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Hudders fan in peace

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Right first thing first, I'm not here to rub noses in s**t after the loss tonight. I attended the game this evening and was hoping for you to knock the yid scum out of the competition. Unfortunately that was never going to happen with Parker up front; I mean any Huddersfield fan will tell you that he is gash,utter gash. When he was over the hill playing for us nobody could tell exactly what he was supposed to be position wise? One thing is for sure he is no striker! Don't get me wrong he does his fair share of running but other than that words fail me! Abbott is good - when he isn't injured - and thats his downfall, a slight knock and he will be on the sidelines for weeks at a time. And as for what I saw in Colbeck tonight, Jesus, if that guys a footballer then so am I, he offered nothing what so ever! Except to take the ball AWAY from the goal?????!!?!?!? When he had the chance of the game for you lot.


I also thought the attendance was very poor considering the sizeable scum following. I mean you always bring a decent following over the hill to us but your home support is poor to say the least. There were more at Huddersfield Vs Dagenham on Friday night. I have to say its not nice to see a 'traditional' club such as your selves in the state you are in, I mean its not as bad as it could be, but this is where it always starts.


Like I say not here to rub it in, and I havent trawled this board, so the above might have been said already and if it has apologies. But I hope for the fans sake that Penny dips in and gets a decent loan signing or two because your front line looked totally devoid of any idea and in the second half I struggled to see what formation you were playing to be honest??


I always remembered Oldham teams to be renowned for decent attacking football, the last two weeks i'm afraid you have looked a shadow of that. Hope it turns around.


See you at the Galpharm.







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Good and fair summing up fella, nothing I could argue with there. We look dire, can barely string three passes together without resorting to hoofing, and as for Colbeck and Parker, don't get me started. Let's hope we get it together before we meet your lot again ;)

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And as for what I saw in Colbeck tonight, Jesus, if that guys a footballer then so am I, he offered nothing what so ever! Except to take the ball AWAY from the goal?????!!?!?!? When he had the chance of the game for you lot.


I also thought the attendance was very poor considering the sizeable scum following. I mean you always bring a decent following over the hill to us but your home support is poor to say the least. There were more at Huddersfield Vs Dagenham on Friday night. I have to say its not nice to see a 'traditional' club such as your selves in the state you are in, I mean its not as bad as it could be, but this is where it always starts.


Like I say not here to rub it in, and I havent trawled this board, so the above might have been said already and if it has apologies. But I hope for the fans sake that Penny dips in and gets a decent loan signing or two because your front line looked totally devoid of any idea and in the second half I struggled to see what formation you were playing to be honest??


Colbeck, we know.


Ground's a state, home record is shocking, barely score goals at home these days and Pav was out.


That'll be because Parker isn't that good, Smalley and Taylor are wingers.

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Right first thing first, I'm not here to rub noses in s**t after the loss tonight. I attended the game this evening and was hoping for you to knock the yid scum out of the competition. Unfortunately that was never going to happen with Parker up front; I mean any Huddersfield fan will tell you that he is gash,utter gash. When he was over the hill playing for us nobody could tell exactly what he was supposed to be position wise? One thing is for sure he is no striker! Don't get me wrong he does his fair share of running but other than that words fail me! Abbott is good - when he isn't injured - and thats his downfall, a slight knock and he will be on the sidelines for weeks at a time. And as for what I saw in Colbeck tonight, Jesus, if that guys a footballer then so am I, he offered nothing what so ever! Except to take the ball AWAY from the goal?????!!?!?!? When he had the chance of the game for you lot.


I also thought the attendance was very poor considering the sizeable scum following. I mean you always bring a decent following over the hill to us but your home support is poor to say the least. There were more at Huddersfield Vs Dagenham on Friday night. I have to say its not nice to see a 'traditional' club such as your selves in the state you are in, I mean its not as bad as it could be, but this is where it always starts.


Like I say not here to rub it in, and I havent trawled this board, so the above might have been said already and if it has apologies. But I hope for the fans sake that Penny dips in and gets a decent loan signing or two because your front line looked totally devoid of any idea and in the second half I struggled to see what formation you were playing to be honest??


I always remembered Oldham teams to be renowned for decent attacking football, the last two weeks i'm afraid you have looked a shadow of that. Hope it turns around.


See you at the Galpharm.

Wish i could offer you an argument but you're spot on, imagine how we feel watching this week in week out!

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I attended the game this evening and was hoping for you to knock the yid scum out of the competition.


Stopped reading the rest of the post after that comment. They're not Spurs where it's moderately acceptable as banter, do us a favour and f*** off, mate.



