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Just read this comment from a NIMBY in the MEN

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"This rejection by the Charity Commission is the result of the genuine benificiaries of this land, both in Moston & Failsworth rallying together to prove to the commissioner that this lanfd is of intrinsic value to them. It was given as a deed of covenant in safe keeping to Failsworth UDC in 1924 for the explicit recreation of the residents in that area. as it was a former caly pit the residents accepted the Counfil land filling it to make it more suitable. The council landfilled it for FORTY years, then leased it out to a golf range firm for 10 years by which time OMBC took over & continued to ignore it until this day.Anyone who has walked around it knows allit needs is some TLC & proper pathways laid where currently it is criss crossed with prefernce lines.

In 2006 M/c & Oldham Councils, amazingly agreed to regenerate the area & make the green corridor from Hollinwood to Newton Heath into an urban country park. Then? bang!! along come the same councillors who enthused the residents with this great "regeneration" idea to kill off the country park. Options? It was a no brainer - we became NOOCps - Not on our country park. The Commission knows all about this & the fact that Failsworth has the smallest amount of green area in Oldham && that the land is protected against development as Protected Open Land (so did the council and the club)How do I know?. I have the honour of representing the beneficiaries who so impressed the Commission and have thankfully depressed the council.It has been my privilage to act as the main challenger top the swap since I lodged an 8000 word list of objections last September."

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"This rejection by the Charity Commission is the result of the genuine benificiaries of this land, both in Moston & Failsworth rallying together to prove to the commissioner that this lanfd is of intrinsic value to them. It was given as a deed of covenant in safe keeping to Failsworth UDC in 1924 for the explicit recreation of the residents in that area. as it was a former caly pit the residents accepted the Counfil land filling it to make it more suitable. The council landfilled it for FORTY years, then leased it out to a golf range firm for 10 years by which time OMBC took over & continued to ignore it until this day.Anyone who has walked around it knows allit needs is some TLC & proper pathways laid where currently it is criss crossed with prefernce lines.

In 2006 M/c & Oldham Councils, amazingly agreed to regenerate the area & make the green corridor from Hollinwood to Newton Heath into an urban country park. Then? bang!! along come the same councillors who enthused the residents with this great "regeneration" idea to kill off the country park. Options? It was a no brainer - we became NOOCps - Not on our country park. The Commission knows all about this & the fact that Failsworth has the smallest amount of green area in Oldham && that the land is protected against development as Protected Open Land (so did the council and the club)How do I know?. I have the honour of representing the beneficiaries who so impressed the Commission and have thankfully depressed the council. It has been my privilage to act as the main challenger top the swap since I lodged an 8000 word list of objections last September."


What a complete tw@ and utter to$$er he is! Add to that that he can't spell privilege and 'top the swap' should be 'to the swap'....If he loves the countryside so much he should take his word counting skills and sit in a field - ideally one used by the Army for live firing exercises!

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What a complete tw@ and utter to$$er he is! Add to that that he can't spell privilege and 'top the swap' should be 'to the swap'....If he loves the countryside so much he should take his word counting skills and sit in a field - ideally one used by the Army for live firing exercises!


Couldnt have put it better myself!! :lol::lol:

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"This rejection by the Charity Commission is the result of the genuine benificiaries of this land, both in Moston & Failsworth rallying together to prove to the commissioner that this lanfd is of intrinsic value to them. It was given as a deed of covenant in safe keeping to Failsworth UDC in 1924 for the explicit recreation of the residents in that area. as it was a former caly pit the residents accepted the Counfil land filling it to make it more suitable. The council landfilled it for FORTY years, then leased it out to a golf range firm for 10 years by which time OMBC took over & continued to ignore it until this day.Anyone who has walked around it knows allit needs is some TLC & proper pathways laid where currently it is criss crossed with prefernce lines.

In 2006 M/c & Oldham Councils, amazingly agreed to regenerate the area & make the green corridor from Hollinwood to Newton Heath into an urban country park. Then? bang!! along come the same councillors who enthused the residents with this great "regeneration" idea to kill off the country park. Options? It was a no brainer - we became NOOCps - Not on our country park. The Commission knows all about this & the fact that Failsworth has the smallest amount of green area in Oldham && that the land is protected against development as Protected Open Land (so did the council and the club)How do I know?. I have the honour of representing the beneficiaries who so impressed the Commission and have thankfully depressed the council.It has been my privilage to act as the main challenger top the swap since I lodged an 8000 word list of objections last September."


Your greenbelt land is fooked, I will lmao when you have a haulage centre 24/7 on your door step - that WILL go through! What comes around goes around you Nimby fook! Same as I hope if BP does bite the dust summat like a Supermarket again 24/7 operations gets built on there. Karma bitches, Karma!

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Your greenbelt land is fooked, I will lmao when you have a haulage centre 24/7 on your door step - that WILL go through! What comes around goes around you Nimby fook! Same as I hope if BP does bite the dust summat like a Supermarket again 24/7 operations gets built on there. Karma bitches, Karma!



I would offload the land to such a scheme cut rate just to get at the nimbys....something really noisy.

