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Micky Adams spits his dummy out

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bit harsh there razza on adams me thinks- i wish shez had the balls to do something similar after the hereford away game last season,along with many other :censored:e performances we had to suffer.



Suppose so , just seems like a knee jerk reaction from him , I mean they lost 3-1 to a team which is probably going to win the league

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100% behind Adams. It wasn't so much the result as the manner of the performance. A club that seems to be permanently on the verge of crisis does not need players who think they're in some kind of comfort zone.


It's a direct challenge to the players to swallow their egos and prove themselves.

Edited by garcon
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bit harsh there razza on adams me thinks- i wish shez had the balls to do something similar after the hereford away game last season,along with many other :censored:e performances we had to suffer.


This move should only be used in extreme circumstances and tbh I think Vale's plight is one of these, looking at where they've fallen to and going off how shockingly bad they were when I saw them get battered by an Exeter team with 10 men for over 70 minutes last year. We played awful on a number of occasions last year but we were nowhere near as bad as they were/are.


Big call from Adams, but the right one IMO.

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This move should only be used in extreme circumstances and tbh I think Vale's plight is one of these, looking at where they've fallen to and going off how shockingly bad they were when I saw them get battered by an Exeter team with 10 men for over 70 minutes last year. We played awful on a number of occasions last year but we were nowhere near as bad as they were/are.


Big call from Adams, but the right one IMO.



its a move by adams to tell his players "you're not as good as you think you are...and if you think different,lets see you comes in with an offer for you".

as posted above,to many footballers these days are in a comfort zone with contracts etc,this is a great boot up the arse to remind them they are supposed to earn that wage.


see they got jason jarrett yesterday.

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Big call from Adams, but the right one IMO.


It seems a bit daft to me for some reason. I do like someone who's a bit bull-in-a-china-shop about things, but saying the entire squad is up for sale when they'd probably only just claw in enough to buy a new flower basket for the Vale Park reception just strikes of sillyness. It's clearly meant as an almighty kick up the backside, but who's going to come in for a player who their own manager has openly stated they're a waste of oxygen and effectively need to be put down.


I'll reckon they'll still end up on the last game of the season with over half the same squad.

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I thought the same thing, it is a bit old school now that we have a transfer window, the only thing that can happen is someone takes some of his underperformers on loan.

i was about to post "who's gonna say 'yeah he's crap and his own manager doesn't want him, let's get him in on loan'?".


Then horrible memories of the second half of last season came flooding back. :(

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