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Time for a the Happy Clappers to start showing themselves....

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A few days ago, and especially after last night I almost got to the stage of thinkihng "sod it, I've had it with OWTB - there are so many boring assholes preaching doom and gloom that it's not worth the bother"


Well, we lost last night. It added to the view.


So bleeding what!


We've lost before, we've been lower than this after 6 games before - loads of times.



Those of us with the ability to view our past achievements with an open eye have seen what this club can achieve with the backing of the fans and a bit of effort. Sure people will have a pop back, and you know what, they might, one day in the future, prove right, we might fold, we might die, we might end up a blip in history. But you know something, what will those people have to look back on - quotes of "I predicted my club will die"? What the hell is that about? We will have the right to say "I tried to keep my club alive with every breath I had, i did not falter, i did not lay down and weep the tears of defeat, I fought until the end".

Sod them all, be proud, be a Latic, support YOUR club - because it is YOUR club - no matter what players come or go, no matter who the manager is, no matter who "owns" it in a monetary sense, Oldham Athletic beligns to the FANS - the true fans who will be there, giving their support whaterever happens.


Get behind the team, give them your support, hope for the best.

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A few days ago, and especially after last night I almost got to the stage of thinkihng "sod it, I've had it with OWTB - there are so many boring assholes preaching doom and gloom that it's not worth the bother"


Well, we lost last night. It added to the view.


So bleeding what!


We've lost before, we've been lower than this after 6 games before - loads of times.



Those of us with the ability to view our past achievements with an open eye have seen what this club can achieve with the backing of the fans and a bit of effort. Sure people will have a pop back, and you know what, they might, one day in the future, prove right, we might fold, we might die, we might end up a blip in history. But you know something, what will those people have to look back on - quotes of "I predicted my club will die"? What the hell is that about? We will have the right to say "I tried to keep my club alive with every breath I had, i did not falter, i did not lay down and weep the tears of defeat, I fought until the end".

Sod them all, be proud, be a Latic, support YOUR club - because it is YOUR club - no matter what players come or go, no matter who the manager is, no matter who "owns" it in a monetary sense, Oldham Athletic beligns to the FANS - the true fans who will be there, giving their support whaterever happens.


Get behind the team, give them your support, hope for the best.


you are the biggest boring arsehole on here real



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A few days ago, and especially after last night I almost got to the stage of thinkihng "sod it, I've had it with OWTB - there are so many boring assholes preaching doom and gloom that it's not worth the bother"


Well, we lost last night. It added to the view.


So bleeding what!


We've lost before, we've been lower than this after 6 games before - loads of times.



Those of us with the ability to view our past achievements with an open eye have seen what this club can achieve with the backing of the fans and a bit of effort. Sure people will have a pop back, and you know what, they might, one day in the future, prove right, we might fold, we might die, we might end up a blip in history. But you know something, what will those people have to look back on - quotes of "I predicted my club will die"? What the hell is that about? We will have the right to say "I tried to keep my club alive with every breath I had, i did not falter, i did not lay down and weep the tears of defeat, I fought until the end".

Sod them all, be proud, be a Latic, support YOUR club - because it is YOUR club - no matter what players come or go, no matter who the manager is, no matter who "owns" it in a monetary sense, Oldham Athletic beligns to the FANS - the true fans who will be there, giving their support whaterever happens.


Get behind the team, give them your support, hope for the best.


If this is being a happy clapper, where do I sign up? I am 100% behind you on this. Proud to be a happy clapper!

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A few days ago, and especially after last night I almost got to the stage of thinkihng "sod it, I've had it with OWTB - there are so many boring assholes preaching doom and gloom that it's not worth the bother"


Well, we lost last night. It added to the view.


So bleeding what!


We've lost before, we've been lower than this after 6 games before - loads of times.



Those of us with the ability to view our past achievements with an open eye have seen what this club can achieve with the backing of the fans and a bit of effort. Sure people will have a pop back, and you know what, they might, one day in the future, prove right, we might fold, we might die, we might end up a blip in history. But you know something, what will those people have to look back on - quotes of "I predicted my club will die"? What the hell is that about? We will have the right to say "I tried to keep my club alive with every breath I had, i did not falter, i did not lay down and weep the tears of defeat, I fought until the end".

