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Everything posted by Stevie_J

  1. Just three days left to get your entry in and input your first predictions. @JoeP, you've applied but I haven't received a payment. @astottie, I have your money but you haven't yet applied for the OWTB pool on Superbru - let me know if you need any help. Dave Watt has applied but, again, I have no payment and I can't match up the name with an OWTB member.
  2. I don't imagine Scholes is interested but, if he were, I don't think his media commitments would get in the way of him taking the job.
  3. Wasn't Royle also the second longest serving when he left?
  4. That was mostly down the the shit form of other teams. Was it one win in the last 12 games? Aye, well done, Richie. Cheerio.
  5. I reckon you've got a bright future as a Mike Keegan source.
  6. Do they fuck. Their average attendance last season was about four and a half thousand. Ours was about the same.
  7. I appreciate many will disagree, and I'm not saying he has no right to be employed, but I'd prefer the club strived to have the good reputation it had when I started supporting Latics. A manager with a past conviction for assaulting a woman, not to mention the fact he's an absolute gobshite, wouldn't be for me.
  8. A man who knocks women about? No thanks.
  9. All right, chill out before this turns into something I need to waste time moderating please. I agree with your main point. There's next to no loyalty in football. People talk about the club and fans affording loyalty to Wellens; I guarantee he'll be off if he gets an offer from near enough anyone else (he should be so lucky), just like when he played for us.
  10. No, you're fine. The clock means approval is pending, but I sorted yours last night. Cheers.
  11. This comparison's been made a few times. Warne was relegated with Rotherham team punching above its weight in the Championship. We were in League One for two decades...
  12. Like Dan Gardner when we signed him? I think what he really means is, "Nobody will be interested in most of them because they're shit."
  13. I've got eleven confirmed players, paid and signed up. Then there's @astottie and @maddog who are paid but yet to sign up. And danjlund5 and scottakie, who have signed up but not yet paid.
  14. So far me, Bristolatic, stevesidg, Ex_pat, nzlatic and Mick26 are signed up. @astottie I've received your payment but you've not yet added yourself to the OWTB pool. Let me know if you're having any problems. Dan Lund, you're signed up to the pool but I haven't received payment. Again, give me a shout if you're having any problems.
  15. Once you've paid up, please use the following link and enter the pool code below to enter: https://www.superbru.com/worldcup_predictor/pool.php?p=11849733 Pool name: OWTB.co.uk Pool code: micacuts Give me a shout here or by PM if you have any problems.
  16. Now then. This is a bit awkward. I didn't specify whether predictions would be scored at the end of 90 mins or AET - I should have said that predictions applied to the 90 mins, not extra time. Based on the FT score, Metty wins 6-2. But, AET, a259 wins 5-1. So, if all would-be Premier League players sign up next season, I'll forfeit my place in the PL and both Metty and a259 will be promoted.
  17. Anytime now, as I've distributed all the prediction league money according to people's instructions now.
  18. Frankly, I wasn't going to bother with one of these this time, as they tend to be a lot of work and I don't really have the time or energy. But given that we need to pay the bills and it might help a bit with that, and since the Superbru (https://www.superbru.com/worldcup_predictor/) site appears to offer a low maintenance, free option, I thought I really should. I'm thinking a fiver in, to be paid by Paypal to Stevie_J@owtb.co.uk (note the underscore - best to copy and paste it). Please leave your OWTB username in the comments box. Then I'll send a invite to the OWTB pool back to each person as they sign up. Please use the same username as you have on OWTB when you sign up. 50% to go towards OWTB running costs. The rest as prizes - something like 50% for 1st; 30% for 2nd; and 20% for 3rd. Give me a shout if anything is unclear, or to point out something blindingly obvious that I might have missed. -- Edit: Once you've paid up, please use the following link and enter the pool code below to enter: https://www.superbru.com/worldcup_predictor/pool.php?p=11849733 Pool name: OWTB.co.uk Pool code: micacuts --- Edit: With 31 players, we have a prize pot of £77.50 which means £38.75 for the winner, £23.25 for 2nd; and £15.50 for 3rd. It also means a donation of almost the same amount (slightly less due to PayPal fees) to OWTB, which is a massive help so thanks a lot to everyone who's signed up.
  19. @oafcmetty PM'ed his prediction: Shrews 1-1 Rovrum Nolan HT 0-0 41,813 Metty, I'm posting it up here, as there is no need to do it by PM. Obviously you won't be able to edit this post, so if you want to amend your prediction, just post a new one in this thread. Good luck to both finalists. May the best predictor win!
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