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Right first thing first, I'm not here to rub noses in s**t after the loss tonight. I attended the game this evening and was hoping for you to knock the yid scum out of the competition. Unfortunately that was never going to happen with Parker up front; I mean any Huddersfield fan will tell you that he is gash,utter gash. When he was over the hill playing for us nobody could tell exactly what he was supposed to be position wise? One thing is for sure he is no striker! Don't get me wrong he does his fair share of running but other than that words fail me! Abbott is good - when he isn't injured - and thats his downfall, a slight knock and he will be on the sidelines for weeks at a time. And as for what I saw in Colbeck tonight, Jesus, if that guys a footballer then so am I, he offered nothing what so ever! Except to take the ball AWAY from the goal?????!!?!?!? When he had the chance of the game for you lot.


I also thought the attendance was very poor considering the sizeable scum following. I mean you always bring a decent following over the hill to us but your home support is poor to say the least. There were more at Huddersfield Vs Dagenham on Friday night. I have to say its not nice to see a 'traditional' club such as your selves in the state you are in, I mean its not as bad as it could be, but this is where it always starts.


Like I say not here to rub it in, and I havent trawled this board, so the above might have been said already and if it has apologies. But I hope for the fans sake that Penny dips in and gets a decent loan signing or two because your front line looked totally devoid of any idea and in the second half I struggled to see what formation you were playing to be honest??


I always remembered Oldham teams to be renowned for decent attacking football, the last two weeks i'm afraid you have looked a shadow of that. Hope it turns around.


See you at the Galpharm.


Totally agree with you mate cant fault any of it to be honest. I dont know what position to put parker in because anywhere he plays hes usless. Colbeck was his usual self to be truthful. Infact if you have any recommendations on players we could get, send them to mr penney, they cant be any worse than what we've got! Il be honest im dreading us going to your place, sheridan may not have took us up, but he did play a good style of football which penney hasn't given us. Good luck for the season mate apart from when you play us.














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So if he called Bradford 'P**i scum', that would also be OK...and any Asians offended were just being sensitive?


not trying to be controversial here just offering a different angle. when at college i new a fair few pakistanis and they openly called themselves p*kis and wernt bothered by it and told other people they wernt bothered. it is a shortened form of the nationality pakistani. is calling people from britain 'brits' offensive? its the same thing. in the example you gave the word p*aki isnt the offensive word the offensive word is scum.


also why would asians be offended? only pakistanis could be offended asains are people from the continent of asia so why would a chinese man be offended by it? that was a very short sighted statement

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not trying to be controversial here just offering a different angle. when at college i new a fair few pakistanis and they openly called themselves p*kis and wernt bothered by it and told other people they wernt bothered. it is a shortened form of the nationality pakistani. is calling people from britain 'brits' offensive? its the same thing. in the example you gave the word p*aki isnt the offensive word the offensive word is scum.


Means nothing that mate... The vast majority of people from Pakistani origin would find the word deeply offensive...and you know it...

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Means nothing that mate... The vast majority of people from Pakistani origin would find the word deeply offensive...and you know it...


i no it does offend a lot of people but dont get why and not going to judge them on being offended by it. but if you understand why they are offended please explain the difference between saying 'a brit' and 'a p*ki'

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i no it does offend a lot of people but dont get why and not going to judge them on being offended by it. but if you understand why they are offended please explain the difference between saying 'a brit' and 'a paki'


You make a good point. It's the fact that the word Paki is invariably followed by a derogatory term, I guess. Kinda like Oldham Athletic is invariably followed by the word nil.

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not trying to be controversial here just offering a different angle. when at college i new a fair few pakistanis and they openly called themselves p*kis and wernt bothered by it and told other people they wernt bothered. it is a shortened form of the nationality pakistani. is calling people from britain 'brits' offensive? its the same thing. in the example you gave the word p*aki isnt the offensive word the offensive word is scum.


I think it's more when it is used intentionally to be an insult that it becomes insulting and racist. If you called someone a p*ki in a heated manner you probably aren't doing it to state a fact, more to try and insult, so you are insulting them by classing being pakistani (or middle eastern as it seems to cover) as a 'bad thing'. The word itself isn't offensive, it's more the context in which it is used and that has generally always been in a derogetory fashion. The very use of the word or indeed 'n****r' is automatically met by gasps because the idea of what racism actually is has been lost by mindless finger pointing and labelling. The concept of racism has been totally lost and is now something that is just thrown about willy nilly in an attempt to claim the moral high ground in any situation. Before someone trots in on their high horse and says i'm turning a blind eye to racism (therefore being a racist no doubt), obviously it does exist and bla bla bla, but the way the term is thrown about these days I get the feeling people have lost the meaning of this and fail to understand what racism actually is.

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i no it does offend a lot of people but dont get why and not going to judge them on being offended by it. but if you understand why they are offended please explain the difference between saying 'a brit' and 'a p*ki'


How often does some say to you "oi, Brit"... ?


First of all they are not from Pakistan... They are from Britain (well the vast majority)... Secondly, when someone says "oi, paki"...why is that an acceptable thing to say to someone in your eyes...why not use there name or say "oi,mate" ? Your taking away there identity and devaluing them as an individual... Your identifying there race as being more important than them... Its f**ked up you think its ok... :petesake:

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