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Lee Johnson's Football Fwend Gone

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Totally agree, this board will be better when the unis are all back.

what a ridiculous statement... firstly, you're presuming and you don't know that for fact, and secondly someone who attends a uni is just as entitled to an opinion on football as the next man!
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what a ridiculous statement... firstly, you're presuming and you don't know that for fact, and secondly someone who attends a uni is just as entitled to an opinion on football as the next man!

Messageboards do seem to have a higher level of stupidity on them during school / uni holiday periods.


Boredom = post bollocks online.

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Probably because you post the same BS on here at very similar times as the other person, if it isn't you, does on twitter, if you aren't him then I apologise.

It's the old game of tracking everything and anything rumour mill and then passing it off as fact. There's a load of :censored: out there, often based on nothing, sometimes based on deduction (often incorrect), and sometimes the odd nugget.


If it's repeated in context it works. But to pass off speculation as fact is piss-poor.


Xxx is signing.

I've heard Xxx maybe signing.

We're doing business with Yyy and Xxx could be part of it.

The stalker outside the ground has seen Xxx go inside and it looks like he might be signing.


All slightly different. The first one is the only absolute statement. It's the one that makes you look stupid when you post it and it doesn't happen. If individual posting has based it on the Twitter feed of a knob more fool them. I'm not keen on a a Tom Taiwo moment!

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nope, i didn't... O4U explained it better that's all! your post could have eluded to anything! the main point being you came to the assumption someone was who they're not


Back on topic: Can't we all just be football fwends? :grin:

Edited by L1onheartNew
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