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Posts posted by oafc0000

  1. Having thought on this I have decided that SC doesnt want everybody to take up this offer. If about 600 people take it up, that is around a £200k short term fix for whatever he needs it for, then he can use the gate reciepts from the matches for any refunds.

    It's worrying why he needs to do it.

    It's worrying the amount of inward gazing, paper rich, middle class snobs we have on here.

    I dont think people have joined the dots on the consequences for next year's budget if Corney loses his bet.

  2. So if we lose those games you end paying £350 for League Two Football :)


    Bargain.... :shakeit:


    Would make us ones of the most expensive teams to watch in League Two!




    The whole thing shows up where the club think they will be playing Football next season... The club have taken a pretty big and public bet we will be playing in League Two next season.

  3. Did he? He hasn't given evidence yet has he?


    I agree with the tone of your post. But there is a concept of innocent until proven guilty and he has pleaded not guilty to these two charges. There's a two week trial for a reason.


    But there's zero justification for what he's pleaded guilty to. Disgusting.


    He is already guilty... Now its just a case of how guilty....

  4. Some disguising comments on here...what is wrong with people?


    Today in court HE admitted to knowing she was 15, checking age of consenent online, and then still going ahead with inappropriate behaviour.


    There is no 'other side' to the story she was underage and he has admitted to knowing it and has pleaded guilty!


    I have a daughter and maybe this makes he more aware of stuff like this and I can't imagine what her Dad is feeling about the whole thing!


    Staggered sometimes by people's moral compass!


    All of this

  5. Also lets have it right, if found guilty Johnson meant his crimes. Hughes, Evans etc seem to have made mistakes or so they say and in some ways I would agree. The court has heard today that Johnson knew this girl was in year 10 (4th year in old money) and continued on anyway.


    If you are on twitter look at @joshhalliday for reports from court. Sickening stuff.




    He is :censored:ed.... Nasty piece of work...

  6. I'm uncertain of the facts but I'm sure the red tops will be spouting their 'facts' over the weekend.


    If he didn't genuinely know her age but she looked older and chased him then I do feel sorry of the lad regardless of him being a footballer or not.


    Does the fact he had a pregnant girlfriend at the time shame the bastard entirely ?


    Sometimes it's almost as if you know nothing about football....

    I know, mental isn't it....?


    If there's a University type out there looking to study people on internet messageboards who never attend matches, possess little knowledge of the game yet are far more opinionated & forthright than those who do you could be that persons dream..


    The research would probably result in something called the "C-Curve"


    Oh look... Harry is talking :censored: again :)

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