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Everything posted by Matt

  1. I disagree, they need guidance - nothing wrong with a pressure group asking difficult questions as long as they consider the answers they might get. They need to work with the trust for this line of supporter interaction to be effective.
  2. :censored:ing hell. Modern day witch trials - a panic suggesting that malevolent scientists were operating as an organized group for their own gain. I can't understand why, as humans we can go from the Wright Brothers to Yuri Gagarin in fifty-odd years yet we have Texas, Boris Johnson and Daesh.
  3. Carry on and you'll lose your status. You are not winning anybody over with such behaviour. I suggest you visit other clubs' meetings to get experience, you're miles off.
  4. There's a way of doing that, and your previous reply wasn't it.
  5. PPL is based on aggregate annual attendances. OAFC might be about 150000 which is about £430 plus 20% for music that emphasizes incident. Venues with an aggregated annual attendances of 1m people would be charged £3000.
  6. I'm tempted with Overwatch - Battleborn looks like fun as well.
  7. My 4X days are long gone, and I'm gash at run and gun as well - so me and four other mates team up on Siege whenever we can - we're in the understanding that you can't really play this unless you've got comms with the majority of the team, and we don't talk to :censored:ing Americans. Not after the Kings Fall raid incident, so if there's 3+ team mates we usually jump on ranked. Played Division since day one, and sold it about two weeks ago when it turned into :censored:ing Destiny. Got Dirt Rally and Forza 6 to break it up a little, but currently enjoying the single player story on Frontline Revolution. The MP side of the game is a bit flimsy,
  8. Problem with this is that with the current structure, there is no way of measuring performance. Okay, you could say still being in L1 is measurement in itself - but who generates investment interest, and how is that interest monetized? Who isn't pulling their weight? Perhaps they are - who knows. I have just witnessed an almighty change in a clubs' leadership - we were sleepwalking into a new era, assuming that those in control had the best interests of the club in hand. The truth of the matter was is that it was cronyism of the highest order - top jobs for all the boys, with hardly any financial progress or development given the resources at their disposal. As a consequence the membership pressurised the board, provided resolutions and members votes to change the culture of the board; important MV's and resolutions were passed at the AGM with the board resigning. The subsequent EGM will see the membership voting/interviewing for new board members hopefully with proven track records to progress the club. We see exactly who these people are, their experience, their worth. My point is that, SC doesn't have to answer to anybody - there is a club and there is Simon. The club is his, and he can do what the :censored: he wants with it. Perhaps there is no point, and I'm just rambling - however, it's so frustrating when you are unable to see the worth of those trusted to do decent job.
  9. The status quo is so appealing, so let's not think of alternatives. I'm willing to move with supporters trust control of the club.
  10. Good to read, thanks for the link. I echo those sentiments, thanks for all of the support over the season. I'd like to add that there will be an upgrade to the forum later on this week, there shouldn't be much disruption in the UK as I'll try to plan the work overnight. Thanks, Matt.
  11. I agree, if it's trimmed down though it becomes more manageable. As a side - what happens to OAFC's FA Cup final ticket allocation?
  12. Maybe it doesn't have to be 100k a month.
  13. I suspect so; we'd never know unless it needed to happen due to catastrophe. He probably would, however would he get elected onto a member-elected board? I doubt he would have a mandate. It's surprising who comes to the front when leadership is needed. I don't think paying for a scoreboard is really a great indicator of fan involvement. Is it a necessity? It's nice to have one I suppose, and it can be used for revenue - or so they say - I've not seen the financial projection. However keeping the 120 year OAFC bloodline going is a different matter entirely.
  14. :censored: me. He's parachuted in to do complete an objective - keeps Latics in the division, then :censored:s off for something else whilst not showing club loyalty whatsoever. Unless you're house bound watching VHS tapes of the pinch me years on repeat - this is how the game works these days, and SC is probably making the best of a :censored:ed up situation.
  15. With non-OAFC fundraising, please ask first before posting.
  16. Excellent point, I agree. Yeah, I was making the point that we'd listen/buy any old crap if it was in the scene. I've got two CD singles to prove it.
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