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Everything posted by OldhamSheridan

  1. That's it, you messin' with the clique* now!!! *I hope that's what "ain't that special"
  2. Okaaay. I'll rephrase it: Yes, I heard it! The MENSA meeting participants in front of me were singing it.
  3. I'm on two lines of thought with the transfer window. I'd either like us to: (i) Buy, in a reasonable manner, the players that can push us to a playoff place and ultimate glory; or (ii) Sell off all of Coco's favourite players for practically nothing and see if he can be pushed into a negative comment.
  4. "I think they should get in a manager with certain criteria. (1) Must have a previous connection with Newcastle United. Newcastle fans love nothing more than one of their own. (2) Must have managed in top division football, none of this lower league rubbish. (3) International managerial experience is a must to attain the respect of Worldclass players. If so, only one name in it then. Wadsworth it is. " Dammit, hadn't considered Keegan. Oh well, here's to Newcastle fans lording it up for a while, well until mid-April at least.
  5. I still reckon that everyone emailed in saying the Barcelona shirt, just the daft buggers thought they meant the away one from a couple of seasons ago.
  6. Didn't think it was too bad, we were always going to get a bit mullered under the circumstances. It wasn't half as annoying as the 4-4 draw with Bristol Rovers which preceded it. (3-1 twas)
  7. I have to say this is up there. Threw it down all the way there (risking life and limb every time I overtook a lorry). Players put in one of the most abject performances I've seen from an Oldham team. Threw it down all the way back. I knew I shouldn't have gone back to Rotherham after that 3-0 stuffing we got a couple of years earlier*. *And I didn't for the 3-2 win.
  8. The simple thing is, if we can't afford players like Clarke* on a permanent then stop crying about it to the local press and either get him/someone similar in on loan for the rest of the season and deal with players who are out of contract at the end of the season when their demands have to become reasonable. If players don't look like playing their teams want these players out on loan to improve them and cover some of the wages. So just play the game as they want it. Although Fleetwood looks good in his division he has been an abject failure at any level in the league. He may have got better, since seven montha ago when Hereford deemed him not good enough, but I wouldn't want to be risking too much on it. *If, as seems likely, it is him.
  9. Completely different scenario. It is/was in Luton's interest to get rid/sell players in such a manner. It was in no way in our interest for Porter to do the dirty and bob off to Scotland on a free. The Motherwell move still doesn't make that much sense to me and I think there were some seriously underhand dealings going on here. Whoever "buys" him will leap up my table of hate. Although I wouldn't wish any player to break his leg (face dropping is okay), these things happen in football and he would be the player I would least dislike to break his leg and never play again and end up destitute and have to sell a kidney for money, before living homeless in the streets of Glasgow before getting a habit and spending most of his life flitting between an park bench and a gaol cell.
  10. Jeez, and I was just hoping his face would drop off.
  11. He's at Fenerbahce now (playing under the name Kazim Kazim), who have qualified for the Second round of the Champions League, ahead of PSV and CSKA, and have been invited to join the G14 (or however many they have numbered it upto now). We might not be able to lure him to Boundary Park.
  12. Yep, Lomax looks an able cover, but I wouldn't expect he will continue indefinately out of position. It's not just ability to defend that requires the left foot, but attacking/wing back play really needs it. Now at right back he could slot in nicely.
  13. No, that would have read: "As for the crowd. They are like all these two bit no marks (Cheltenham etc.). They get worked up over the slightest things. A wrong call by a linesman will have them irate at Smalley for the remainder of the game."
  14. It requires inverted comma's now? I can't see it myself, not because of previous misdemeanours, but because Burnley already have better forwards.
  15. Not this year, myself. Last year was fun. It was the start of the tourist season and an accident on the A303 meant I was sat in my car twenty miles away as the game kicked off. A bit of pro-active driving (past a load of places named affter camels) and I made it for half time(although I got parked and in for free) only to see the remainder of a game pretty much ruined by the windy conditions. It took over four hours from Watford . As for the crowd. They are like all these two bit no marks (Cheltenham etc.). They get worked up over the slightest things. A wrong call by a linesman will have them irate at the referee for the remainder of the game. It's a bit Soulless from an away fans point of view as there is no roof in the away end.
  16. They paid the players yesterday/today didn't they, so that they wouldn't become free agents and they could, err, sell them. Like they are doing now.
  17. Okay then, let's not. We either miss out on players which would strengthen our team and in the process other teams around us are strengthened. Or Luton go under even quicker as a winding up order is brought into process by someone thinking no money is coming forward. Whichever way you look at it, Luton are in trouble. Buying no one will not help them. Buying someone/removing a wage might (a little). It's about buying time now at luton - rather than straight forward finances I'm afraid.
  18. No real problem with Motherwell, it was Porter that did the dirty. A move which I still can't understand bearing in mind the other options available.
  19. Minimal offer (£20k?) for Goodall might not be a bad move. Just to test the waters, like.
  20. I'd have him first out of the door. I'd be tempted to offer him terms now beacuse the odds are he's hardly going to play again and when he has done this season he's stagnated the team..
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