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Wycombe weather

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as you must live near the ground has the council put salt on the roads yet?


The roads are all fine at the moment. All main roads have been salted. Only small side residential roads have a few inches of slush and ice. But it will get colder overnight. Unless there is a lot of snow tonight then the roads will be fine. And if the pitch is heated, then no reason not to play.


I remember games in the snow at BP back in the 70's. The chron would run an advert Friday night saying "anyone coming in to help clear the terraces would get in free" for the game. Then they would clear just the pitch markings / lines - and the match would play on in snow!


Happy days!

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I remember games in the snow at BP back in the 70's. The chron would run an advert Friday night saying "anyone coming in to help clear the terraces would get in free" for the game. Then they would clear just the pitch markings / lines - and the match would play on in snow!


Happy days!


Pitch markings in blue, with a tangerine coloured ball. Happy days indeed!

Edited by Diego_Sideburns
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The roads are all fine at the moment. All main roads have been salted. Only small side residential roads have a few inches of slush and ice. But it will get colder overnight. Unless there is a lot of snow tonight then the roads will be fine. And if the pitch is heated, then no reason not to play.


Can you recommend a taxi service from Adams Park to the White Horse and return?

Edited by Diego_Sideburns
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Can you recommend a taxi service from Adams Park to the White Hart and return?


I know that you enjoyed your rare visit to the White Hart last Saturday but the High Wycombe pub is called the White Horse. I let it go the first time (on another thread) because of your age but just couldn't let it go a second time :wink:


Anyway, I'm going to start heading slowly south and we'll see how far we have got before the game gets called off.


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I know that you enjoyed your rare visit to the White Hart last Saturday but the High Wycombe pub is called the White Horse. I let it go the first time (on another thread) because of your age but just couldn't let it go a second time :wink:


Anyway, I'm going to start heading slowly south and we'll see how far we have got before the game gets called off.


Oops! Thanks for spotting that.


Check the traffic situation before travelling:


M6/M42 travelling South:



M40 travelling South:



M40 travelling North:


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Oops! Thanks for spotting that.


Check the traffic situation before travelling:


M6/M42 travelling South:



M40 travelling South:



M40 travelling North:



Cheers Terry. See you in that pub. It's called the White...erm...something :wink:


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Taken from the Wycombe Fans' Message Board:



Have shovel wil travel

Sat Dec 19, 2009 09:11



Hillbottom Road is the main concern, anyone anywhere near with a shovel in their boot? Your help would be apreciated, we have a mountain of grit and salt, someone to help spread it would assist.


The conditions are being constantly monitored and a decison will be made as soon as possible.


Incidentally the overnight temperature dipped to minus 8.6 on the weather station above my office and it is currently minus 4.9.............. it is always a couple of degres colder at Adams Park than anywhere else in town.


The undersoil heating has coped, but HIllbottom Road and the footpath are still a concern.


I have spoken again with the Council "griters" and they have not ruled out "popping in", but their priority is keeping the main roads and motorway open, which we all understand I am sure.


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