Sod them all, be proud, be a Latic, support YOUR club - because it is YOUR club - no matter what players come or go, no matter who the manager is, no matter who "owns" it in a monetary sense, Oldham Athletic beligns to the FANS - the true fans who will be there, giving their support whaterever happens.


Get behind the team, give them your support, hope for the best.



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A few days ago, and especially after last night I almost got to the stage of thinkihng "sod it, I've had it with OWTB - there are so many boring assholes preaching doom and gloom that it's not worth the bother"


Well, we lost last night. It added to the view.


So bleeding what!


We've lost before, we've been lower than this after 6 games before - loads of times.



Those of us with the ability to view our past achievements with an open eye have seen what this club can achieve with the backing of the fans and a bit of effort. Sure people will have a pop back, and you know what, they might, one day in the future, prove right, we might fold, we might die, we might end up a blip in history. But you know something, what will those people have to look back on - quotes of "I predicted my club will die"? What the hell is that about? We will have the right to say "I tried to keep my club alive with every breath I had, i did not falter, i did not lay down and weep the tears of defeat, I fought until the end".

Sod them all, be proud, be a Latic, support YOUR club - because it is YOUR club - no matter what players come or go, no matter who the manager is, no matter who "owns" it in a monetary sense, Oldham Athletic beligns to the FANS - the true fans who will be there, giving their support whaterever happens.


Get behind the team, give them your support, hope for the best.


Totally agree!

Edited by penrhyn
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I seem to have two personalities. The at match, happy clapper. The at the house, what a load of bollocks, why did they sack Sheridan/why did I even go again?


I have to say though, if there is a better at match fan than Leezy I have passed them by. The guy is an absolute star.



But the only sensible thing to do at the match is do what you're doing. Analyse afterwards. It's not perfect, but it's been that way before, with far worse signs, and it's turned out better.

As for leezy, I can see what he's up to from where I sit, but can't always tell what he's saying, but it usually looks positive. Why's he stopped posting? Duff PC?

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I seem to have two personalities. The at match, happy clapper. The at the house, what a load of bollocks, why did they sack Sheridan/why did I even go again?


Same here, which is why I can't understand why moaning on here is so frowned upon.


EDIT: Except you can substitute 'why did they sack Sheridan' with 'praise Allah they sacked Sheridan'.

Edited by Zorrro
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A few days ago, and especially after last night I almost got to the stage of thinkihng "sod it, I've had it with OWTB - there are so many boring assholes preaching doom and gloom that it's not worth the bother"


Well, we lost last night. It added to the view.


So bleeding what!


We've lost before, we've been lower than this after 6 games before - loads of times.



Those of us with the ability to view our past achievements with an open eye have seen what this club can achieve with the backing of the fans and a bit of effort. Sure people will have a pop back, and you know what, they might, one day in the future, prove right, we might fold, we might die, we might end up a blip in history. But you know something, what will those people have to look back on - quotes of "I predicted my club will die"? What the hell is that about? We will have the right to say "I tried to keep my club alive with every breath I had, i did not falter, i did not lay down and weep the tears of defeat, I fought until the end".

Sod them all,

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A few days ago, and especially after last night I almost got to the stage of thinkihng "sod it, I've had it with OWTB - there are so many boring assholes preaching doom and gloom that it's not worth the bother"


Well, we lost last night. It added to the view.


So bleeding what!


We've lost before, we've been lower than this after 6 games before - loads of times.



Those of us with the ability to view our past achievements with an open eye have seen what this club can achieve with the backing of the fans and a bit of effort. Sure people will have a pop back, and you know what, they might, one day in the future, prove right, we might fold, we might die, we might end up a blip in history. But you know something, what will those people have to look back on - quotes of "I predicted my club will die"? What the hell is that about? We will have the right to say "I tried to keep my club alive with every breath I had, i did not falter, i did not lay down and weep the tears of defeat, I fought until the end".

Sod them all, be proud, be a Latic, support YOUR club - because it is YOUR club - no matter what players come or go, no matter who the manager is, no matter who "owns" it in a monetary sense, Oldham Athletic beligns to the FANS - the true fans who will be there, giving their support whaterever happens.


