as it suggests like you say that the club have some ambition to fill it.


I am not to concerned re the location however if we can have the right facilities and the TTA can get the land/construction at the right price to build it. I don't know the area that well around the proposed site so I'm asking with the extra facilities that I am sure the council have stipulated are built into the development is there space for a an 18-20k stadium at the proposed site?


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Err Corp, I know loads of people which aren't Oldhamers but support Latics. I didn't know that the support for a team was confined in that way? I'd better go and watch City play Wolves at the weekend.





Don't say 'err' at the beginning of a post. It makes you seem like an adolescent Yank in a crap film.


So some people who aren't Oldhamers support Latics. That has nothing to do with the fact that we will not win over significant numbers of Mancunians simply by moving stadiums. In fact, for reasons already explained, we will win over hardly any of even the few who feel well disposed towards us.

Edited by Corporal_Jones
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Firstly I haven't read all the posts since this one so apologies if this has already been covered?


Am I right in understanding that its predominantly the size of the proposed stadium that worries you? I happen to think that 12,000 is on the small side and would much prefer one that holds 18-20k as it suggests like you say that the club have some ambition to fill it.


I am not to concerned re the location however if we can have the right facilities and the TTA can get the land/construction at the right price to build it. I don't know the area that well around the proposed site so I'm asking with the extra facilities that I am sure the council have stipulated are built into the development is there space for a an 18-20k stadium at the proposed site?




It doesn't matter that there is scope for expansion at the site when what's being proposed is a 12000-seater. This is because such a small capacity reveals an acceptance that there is little chance of establishing the club at a level where any such expansion would be needed.


In fact, limiting capacity at less than we have managed to attract to BP even in the last fifteen disastrous years on occasion says everything about how the future of the club is envisaged.


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Do you actually believe the people who say that tho? Id wager that the majority of those kicking up a fuss about moving to Failsworth are some of the most hardcore of our fan base whose lives revolve soley around Latics.





You can only go off what they say on here. I can't read the minds of anonymous posters.

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Don't say 'err' at the beginning of a post. It makes you seem like an adolescent Yank in a crap film.


So some people who aren't Oldhamers support Latics. That has nothing to do with the fact that we will not win over significant numbers of Mancunians simply by moving stadiums. In fact, for reasons already explained, we will win over hardly any of even the few who feel well disposed towards us.


so instead of beating your one drum theory all day night long,your now resorting to flippant off the cuff put downs and name calling...


you call other people immature yet you have now well and truly sunk into the very same catagory.


i would love to meet you in the chaddy end one fine match day,and correct a few of your so called put downs,face to face so to speak instead of you hiding behind your keyboard on here all the time.


the first 4 pages are readable,the rest is corps finest hijack yet....


other people have given up as well,harry dowds for example,ripped you a new one on other threads and real on here.


face it,you know nothing and continually go over the same boring things time and time again...as someone else said,either put up or shut up.

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so instead of beating your one drum theory all day night long,your now resorting to flippant off the cuff put downs and name calling...


you call other people immature yet you have now well and truly sunk into the very same catagory.


i would love to meet you in the chaddy end one fine match day,and correct a few of your so called put downs,face to face so to speak instead of you hiding behind your keyboard on here all the time.


the first 4 pages are readable,the rest is corps finest hijack yet....


other people have given up as well,harry dowds for example,ripped you a new one on other threads and real on here.


face it,you know nothing and continually go over the same boring things time and time again...as someone else said,either put up or shut up.





Anybody seen the nurse?

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Like, 'See me in the Chaddy' you mean?


at least i gave some detail in the response....


you want to mock and pretend people are children you go right ahead,like i said i sit in the chaddy end,if you want my seat number and location ill pm it to you,then you can choose to either find me and have a grown up face to face chat about things and the proposed new stadium etc etc..or you stick to hiding behind your keyboard banging your same inane one theory drum..the choice is yours.

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at least i gave some detail in the response....


you want to mock and pretend people are children you go right ahead,like i said i sit in the chaddy end,if you want my seat number and location ill pm it to you,then you can choose to either find me and have a grown up face to face chat about things and the proposed new stadium etc etc..or you stick to hiding behind your keyboard banging your same inane one theory drum..the choice is yours.





Alternatively, you could ignore the posters you dislike and concentrate on the 99% of threads in which I don't feature.


Now calm down and have your Xanax.

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