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Everything posted by dazlatic

  1. Stood in the Main Stand Paddock. Chaddy End side. What a night! Yooo hooo, Julian!
  2. That's my old school. I shall say now What I said before and said after Before I say it again! Bloody cat-licks
  3. Signed both. This needs sorting and fast before saving Latics turns into a political farce.
  4. People here hang on you every word, you know. You are the closest person we have to where it all happens! See what you can find out Barry! By the way... you don't need a full-stop and exclamation marks or a space
  5. William, William it was really nothing William, William it was really nothing it was your life
  6. Ok How about this then Mr Singe :-) A rush and a push and the land that We stand on is ours It has been before So it shall be again And people who are uglier than you and I They take what they need, and just leave A RUSH AND A PUSH AND THE LAND IS OURS Lyrics: Morrissey
  7. Nil desperandum illegitemum carborundum... See you back at BP as soon as you are ready, Simon.
  8. 100% agree Diego. Only problem with going to Ashton is that it has its own cinema, bowling & 3g pitches complex Anyone else remember at the 1st Planning Meeting when a female committee member listed the proposed new facilities and said, "3g Astro Turf pitches... whatever that means"? That is typical of the calibre of our council members. Everything is half-researched and half baked in this once proud town, and that is why it is on its deathbed. Ignorant, incompetent, gutless, small-minded and self-serving councillors have wrecked Oldham by not looking at what is best for everyone. Not just the noisy minority. But then again, upsetting the noisy minority may cost them votes.
  9. Holloway just signed Jason Puncheon on loan until the end of season. Maybe Chris is not going to the seaside!
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