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Guy Branston Pickle

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Everything posted by Guy Branston Pickle

  1. I don't think it does, unfortunately. I think Frank's speech last week confirmed that. But if we can't beat Dorking at home we aren't really capable of beating anyone. They have to win. Fwiw I think they'll win comfortably.
  2. 14 wins in 48 now. 29% win ratio Not exactly championship winning stuff is it
  3. After full time. Some cocaine fuelled whopper was doing the whole "hold me back lads routine" with someone. Very small minority in fairness
  4. Didn't enjoy that today at all. Flat, negative atmosphere from the start. Horrible, horrible "football" stadium. Dickhead supposed supporters kicking off with each other. Just nasty and poisonous. As for the game. 1st half was horrible, both teams dreadful. Enjoyed watching Gateshead last season, they looked a shadow of the side. Us not much better, very lucky goal 2nd half much better, real intent from Oldham and deserved the goal. Lack of cutting edge is killing us. Should've been 2/3 up. 2nd goal we conceded was just bad. I'd have taken a point at Gateshead in different circumstances but we should've won that today. Not sure how much he can be blamed for today, I haven't really had time to reflect, but Unsworth's clock has to be ticking
  5. They had a good, experienced and qualified manager in charge. Whereas, erm. Yeah.
  6. Pretty much how we've ended up in non-league really isn't it
  7. This is where I was at. But I just don't think he's the man to take us forward. Think he has 14 wins from 46 games or something which is nowhere near good enough for where we want to be, and he's not showing any signs of improvement. If we're being completely honest, he shouldn't have got the job in the first place. If it was up to me, he'd have 4 games to show significant improvement or he'd be gone.
  8. Giving him 15 games if it clearly isnt working is mental, that's a 1/3 of the season. 3/4 games to turn performances and results around or we have to get someone else in. It's too big a season not to.
  9. I can see where you're coming from. How frustrating that this should even be a discussion, you have a player so volatile that you potentially either have to waste a sub early on or risk a red card because they can't control themselves. Would happily never see him play for us again, not like we're struggling for strikers anymore.
  10. Fondop lost us the game. If a professional footballer can't control himself for half an hour without diving in he shouldn't be in a job He isn't even very good.
  11. Absolutely no way any manager in history takes a player off after 2 minutes. It makes you look weak and like you don't trust your players. Fondop is an experienced player, almost 30, he should be able to control himself. I'm not an Unsworth fan but blaming him for that is mad.
  12. If Unsworth goes Fondop should follow him out the door. 3 times now he's totally let his teammates down with his own stupidity. He can't be trusted.
  13. 14 wins in 44 as far as I can make out. What's that, about a 30% win rate?
  14. I wouldn't mind if there were promising signs there. I remember in Shez's first season we had 1 win in 7 (?) at the start but the football was good and there were promising signs it was going to click. There's nothing positive here, I don't really know what the gameplan is when I watch us, there's no identity.
  15. 1 win in 6. 5 points. 7 goals scored. Minus goal difference. 19th in the league Today was hard luck, some massive chances missed and stupidity from Fondop. But it's not good enough is it
  16. Not like he's an inexperienced youngster either, he's almost 30. Just don't make a challenge, there's 9 other players behind him who can. So stupid
  17. Boggles my mind that Nuttall gets dogs abuse yet Fondop is a fan favourite. One is much more talented than the other and isn't a total liability. I'm fuming at that. Not the first time he's done it either
  18. Predictive text, should've said chanting. Chatting about it I have no problem with, I've been fairly vocal on here that I'm no fan of his
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