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Guy Branston Pickle

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Everything posted by Guy Branston Pickle

  1. Didn't like yesterday that people were chatting about Unsworth before the game had even started. Benefits nobody
  2. Jesus Christ it's shite to watch. Really, really shite to watch. I wouldn't mind if we were winning games playing that way, but we've won 1 out of 5. And it's absolutely appalling to watch. Really not sure I can watch another 40 odd games of that. We aren't going to win the league, and possibly won't make the playoffs, and it's excruciating to watch.
  3. I was due to be in London this weekend anyway so I'll be there. Don't think it's gonna be one for the neutral but hoping for a 3 points and a confidence boost
  4. I can safely say that's where the similarities end, especially on a cold Tuesday night at BP
  5. Yep, back in the good ol' days of the 70s, 80s and 90s you never would have had football fans running on the pitch and fighting each other.
  6. Someone has to create the goals. Who else is gonna do it? Shelton and Sheron?
  7. The "good day for the blah blah lads" is incredibly tiresome btw. Can imagine the smugness as people type it out
  8. It wasn't just "shouting" was it. People were shouting in his face. It's fucking disgusting, as is trying to defend it. These dickheads don't deserve a club to support.
  9. It's disgraceful to shout and swear in the face of the man who saved the club a year ago, yes. Absolutely no excuses.
  10. Playing completely out of position as well. Set up our best chance prior to the goal with a lovely through ball to Norwood. BuT hE DoEsNt RuN AbOuT EnOuGh
  11. Agree with above, the consequences are gonna be less tickets and stricter policing and the non-wanker fans suffering for it. Why do people need to get absolutely slaughtered and snort half of Medellin to enjoy their day out? I love an away day but am increasingly getting more embarrassed by the behaviour of a minority.
  12. Discussion board initt. People can be happy with the point but still have concerns about the performance
  13. Shows the difference a proper quality striker can make at this level. On his toes right til the final minute.
  14. Bad day for the not knowing how many lads groups there are lads today
  15. Get a sub on man, why are we not throwing the kitchen sink? He's settling for a 1-0 defeat here Sheron is on the right wing ffs
  16. Yeah tbf it has, but surely it needs to change now we've gone one down?!
  17. Has he gone to 4-5-1? Norwood on his own, Nuttall on the wing All over the place. Winging it
  18. Set fucking piece AGAIN But they're not bad at set pieces apparently...
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