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Everything posted by help_shiny

  1. this might seem a bit random but if I may chip in with my own question - anyone know a Techno-centric Radio station in Berlin?
  2. I think the TV argument is a red herring - Sky dont show games from the 'EDF Energy Cup'. It's the BBC and they've already got another game pencilled in for the Saturday. Methinks Sale are saying "sod off, we own the place." and Stockport are rolling over and telling Latics its got to be Friday night. It would seem that Latics dont want Friday night and are probably telling Stockport to grow a backbone.
  3. I have a vague memory of them having to sell the ground to Sale due to being skint. As for the complete lack of info - until last nights little Chron snippet - a fellow member of my party has summed it up well "treat the punter with contempt, they wont mind"
  4. and while I'm frothing at the mouth have any of the clubs made any public announcements at all about this? If yes then it passed me by. If not then it's bloody shoddy.
  5. I see you boys have quite a debate going here. I align myself with the sentiments of Partick Thistle fans “We’re nothing but a football team, so f*** your Pope and f*** your Queen!” It's a shame some oil rich Arab dynasty dont buy PT and hammer them both, give them both something else to think of.
  6. Is the Sale game on telly though????? I cant see it anywhere. It's certainly not on Sky and its certainly not on BBC
  7. ah well! Seriously gutted. Bah Now getting to Piccadilly at 11:45 on the Saturday morning is appearing to be a tad foolish. Some serious stomach lining is going to be required
  8. I think it would make sense for Stockport to play their game on Saturday and Sale to play on Sunday. Am ticked off about this - I really had no idea, there goes the centrepiece of my northern weekend.
  9. what a load of crap! Have only just found out about this. Have had my train tickets booked for weeks. A group of us were doing this and then hopping a cab to Old Trafford for the RL. Looks like a good solid 5 hours drinking in Manchester on the Saturday afternoon then. If Stockport have first dibs on the fixture why are they rolling over for what would have been one of their biggest gates of the season?? Get back to League 2 you amateurs.
  10. Hopefully England will play in the evening or perhaps even on Friday night. It's a bit much to have the league switch its fixtures about on account of a friendly against Slovakia. Then again, what do we count for in the grand scheme of things?
  11. ahh, I didnt realise that. I saw they were 2-0 up. oops! Schalke are in further hot water as one of their players called the ref a whore twice on tv after the game and another said that it was 9 men against 14. Still, they have a point (2-3 was offside and 3-3 was a verrrry dodgy penalty). I'll certainly be trying to watch the return match later in the season!
  12. I dont think it was a particulary shrewd PR move - it was just the kind of thing you'd expect from these chancers. They knocked back a £1M bid from ITV and said it wasnt commercially viable - the normal price would have been 300-400K. I dont know about Sky but the BBC also bid over the odds. Then when they realise the backlash against them is building they announce a couple of hours before kickoff that they'll show the highlights - how many people even knew about this?They had no plans to show the highlights, they wanted the only way to watch it being taking out one of their subscriptions but then realised they'd misjudged. It'll be interesting to see if the same charade will be gone through next time. Did they make up the £1M they could have got from ITV through new subscriptions? I really really hope not. Hats off to a company that makes Rupert Murdoch look good.
  13. I watched the Dortmund v Schalke derby on Saturday afternoon - awesome entertainment. Going into the 67th minute Schalke were comfortably 3-0 up but contrived to draw 3-3 and be down to 9 men. There should have been at least 5 minutes added time but Schalke had lost their heads and I think the ref thought "sod this" and he blew at bang on 90 minutes just after a double assault by a Schalke player. Great game!
  14. no longer I'm afraid! The game has been called off - they had a Madonna concert there on Tuesday night and it's ruined the pitch. Its being relayed and the game is postponed. I bet the poop is hitting the fan over this, the Friday night TV game cancelled on the day - wonder why it took them so long, they must have known the situation before now.
  15. I was reading some financial bods website the other day (forget his name - he's on the telly if that's any help!) and he said that Setanta had the single worst cancellation policy for any 'major' company he had ever seen in his life.
  16. EXACTLY! You hit the nail on the head there Royton. If anyone out there is even vaguely considering getting Setanta and it's not the freebie offer through Virgin or BT then DONT DO IT. It's easy to join but almost impossible to leave. I've been trying for 4 months now. I have been promised that this month will see my final payment but I am fully expecting to see them take more money next month. DONT GO ANYWHERE NEAR THIS GANG OF CRIMINALS. grrrr. I really hope they go bust.
  17. *cough cough* - I'm not sure what you're talking about. p.s - I'll tell you summat though, there's summat wrong about some of that German stuff
  18. f 'em all off lads - stick a 1metre motorised monstrosity of a dish up, hook up with the dodgy satellite pirates and watch all you want. It'll pay for itself soon enough. You might lose your wife, the exterior of your house will look dreadful and you will automatically drop a social class or two but what does that matter when you can watch the Moroccan 2nd Division?
  19. great great performance. I had a funny feeling we'd win but I was way short with my 2-1 correct score bet. They were dirty b'ards werent they? Even though I have still got Setanta Sports I couldnt bring myself to watch it on there AS I HATE THEM. So where did I watch it? German free to air TV. If Germany's version of BBC2 can put it on then it's nothing short of criminal that that absolute shower have the rights. Then they pull that rubbish with the highlights, they never had any intention of letting BBC or ITV have the highlights package.
  20. There are plenty of City fans who are decent human beings, I've even met some of them. I still dislike the part of them that supports that lot. Dealing in generalities - I wish them all nothing but misery. Football innit. There are plenty of nice people who support every single team, that doesnt mean that we cant let off bile surely? I'm all for peace and love but if you are no longer allowed to indiscriminately slag off a whole clubs support without being ticked off then I say keep your game and what it has become! I also happen to be good friends with a Millwall fan for example - it doesnt stop me observing that they're scum. As are City (obviously I'm not close friends with any of them - I'm not that twisted). There is a friend of the family who is a City season ticket holder, I cannot even discuss football with him as his team and allegience sicken me. A similar thing with my ManU supporting brother in law. Another brother in law is a Leeds fan, I can barely look at him if he even mentions them. Irrational? Stupid? Maybe, but that's football. I'm not knocking 100 years of tribalism on the head for anybody.If we all wanted everything sanitised to the nth degree we'd be bloody rugby fans. City, for me, mean all the big mouthed nasty Mancs I used to come across when we played them back in the days of yore - no amount of meeting normal ones is ever going to change that. 99% of these normal ones are good folk but that 1% of their personality................I speeeeeeet on you! Hope it all goes tragically wrong for them so I can dance around in a frenzy of schadenfreude.
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