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Final Consultation

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Did they? Care to explain when/how/why?


There was a time when the council invested significant amounts - i.e. basically bought the ground - simply to keep the club afloat. It was (many of) the people of Oldham who would have preferred the council not to do that and let the club die.

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Oh, and Lags - I'm in mate. We want redevelopment at our home, Boundary Park.


Everyone tells us the recession killed that plan, but I still have yet to see a straightforward figure that tells us what that financial gap is. I'd love to see just how possible (or not) it would be to stay at BP and develop what we can when we can - starting with a Main Stand that contains significant income generating facilities, with the rest as and when incoming commercial investment allows.


And if TTA have spent £3m on the Lancaster Club plot, either develop that with the Council to provide state of the art community football facilities that generate another (all be it probably quite small) income stream for the club - OR convince the council that the best way to compensate the club for their Memorial Park cock up is to buy that Lancaster Club Land back off TTA and do the community stuff themselves, thus giving us our £3m back to put towards the new Broadway Main Stand.


Is that really so completely impossible that we shouldn't even consider it? :blink:


Totally agree 100%


I wonder if the club worked feverishly hard at trying to bring in outside investment (instead of wanting/trying to keep it to themselves) just how far we could make the plot at BP become a leisure showcase for the town. A place where folks went to in an evening, a place when a night out being planned with the family or not was the first suggestion. Surely the council and local people should be backing this. Not to mention the jobs it brings and council revenue's.

Edited by Lags
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Totally agree 100%


I wonder if the club worked feverishly hard at trying to bring in outside investment (instead of wanting/trying to keep it to themselves) just how far we could make the plot at BP become a leisure showcase for the town. A place where folks went to in an evening, a place when a night out being planned with the family or not was the first suggestion. Surely the council and local people should be backing this. Not to mention the jobs it brings and council revenue's.



i asked barry:


1.are the TTA ACTIVELY seeking outside investment?

2.are the TTA ACTIVELY seeking to sell the club at the right price to them,to the right person.


he answered no to both.


your above point seems to tie in with my questions..

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The past delays. The turning down of previous proposals. Let us be honest, they're not as positive as dozens of others we could mention that see sport as a key thing in a town.

The whole Sportspark 2000 debacle was probably the worst.


The delays and problems more recently haven't been the fault of the council as an entity - more like individual councillors abandoning their responsibilities to the town as a whole and colluding with NIMBY's just to win a few votes. I have nothing but utter contempt for them.

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The whole Sportspark 2000 debacle was probably the worst.


The delays and problems more recently haven't been the fault of the council as an entity - more like individual councillors abandoning their responsibilities to the town as a whole and colluding with NIMBY's just to win a few votes. I have nothing but utter contempt for them.


And that is exactly it. All aboard the gravy train.


How close are the council to meeting the housing targets set in the Ritchie Report too?

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Thank you. I know a target was set for about 2013 time. Some of it had to be affordable due to the length of waiting lists in the town for local authority properties.


Just something I find quite interesting <_<



Would that have any implications on the ground switch?


Or all them houses/structures/land ear marked for NHS?

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i asked barry:


1.are the TTA ACTIVELY seeking outside investment?

2.are the TTA ACTIVELY seeking to sell the club at the right price to them,to the right person.


he answered no to both.


your above point seems to tie in with my questions..

I'll take this over to the going over to the book thread Johnny

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But the point still remains that even if the stadium doesnot go through, TTA can develope this land for other purposes that come under 'leisure', make their £££ back and probably a fair bit more


Theres no money in leisure development, which is probably why no operators are lined up outside the town hall wanting to build a cinema etc. I think even if a scheme is put together for the Lancaster Club on it's self, TTA will probably struggle to get their £3m back. I mean, lets face it, if you're BAE and you know that a buyer is lined up who is gonna put the stadium on your land, or part of the same development, you're gonna insist on a bit more than whats its worth - just to be a pain in arse. I mean, if 30 acres is as rare as TTA make out, then in simple economic terms, if the supplys not there, its gunna force the price up?


I know I paid attention in my economics classes for a reason......

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I could very well see an ongoing decline in house prices. One of the main things keeping them stable at the moment is simply that very few people are selling because they think the market is at the bottom and they hope it will pick in in the next year or two. However, there were a record number of people declared insolvent in a recent month/period and the jobs market is still not looking too clever (unemployment tends to lag behind an economic downturn). Add to that that after the general election (whoever wins) there are going to be serious cuts in civil service jobs (well, there had better be or we are the new Greece) and there will be a lot more houses up for sale, as sadly the owners will have no choice. And I completely agree that when interest rates go back up, which they will at some stage, it will knock house prices heavily. People who are struggling to get by will have to find a few hundred extra a month, first time buyers will beout of it etc. The market in the US has been contracting for years and the same could well happen here.


Yes, it's shocking here and the only thing stopping it getting worse is the "first time buyer's tax incentive". The govt. had to extend it once to prevent the housing market collapsing further.

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This'll sound mercenary but as someone trying - and failing - to be a first time buyer I can't wait for prices to decline. There's very little supply at the moment and enough demand to drive prices up a little - but very little to choose between (a small pool of buyers chasing an even smaller pool of properties). Getting a mortgage is not exactly easy at the moment.

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Lets be honest house prices were and still are way to high. It fuelled the crazy impression by most we were mega cash rich and we've all seen the outcome. Still these are the cards we're left to deal and play with, so lets get more outside backing and create something Oldham doesn't have.

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Lets be honest house prices were and still are way to high. It fuelled the crazy impression by most we were mega cash rich and we've all seen the outcome. Still these are the cards we're left to deal and play with, so lets get more outside backing and create something Oldham doesn't have.


Agreed. Unless you're "downsizing", there's never been any benefit to inflated house prices for the average person. The only people who get any benefit are estate agents, with increased commission fees. I remember the boom/bubble in the UK in the early 90s when people were going round saying "my house is now worth nn grand more". FFS, look at it now... This is more so in the US where it costs around 8% of the price to sell your house. Yes that's eight % of the house price if you use a "realtor" - now wonder the market is in such a mess with toxic mortgages etc. "Greed is good", eh? Looking forward to "Wall Street 2"...


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Good common sense all round in the last few posts IMO. It's as worrying that people think therir house is their pension fund when you still need to live somewhere and everywhere else has gone up as well, as it is for the likes of me and Crusoe to wonder if we will ever own a place of our own. A lotof my friends borrowed against their growing equity and wished they hadn't. It's really not right for government policy to try to support house prices (and neither should it try to reduce them). We make our choices and we don't complain when the market works out our way, it's the same when it goes against us.

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The only people who get any benefit are estate agents, with increased commission fees.


I was convinced, at the start of the downturn, that many of these lying parasites would be the first against the wall. But that doesn't seem to have happened, despite house sales dropping to a fraction of what they were a couple of years previously. I guess that shows just how much they made in the good times...


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I was convinced, at the start of the downturn, that many of these lying parasites would be the first against the wall. But that doesn't seem to have happened, despite house sales dropping to a fraction of what they were a couple of years previously. I guess that shows just how much they made in the good times...

I'm not so sure, prior to the downturn I knew a couple of people who wanted to get into that sector, I don't know anyone who is keen now. Maybe they are taking the spare time to pay some attention to the rental customers who they used to treat like annoying flies on a hot day whilst creaming money off them. Not that they've had anything off me for a few years when it's a million times easier to arrange it without those arseholes getting in the way.

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