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I must admit, I don't think I'd be impressed if somebody wanted to stick a football stadium in my back yard!


plus add on to the fact its land that was held for the use of the community etc etc etc...


I don't understand the anger at the NIMBYS... Anger at the council is another thing...

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Something you have all not picked up on...... the interview was with the MEN....so this Nimby thinks he is a mancunian. Probably has an United shirt

bootleg of course.



So using this logic all Failswoth residents are Mancs and therefore Reds.

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Someone replied to one of them last night thought it was funny.




"Did you, Mr Batty? Well done sir. Having said that, I can't help my suspicion that nowhere amongst your "8000-word list of objections" was there any mention of your true motives: "My dog does its mess on that land and I don’t have to bother pooper-scooping," perhaps. Or: "It might affect the value of my house and make me irritable, even though I never plan on selling (unless it goes up)." Or: “Since I hate football and consider anyone who likes it to be a ruffian, I shall weald such power as has befallen me not for the betterment of the majority but for my own personal gratification, and I shall disguise my selfishness by proclaiming my actions are for the good of the people.” Well let’s have a look at your case for, as you put it, “the genuine beneficiaries of this land.” By your own admission, the site has over the last 100 years or so been an industrial clay pit, a golf driving range (I imagine inaccessible to the general walker for health and safety reasons), undeveloped wasteland, and for 40 years a landfill dump, to which, by the sound of it, you’d prefer it to return than become a football stadium. Why? Perhaps when proposals for a country park were made you could suddenly see your house transported to the countryside without paying a single penny for the privilege. What luck! You could pretend you were in The Archers. And the value of your property would surely rise. But plans were reconsidered, by which point you already felt some measure of entitlement. And so you were up in arms, telling planners to keep their hands off “Our Country Park”. Well, I’ve got news for you, it never was a country park, and it certainly wasn’t YOURS! NIMBYs believe land that has nothing to do with them is actually their “back yard”. Well it isn’t. And your 8000 words of protest are no more valid than a dozen words of any of your opponents because you are not worth more than your fellow man. You are not entitled to good fortune. You are a citizen like everyone else. This is as unremarkable a piece of land as is possible to imagine. Were it in the Lake District or the New Forest, I could perhaps understand your wanting to preserve it, but it isn’t. It’s in Failsworth. It will never be Ambridge. Get over it. Or move. I did. Why? Because “I’ve got nowt, but I’m not letting go of it” was an attitude I couldn’t abide. It ensures Failsworth will never be anything other than a miserable, underdeveloped hole, with no features, no prospects, no ambition and no hope. Because of objectionable objectors like you. I’m glad of this decision. You deserve it. Oldham Athletic will do better to look elsewhere for a ground. Very elsewhere. And leave Failsworth to Failsworthians – there’s a clue in the name."

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Someone replied to one of them last night thought it was funny.




"Did you, Mr Batty? Well done sir. Having said that, I can't help my suspicion that nowhere amongst your "8000-word list of objections" was there any mention of your true motives: "My dog does its mess on that land and I don’t have to bother pooper-scooping," perhaps. Or: "It might affect the value of my house and make me irritable, even though I never plan on selling (unless it goes up)." Or: “Since I hate football and consider anyone who likes it to be a ruffian, I shall weald such power as has befallen me not for the betterment of the majority but for my own personal gratification, and I shall disguise my selfishness by proclaiming my actions are for the good of the people.” Well let’s have a look at your case for, as you put it, “the genuine beneficiaries of this land.” By your own admission, the site has over the last 100 years or so been an industrial clay pit, a golf driving range (I imagine inaccessible to the general walker for health and safety reasons), undeveloped wasteland, and for 40 years a landfill dump, to which, by the sound of it, you’d prefer it to return than become a football stadium. Why? Perhaps when proposals for a country park were made you could suddenly see your house transported to the countryside without paying a single penny for the privilege. What luck! You could pretend you were in The Archers. And the value of your property would surely rise. But plans were reconsidered, by which point you already felt some measure of entitlement. And so you were up in arms, telling planners to keep their hands off “Our Country Park”. Well, I’ve got news for you, it never was a country park, and it certainly wasn’t YOURS! NIMBYs believe land that has nothing to do with them is actually their “back yard”. Well it isn’t. And your 8000 words of protest are no more valid than a dozen words of any of your opponents because you are not worth more than your fellow man. You are not entitled to good fortune. You are a citizen like everyone else. This is as unremarkable a piece of land as is possible to imagine. Were it in the Lake District or the New Forest, I could perhaps understand your wanting to preserve it, but it isn’t. It’s in Failsworth. It will never be Ambridge. Get over it. Or move. I did. Why? Because “I’ve got nowt, but I’m not letting go of it” was an attitude I couldn’t abide. It ensures Failsworth will never be anything other than a miserable, underdeveloped hole, with no features, no prospects, no ambition and no hope. Because of objectionable objectors like you. I’m glad of this decision. You deserve it. Oldham Athletic will do better to look elsewhere for a ground. Very elsewhere. And leave Failsworth to Failsworthians – there’s a clue in the name."


SPOT ON..its all in the name.... I remember the lokes about the driving test centre being in FAILSworth........ I failed once myself .....




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