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Day trippers

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And whilst you get annoyed, the day trippers will be enjoying themselves. You have waited a long time for a bit of sucess Mr Hardcore, bloody enjoy it will you!!!


I'll be enjoying it alright! They just grind on me a little...perhaps i yearn for a day in the future where we have 7000 fans who want to come every week! :)

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I would prefer it if more people came more often. I would prefer it if the people who did go could try to support the team more rather than spotting and commenting on only faults.


At the end of the day, I will get a ticket for Anfield. I don't really care who doesn't.

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ok, so we have just beaten southend in the fa cup replay. its not the game i wish to talk about, but those who took advantage of the 2 quid tickets, and those who are jumping on the bandwagon for the mini fa cup run.


behind us tonight, we had spectators who quite simply made it obvious they watched premier football on the box week in week out. if latics were patient in the build up, they wanted it lumped forward. if they lumped it forward, they called for patience. my question is this. would you happily have these behind you week in week out if it added another 1000 to the attendance at boundary park every week or would you rather stick to the hardcore that probably surround you already.


personally, these fans really irritate me. they make comments as though they own the football club then act sheepishly when you prove them wrong time and time again. im all for welcoming new fans too the club but not when they try telling me how i should support my football team. At one point this guy actually said to me "they are playing well tonight arnt they. if they play like this week in week out there is every chance we could be in the premier next year" I REALLY HATE THIS TYPE OF FOOTBALL FAN!!!!!


In Oldham arent they known as the Bovis brigade?

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The amount of tickets the club is likely to get will proably be in excess of double the average home crowd, possibly treble the number of season ticket holders assuming that is around the 2000 figure. And as per usual, ST holders will get priority.


So there is in all honesty, probably close to no chance of 'day trippers' getting tickets at the expense of season ticket holders who want to attend the game.

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I sort of understand where the OP is coming from - but the club can never afford to turn away people who are prepared to pay money to watch the side play.

I felt it last night - there were a lot of young lads sat around us in the MSP who aren't there normally, but have been for the 2 x Tuesday night cup games. From how they have reacted to the games on both occasions, I'd say only 1 or 2 of them are actually Latics fans, the other 6 or so are clearly United or City (or other Prem team) fans. But, as they looked to be over 16; they'd have paid the £10 in; so that's £60-£80 the club wouldn't have had; had we closed the door to anyone other than a 'die-hard'. For that - I have no issue with them being there *


It will be slightly galling to see the away stand at Liverpool filled with a mix of true Latics fans and other 'day trippers'; supporters of City, United or whoever. But, as long as they sing along, don't cause the club any trouble and have paid their money to get a ticket - really, what's the problem?

Surely It still means the same to a Latics fan to see his side run out at Anfield, regardless who he's stood near to doesn't it?




.* Apart from the fact they were sat in my chuffin seat!!! Feckin' Boo!

Edited by slystallone
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I'm a season ticket holder but don't really go to away games given the price, but I will be going Anfield and Wembley. I've always hated the idea that only those who go every game should go to the big games, I went Wembley with Rochdale in Play-off final and like 10 fans were singing the usual "where were you when we were sh*t?" I always find it sad. Given if only the diehards came we would be a laughing stock, as the away end would be empty. Wembley would be even more heartbreaking with all the empty seats, I know I'll get a ticket as I have piroity as do all season ticket holders. Those that aren't know they have to get up early to get some, own fault if you miss out.


That being said I totally understand the OP's complaints, I wasn't able to sit in my usual seat because of two lads sat there (not a big deal) but what annoyed me was they spent the whole game on thier phones playing games and stuff WTF?!?! The stupid comments also bug me, but I sit in the Main Stand so they could be regulars. The whole 'on the floor' and then when the lads are passing it 'get it forward' are the norm.

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Yeh some in the main stand are a funny lot ,

Not only appealing when Diamond hands it in our box , but 1st half they are shouting at them for humping high balls upto the front that wren't sticking.

Second half when they are down to 10 and Latics are rightly knocking it about making them run around they are shouting for us to hump it up !!!!!


Just waiting for one of them to moan when we score !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by losesome
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I remember when we played Carlisle and had that offer on, this lady was next to me shouting 'COME ON BOYS, WE CAN DO IT' and screaming everytime we had the ball. A few seconds later she was saying 'Who's he, is he any good?'.


Irritates me but if it's pumping that little bit more money into the club, brilliant! I'd just rather they kept attending games rather than coming to 1 game and then never coming back!

Haha, that might be a usual Latics fans. Know someone who has been coming for over 30 years, and he still asks me every game who the players are!


Back to OP, yes I would like them to return. Extra 1000 fans at £18 (in middle of Cat A price and Cat C)is alot to a club like us. Also the club could offer to sell ear plugs for fans who don't want to listen to all the :censored:e that gets said!

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I take this will be aimed at me and my dad and you are the chap that was sat infront of me i admit my dad rambles on at times but he has been going to latics for 50 years as a season ticket holder, plus we all know old people can ramble on, im not even bothered about you moaning at him for that and also your mates but once you start to call a 67 year old a knob and then your mates start calling him a c**t thats when i got pissed off if you dont like it when someone moans when a player cant pass 10 yards or doing somthing :censored:e go sit else where, everyone that says they hate these moaner's have had a dig at the team for somthing in the past so give over preaching.....................



Just to let you know the moaning will most probly carry on depending on how the lads play so you are welcome to have a go back at my dad but you and your girlfriends watch your swearing please all i ask...............


Roll on anfield


no this isnt me you refer too. i actually didnt speak to the people i am on about. i attend with my dad, and a couple of other "old timers", as well as a few young ones like myself.


I didnt start this topic purely because i dont like people who dont go every week. i run a house off a single wage as well, so know how difficult finding the finance to watch latics is, and anyone who follows the team but doesnt attend thats fair play. what i mean by my original post is that i would welcome people who have never been to latics before and know absolutely nothing about us and openly admit that. what i cant stand is those who quite clearly never go but think its ok to tell all and sundry why taylor should play centre back and wants dickov to get his boots on. frankly ridiculous comments.


as well as the fool who i refer too behind me, there were three young lads ive never seen sitting next to me. clearly never been but they were asking questions genuinely interested in the club and the players. these sort i welcome with open arms.

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Also the club could offer to sell ear plugs for fans who don't want to listen to all the :censored:e that gets said!


That is an exceptional idea. latics branded ear plugs. surely we must be able to sell 2000+ of these given some of the drivel that gets spouted from the stands each week? where's sean jarvis when you need him?

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no this isnt me you refer too. i actually didnt speak to the people i am on about. i attend with my dad, and a couple of other "old timers", as well as a few young ones like myself.


I didnt start this topic purely because i dont like people who dont go every week. i run a house off a single wage as well, so know how difficult finding the finance to watch latics is, and anyone who follows the team but doesnt attend thats fair play. what i mean by my original post is that i would welcome people who have never been to latics before and know absolutely nothing about us and openly admit that. what i cant stand is those who quite clearly never go but think its ok to tell all and sundry why taylor should play centre back and wants dickov to get his boots on. frankly ridiculous comments.


as well as the fool who i refer too behind me, there were three young lads ive never seen sitting next to me. clearly never been but they were asking questions genuinely interested in the club and the players. these sort i welcome with open arms.



sry and fair comment ;)

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