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Everything posted by martjs

  1. Oh yes. The celebrations started too soon (sort of) at 4-1 with the mexican wave, which apparently, caused the players to relax and let 2 goals in! A definite hand-ball in the area by Milligan was kindly ignored by the ref but he gave Soton plenty of injury time to score an equliser. I used to have the Piccaddily commentary by Stuart Pike and Tommy Docherty. Docherty was calling Le Tiss a lazy git all the time and Pikey was screaming at the ref to blow the whistle for full time. Quality. It was great that the players and staff were able to do a proper lap of honour for once. We went straight into town for some heavy drinking except someone (AB100) got a phone call to come home as it was his wife's birthday... Oh dear, bad timing.
  2. I knew 8th May was a special date in the calendar - and I'm not talking about the ex-Mrs. AB100's birthday! What a day! Let the Mexican wave begin... Ole! English Premier Oldham 4 (2) - 3(1) Southampton Pointon 29 Olney 44 Ritchie 55 Halle 64 Le Tissier 34 Le Tissier 67 Le Tissier 85 At Boundary Park on 08-05-1993 Attendance: 14597 Referee: H King ()
  3. If that's true the club should offer a "Buy one get another one for 12 quid" promotion... Does anyone follow my twisted logic? It could add a few seat-fillers for atmospheric reasons. Although, would it effect the official attendance?
  4. Stockport away. We could have a sweep for this once the play-offs are decided.
  5. Quite. I can hear the words emanating from the Main Stand towards one of the most successful players in English club history... "Get off Scholes, you're bloody rubbish!"
  6. Cheers Macca. I didn't know he was playing in the match. I'll give him some stick about that tackle the next time I see him (if I can remember).
  7. "on loan... he was immense.... Then once he had his contract he was rubbish." That's a totally separate category (or maybe a sub-category) ! How many times have we said that about a player at Latics?!? Keeley - yes, that was Lucky's real name. He was immense when he played against us (I think I've just thought of another sub-category) "You must have come in a taxi" "Chicken" Currie - that was cos of the incident with Schmeichal at Old Trafford wasn't it?
  8. Whereabouts on Derker? I was on Vulcan Street, Stoneleigh park end. Moulden should be in our record books for worst goals for pounds spent or summat like that! And Banger, yes good one. Must be loads more when Big Joe splashed the cash! (He was great when he had none). Killer Kilcline? WTF.
  9. To be fair, I think Sharp was on a hiding to nothing with the "cost cutting" he was forced to do. McCarthy did ok in the Prem - he was probably 'punching above his weight' (or was that Ron Futcher?!?) and was built up as a legend by success-starved Bratford fans.. Goram, shouldn't have come back! Apart from that, good list and you can add Paul Moulden to it... And the "taxi driver" keeper who was brilliant before he signed for us - think his name was "Lucky" or summat...
  10. Did Paul Ratcliffe on Fans Team have a good game?
  11. Lol, my niece actually cuts Scholes hair! I'll ask her... to get anyone some of the ginger stuff if they want...
  12. I hope the 28.99% are 50% happy now. Me, I'm gutted.
  13. "A tally of five strikes this season places him 3rd in the club's goalscoring charts in 2007/08" That's worrying to me or am I living in the past?
  14. No, the ending was The Great Escape matches culminating with a joyous rocking BP (thanks for the missing that handball by Spike ref!). Is the rest of the documentary available on youtube? (Or has someone in this thread had it banned? ) I'm educating the S.A.D.D.O.S. * branch of OASIS about our short stint in the big time... * Don't ask me what it means cos I've forgotten!
  15. Loved this - I used to have it on videotape... Eeee, those were t'days
  16. If you're right then we're in for some stick from the Lashers when either (i) we go up or (ii) they come down. Unless those two events coincide... Now, that WOULD be nice
  17. Fair enough, but I think one of the big differences is I grew up hating Manchester. Oldham was in Lancashire when I was born and it still is to me - despite Thatcher inventing the GMC (and GLC, haha). We used to sing "We're not part of Manchester" at Latics, not sure if it's still sang there. Liverpool's arrogance stems from their domination of English (and to an extent European) football in the 70s and, as you say, United now have the "right" to do the same. So we might have to wait until United are ###### again or are 4th best team in that "not at all interesting" mini-league at the top of the Prem to make a judgement on unjustified arrogance. To summarise, I'm probably more bitter and twisted about the Manchester clubs than you, although I can just about bear City at times... My excuse for this is 5 brothers-in-law who are United fans and with their kids it's growing!
  18. Ok, there weren't enough options in the poll. I suppose I need to propose many more choices next time: ABL?, ABC?, ABB? there ya go. It was my first attempt at a poll - note to self: must do better next time... Substitute Liverpool for Man Utd (Oh, and "Manchester" for "Liverpool" in the second line) and we concur. You surprised me here as I can think of 2 huge reasons for hating Liverpool but you didn't list them. Did you happen to bump into any Man Utd fans after they won the treble in 1999? I've been to Old Trafford and Anfield many times as an away fan watching Latics and I know which fans were more magnanimous in victory. But could you say that about the scummers at Maine Road and Wembley in the FA Cup semi-finals. The twats even booed Latics off the pitch at Wembley. I know there's banter between fans etc but that wasn't really in the spirit of the FA cup was it? And some Latics fans can't stomach to chant "Hughesy" for ANY Latics player named Hughes after that day... Oh. At the same time Andy Barlow gifted them the 3 points at Anfield, Man Utd came back from 3-0 down to draw 3-3 against Sheff Wed (I think). As we were leaving Anfield some Liverpool fans were saying they (Man Utd) deserved the title with a comeback like that. Can you imagine hearing that conversation the other way round? Hmm... Thought not!
  19. You don't own Visitbritain.com then? I go to Oldham for my holidays at least once a year.
  20. Ok, you make some fair points BUT then you say you hate Liverpool - explain that one please. And who has made the assumption that you have to hate United if you are Latics fan? Were you sat in the middle of their scummy fans at Maine Road (3 times) and even Wembley after Latics sold tickets to anyone for those semi-finals? Ironically, my brother-in-law took me to OT a few times in the 1970s and 1980s and it was a great experience. No prawn sandwich brigade then I can tell you. But after our first semi-final against them that was my turning point. I read a few other posts that say they don't hate the club but hate Taggart and their fans and that's were I feel. But ultimately <reaches for Corporal pen> teams like United will be the death knell of English football. They and their greedy fans want to buy all the best players so they can pummel the other teams every week. Exciting that aint it? I'll support Barcelona tonight as I visited their ground once and bought a couple of their shirts. Most plastic United fans could only claim the latter. This poll was intended as a bit of fun but it's surprising how the bait draws them in on Chumps (sic) League evenings... I look forward to your defence of your Liverpool hatred. Let's see, they were a dominating force in England and Europe in the 1970s... Bought all the best players at the time, er... They are northern... Nah, that can't be it.
  21. Lol, good one. Very punny... And cheers for doing the poll Phil.
  22. Don't know how to set this up but I would love to do a poll on here for the Champions League Semis. A bit of background: I used to get stick on the old Official Board for being a raging ABU (Anyone But United) usually, strangely enough, by other ex-pats (in Australia, cough) who were more inclined to be "Any British Team". Probably something to do with bragging rights. So who do you want to win the "Champions" League? Are you an ABU or any ABT? Can a Mod please oblige with the poll? Thanks.
  23. I was thinking that. It should be something for Shez to consider for next season - a sort of opposite to Harbin... If the lads lose a match without any fight in them: "Let em have it Cherry!"
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