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Guy Branston Pickle

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Everything posted by Guy Branston Pickle

  1. Get a sub on man, why are we not throwing the kitchen sink? He's settling for a 1-0 defeat here Sheron is on the right wing ffs
  2. Yeah tbf it has, but surely it needs to change now we've gone one down?!
  3. Has he gone to 4-5-1? Norwood on his own, Nuttall on the wing All over the place. Winging it
  4. Set fucking piece AGAIN But they're not bad at set pieces apparently...
  5. Yeah absolute joke that, it hasn't been great to watch but chanting that at 0-0 against the best team in the league?? The mind boggles
  6. Weird half. Frustrating to watch but we've nullified their attack and had the best chances. So bad in possession at times though. Kitching the stand out player, real threat down the left. I'd get Dickinson out there and double up
  7. Not denying that, there's seemingly no gameplan, no one looks comfortable on the ball. But that's where you need someone in midfield who can put their foot on the ball and bring some composure. I've got no faith in the current two to even do the basics
  8. Tepid start. Perfect example of why we need a new midfielder, we've got no composure. Turn possession over so easily
  9. Attacking line up, thank god they've learnt their lesson from Southend. Willoughby on the wing?
  10. You're criticising a player for playing a major part in us scoring 3 goals on Saturday, it is bizarre. You say "the goals were flying in" and give him no credit for creating 3 of them And Nuttall scored more than anyone in our squad last season. A lot more than Tollitt. I'm not denying he could improve. But he brings a lot more to the team than one trick pony Tollitt.
  11. Haha christ, bonkers. The same guy behind me was also screaming at Nuttall to get up and calling him a soft bastard after he had a ball blasted into his face from point blank range it's unpleasant. I'll criticise players on here because it's a forum, but the abuse some of them get in the ground...
  12. But just the 3 assists. What a bizarre criticism. I heard a lad behind me criticising him last night because apparently his first assist on Saturday wasn't quick enough Every club has their boo boy I suppose
  13. His inability to read a game and change things can be so frustrating. It was clear we had nothing going through midfield so why not bring Gardner on? Nuttall for Fondop was like for like and a waste of a sub. Why not bring Reid on who could at least chase down the aimless hoofs forward? He doesn't react to things at all.
  14. Felt like he spent four minutes telling their 22 to stop being a naughty boy
  15. Norwood was quiet too tonight. Fondop didn't make any difference either. Or Reid.
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