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Everything posted by BP1960

  1. We don't like players running at us, we just drop deeper.
  2. Garner easily loses possession, very poor, our right flank totally exposed.
  3. Walker is a future Championship player, but MM won't play 442 so he's not considered.
  4. So you've never heard of the exceptional youth right winger Alfie Atherton, he's strong, quick, terrific work rate, can pass and cross a ball, clever and can score goals. As ready to start a game as I've ever seen as he has the self confidence of knowing he's good. The only reason he's not selected is MM won't play 442.
  5. You are missing my point, he's had ample time to change the failed home tactics, but refuses to do so. They have proven to work well away so keep them for those matches, but not at home. Attacking the opposition with 2 wingers and direct running central midfielder is my suggestion.
  6. I won't give any love to repeated turgid home perfornces. Would you continue loving a restaurant who served up sub standard meals at £20 or even if they offered you a watered down discount? We have the ingredients (wingers) who can change the menu to be much more appetising, but the chef prefers bland hard to swallow products.
  7. We are talking about home games and fans deserting as a result of the tactics. A point gained said MM today when he should have said 2 points lost.
  8. You haven't attended every home game I assume? The manager has had ample time to sort out the problem but just repeats the same turgid tactics over and over again.
  9. You are right Kitching is no wing back neither are any of our right backs, the answer is 442, but MM with his multiple centre backs just won't play that tactic.
  10. There is no doubt though home performances are worse than we've ever seen before and MM has to take the rap for that.
  11. My impression is MM is so scared of losing home games he's happy with draws, which is why we saw McGahey sat in front of the back 3 and the wing backs deeper as the game wore on. We need to be bold and play attacking footbal to win home games, not hoof it upfield only for the opposition to set up play again.
  12. We have wide men with pace who are creative in Walker and Atherton, but l MM won't play them for the sole reason he prefers 3 centre backs and wing backs (who are supposed to get forward, but too often sit deep). It's getting an obsession which is killing fans interest and a fall in home attendances must surely raise alarm bells with the board - that's assuming they ever hold formal meetings. If we were to start losing away games they'd have to take notice then.
  13. Performances indicate that, the players seem scared of playing at home, hence the hoofball.
  14. He keeps playing poor hoof it players is a bigger problem.
  15. We get worse when the wing backs drop deep, this is a recurring problem in home games, but MM seems not to cotton on to this.
  16. One common denominator at home, 3 centre backs and 2 defensive midfielders in front of them. My impression is not conceding goals is MMs priority. It might work away, but nothing will change at home no matter who we play. Not sure what Dallas brings, if he's not fit now when will he be? Why are better players like Walker and Atherton not even considered? The only thing I can think off is going back to my original point - not conceding goals is the main aim. If we start to lose away games as is possible what will MM do then? McGahey tonight..say no more.
  17. I saw Alfie Atherton training with the youths today (showed great skill and enthusiasm) so it looks like he's overlooked by MM tonight.
  18. If we both agree it's an hat trick for Fondop for sure.
  19. You can watch it live on National League TV for £9.50.
  20. As he got no change out of the big Southend centred backs and Norwood did you could be right.
  21. Yes, I have only 3 emoticons on my phone. Win Lose or draw Blocked
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