Get behind the team, give them your support, hope for the best.


I wish I had your faith and positivity. I'll still always be a latic for the rest of my life and I'll put us down more than anyone - but if anybody who isn't Oldham tries to put us down, i'll take them to task and defend us to the hilt.


I just wish the results were a bit better.

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Leezy has got a dodgy PC, can only get on when at work.


He does always try to see the positive but is still taking some convincing that we were right to sack Shezza, and although Friday was crap he seemed to forget there were numerous equally as bad performances last season under Shez! :wink:

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A few days ago, and especially after last night I almost got to the stage of thinkihng "sod it, I've had it with OWTB - there are so many boring assholes preaching doom and gloom that it's not worth the bother"


Well, we lost last night. It added to the view.


So bleeding what!


We've lost before, we've been lower than this after 6 games before - loads of times.



Those of us with the ability to view our past achievements with an open eye have seen what this club can achieve with the backing of the fans and a bit of effort. Sure people will have a pop back, and you know what, they might, one day in the future, prove right, we might fold, we might die, we might end up a blip in history. But you know something, what will those people have to look back on - quotes of "I predicted my club will die"? What the hell is that about? We will have the right to say "I tried to keep my club alive with every breath I had, i did not falter, i did not lay down and weep the tears of defeat, I fought until the end".

Sod them all, be proud, be a Latic, support YOUR club - because it is YOUR club - no matter what players come or go, no matter who the manager is, no matter who "owns" it in a monetary sense, Oldham Athletic beligns to the FANS - the true fans who will be there, giving their support whaterever happens.


Get behind the team, give them your support, hope for the best.




Happy clappers will have done no more than doomers to keep the club alive. We are all supporters. There are happys and doomers who go to games, and people in both camps who don't.

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Happy clappers will have done no more than doomers to keep the club alive. We are all supporters. There are happys and doomers who go to games, and people in both camps who don't.


Mmmm. Would that not mean that as many away games where there is less support would be won as home games? Or is it basic numbers rather than cheering that wins games?


The players always seem to go with cheering.


I agree in a large extent though. You pays your money, the club benefits. If you want to be quiet, or moan, that's your prerogative.

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Mmmm. Would that not mean that as many away games where there is less support would be won as home games? Or is it basic numbers rather than cheering that wins games?


The players always seem to go with cheering.


I agree in a large extent though. You pays your money, the club benefits. If you want to be quiet, or moan, that's your prerogative.




For the millionth time, there is no connection between moaning on here and moaning at games.


Cheer away.

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A few days ago, and especially after last night I almost got to the stage of thinkihng "sod it, I've had it with OWTB - there are so many boring assholes preaching doom and gloom that it's not worth the bother"


Well, we lost last night. It added to the view.


So bleeding what!


We've lost before, we've been lower than this after 6 games before - loads of times.



Those of us with the ability to view our past achievements with an open eye have seen what this club can achieve with the backing of the fans and a bit of effort. Sure people will have a pop back, and you know what, they might, one day in the future, prove right, we might fold, we might die, we might end up a blip in history. But you know something, what will those people have to look back on - quotes of "I predicted my club will die"? What the hell is that about? We will have the right to say "I tried to keep my club alive with every breath I had, i did not falter, i did not lay down and weep the tears of defeat, I fought until the end".

Sod them all, be proud, be a Latic, support YOUR club - because it is YOUR club - no matter what players come or go, no matter who the manager is, no matter who "owns" it in a monetary sense, Oldham Athletic beligns to the FANS - the true fans who will be there, giving their support whaterever happens.


Get behind the team, give them your support, hope for the best.


Couldn't agree more mate :latics:

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Another new manager, another significant set of new faces etc. Not the biggest surprise we have not had the best start to a season.


For me TTA have backed every manager at the club with funds that whilst not the biggest in the division, are probably significant in comparison to the money coming in.


I am confident that this season will not end up in a relegation battle, but I don't think the team will get it together enough to have a realistic punt at the Play-Offs either - I hope to see some decent football and a positive run for the last half of the season which will hopefully bode well for next season.


Glass half full.

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