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Everything posted by jw_oldh857

  1. I'm an optimist Pete but like Prozac says this was being mooted about in 89, 24 years ago f?kin hell I bet most on hear weren't born then?
  2. along with everyone else I'm desperate to see progress on latics new stand, an how frustrating watching other clubs moving forward on redeveloping there grounds yet with us it's painfully slow, this must have been going on for 18 years now when sportspark 2000 was going to be built with us an the rugby sharing it, we've been so patient on this but I'm so indifferent to it all now the excitement I had about it happening isn't there anymore. one fed up oldham fan
  3. come on chaddy how can you get the hump with what he said there? patience is key at the mo but 15 games are fast approaching when he said judge me, an we will
  4. some on here were a bit harsh on him the other week and knowing someone who knows him he's a top bloke, let's get the cat back amongst the pigeons.
  5. pleased the reports back from us are all fairly positive, an well done wes he played well last week so looking good for pne tues. although the table looks worrying tonight gulp
  6. I admire you for what your doing mate well done, is there anyway I can get my building materials through this scheme your running for player share?
  7. it takes a lot of guts what you just wrote mike, so I hope things work out
  8. I'm not great on a computer but does this mean new member Rossi is In fact chaddy end regular ?
  9. agree al although today the header which hit the bar an the two chances off the line convinced me we will turn it around,it's strange but we were the better side today but got nothing from the game
  10. as you were mr Jonson on the chopping an changing for me, keeps everyone on their toes an echoing a few mentions of this from other fellow tics were almost there you could see it 2nd half today we were by far the better footballing team but luck is deserting us so far. finally well done Crawley fans for the cooksey applause a decent bunch
  11. I was against Jonson when he took over but he's won me over,an from our point of view we got to grin an bare it sadly we should have got something today tho its frustrating as f.k watching us
  12. just got back an to be fair we played ok but not getting the breaks at the mo. this is only my 3rd game of 1 nil defeats so far, gutted for the 300 fans an there long journey home an wished mr Jonson hadn't said judge me after 15 games because we will
  13. only saying IF its true its shameful Pete-if its not or there's more to it then nothing to feel ashamed about
  14. how could anyone take from us all and latics when we all know how tight we are for money, if this is true its shameful
  15. I know this sounds a bit dramatic but I reckon we lose out on a few hundred per match by having a blanket ban on smoking I'm one of the pay on the day lot an it's impossible to gauge if it affects attendance as for me ill miss the vale game but will be at the tranmere one whatever the wallsall result was
  16. rummy that sentence was quality mate I can't stop laughing. if I'm goin sat ill pop in for 1or 2. good idea posting on here btw mr landlord
  17. I just don't get it Harry. I watch oldham because it a release from the norm, although I did notice in the chaddy we have an ageing fan base which I include myself in, with a lot of children an not a lot of the middle group. maybe that contributes to a lack of atmosphere
  18. to blame Byrne for yesterday is laughable, we had ran out of ideas an punting it long way before he came on.get him match fit and he'll be solid for us this season an in fairness to him it was a big ask coming on, being up against there pacy forward line
  19. but Alex lets get real here 1st home game? 22 to go we looked in patches
  20. Eyres i see what you see but it's too early yet they will be up there so that's where we want to be at
  21. my view of there goal was montano was at fault he should have gone with his runner who whipped the cross in
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