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OWTB Member
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Everything posted by Schlieb

  1. Seriously? Wtf is with your avatar? Just have something normal.
  2. Had me laughing for a good 10 minutes that post. Brilliant.
  3. Can't believe he's been overlooked to be honest.... But then again, it is Roy Hodgson.
  4. Quite like seeing how they get on - whether I like them or not.
  5. Really gutted but i knew it would happen really. All the best Kieron. Class act.
  6. Slightly off topic, but was playing modern warfare 3 tonight and there was a guy called olly oafc with the clan tag OWTB. I loved that, of all the players in the world, I found a tic. I go in games with Americans, new Zealand, australia, Africa etc. Thought it was pretty cool.
  7. I like that, very different story to the norm. Great you stuck at it and travel all that distance so often with no real affiliation to the town. Good on you. As for me, I had no choice, dads a tic, bros a tic, and now my lil bros got the curse!
  8. That's some scary stalker :censored: indeed haha
  9. How is it bollocks? A potd'er could miss 7 out of 23 games and still pay more?!
  10. Say someone offered you £20,000 up front for a years work, or £23,000 paid out throughout the year? Which would you prefer?
  11. Example for you; my dad has been a fan for 40+ years. He's seen great times and more often bad. To my knowledge I don't think hes ever owned a ST, I think he's just happy to go down and pay the going rate. So is it fair that a 16 year old lad who's paid £50 for the first time for a ST has first dibs over a fan like my dad? I personally think not. Some may say more fool him, but that's just his way, and hes contributed more than most over the years.
  12. I hate ST snobbery. I have bought one for the first time in 3-4 year, and I will not be looking down on potd people. Like they don't deserve tickets for a big cup game? I bet half of them end up paying more than a ST holder
  13. Short term yes, long term no. £460 or £308 ? Alot of people go all or nearly all but dont buy ST's
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