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Everything posted by martjs

  1. Why not rename the "Latics Programme Vault" to "Latics Media" and include both the programmes and the shaky video clips? Sorted! Here's why: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media
  2. "Single Forums" - are they like Personal Ads?
  3. I agree. I would be more interested in a "Latics media" forum than the "Latics Programme Vault". Although the media posts are still somewhere it was easier to find videos etc if they were listed in one place. Perhaps you should poll the users?
  4. What is wrong in my life That I must get drunk every night
  5. I think "The Turncoat" has a certain ring to it...
  6. How about "The Season Ticket"? A forum excusively for ST holders. However, on a day like Celebration Sunday, everyone would be able to post in it...
  7. Your "division" could modify an old Chaddy End favourite. It would go along the lines of: "We are the Chaddy Enders (C.E.W.E. division), We are the Chaddy Enders (C.E.W.E. division), We are the Chaddy Enders (C.E.W.E. division), We are the Chaddy Enders (C.E.W.E. division), We are the Chaddy Enders (C.E.W.E. division)... etc." Hope this helps.
  8. This 'ere "The Terraces" place sounds a bit posh to me.
  9. That's all right then. I must try to keep up.
  10. Is Ken Bates from Oldham? Interesting use of the verb "call".
  11. PMSL! Nice one. Personally, I want to see how he will "do a job from the bench". On second thoughts maybe not...
  12. Just read th'article and the sole comment on there... And can't resist pasting it here! " Julie H,Hertford 09/06/2008 12:25:28 I disagree with Tommy Wright's assessment of our season in one area. Our lack of wide players wasn't a problem - in terms of the football ie matches played and points earned, we did enough to be promoted automatically. The problem we had was the 15 point deduction. Sorry to harp on about this but even though the football was lacking quality at times, it was good enough to get promoted on the pitch." Awww, diddums...
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