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Harry Dowds Green Shirt

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Everything posted by Harry Dowds Green Shirt

  1. Am I missing something here? Did we concede a penalty against Yeovil last week? Cheers, harry
  2. Agree with what you are saying lags. You are also right we shouldn't be regularly struggling against temas in the bottom half of the table when we more than hold our own against top half sides. It is the managers job to sort that out. Ability isn't the problem, but attitude, consistency and "preparation" are and more than 1 of those 3 issues are in the managers control. Cheers, Harry
  3. It's good to see that Shez changed it at Half time. For those who doubt him, maybe he does have a plan B. Despite my backing of him earlier this season, Gregan has been going through a poor run of form recently and doesn't seem to have been able to pull himself out of the slump (although poor form for gregan is in some cases better form than some players in form if you get my point). So hats off to the manager for dragging off one of his "bigger" players when its not going well. It will be interesting now to see if he keeps his place next weekend. Players do go through lean patches and it is the managers responsibility to either change things around or get more out of the player and hope he plays himself back into form. He hasn't played himself back into form and appears to have cost us another goal today so the manager really has no choice if he is doing his job. However, it will be interesting to see the incident on TV. I'm not sure if it was Ferdinand or Vidic who got away with a clear pull on Nasri in the game earlier today and the ref didn't give the pen. Some you get but most you don't. However when you are not in good form these decisions do tend to go against you so maybe you should be more careful. Cheers, Harry
  4. In view of no Ormerod or Hughes, the selection is not exactly surprising. Shez will be expecting a direct areial bombardment today and bringing Stam in for Eardley will give us extra height. Apart from Stam, Gregan & Hazel there is only Jones and Smalley with any height and Martin Allen would have been looking to put us under presssure with a nomber of high balls. The selecion should give us extra protection. It also looks like Shez has gone for pace and good engines on the flanks and is looking for Jones and Taylor to put in plenty of miles tracking up and down. Having said all that and looking at the players out and out on loan, the bench still looks strong. Cheers, Harry
  5. I still think you are missing my point here. I've said in my previous posts that I think that Jones is a good player. In fact I'll clarify that. I think Jones is a very good player. I hope that is clear in the nicest possible way. My point was and still is this. IN MY OPINION, his signing has unbalanced us. There is a change of emphasis on the left hand side. Whilst it is certainly more attacking and for us fans that has to be a plus, I think it has left us a little more open in defence. That is not a critisism of the player or using him as a scapegoat. Again, IN MY OPINION, Kelvin does not pose the attacking threat that Jones does, so tends to stay back more, thus providing us with more defensive cover on the left. We all know that we have dropped off in recent weeks and defensively we do not look as strong as we did at the start of the season (bar the 1st 60 minutes against Millwall) Everyone is wondering why. I just threw in my own opinion. It is not a critisism of the players just an honest held belief that the reasons I put forward are partly behind the fall in form and results. I may be right I might not. It's strange that someone mentioned earlier in the thread that most fans see our right back as the weak area. Whilst Neil's distribution can on occassion be described as woeful, I certainly do not see him as a weak link. At the end of the day these are only opinions, I just hope that Shez has enough about him to identify the real problem and sort it out. Cheers, Harry P.S. I'm not saying that Shez is the scapegoat in this But there again he might be.
  6. You miss my point JSS. Firstly I said that scoring goals hadn't been our problem. You say not scoring in 3 of our last 4 games suggests that it is a problem. Agreed. But we did not have that problem before Jones was in the side. Secondly, I point out that in the games that I have seen since he signed that the majorityy of goals conceeded have come down his side. You list the goals and refer tho throws and flick ons etc. The point is they have still come from our left side. The oppo see it as our weak area. We give away too many throw ins in our own half, free kicks etc on that side because that is where the opposition are focusing. Leicesters goal, Yeovils first goal, were from free kicks in from our left. The sitter missed by Scunny in front of the Rocky road end. It is no co-incidence The 2 long throws for Stockports first two goals. Incidentally, Warne's goal on Saturday, where was the ball played in from? The point I made in my original post was quite straightforward. Firtsly I made it clear that I like Jones as a player, but secondly, and this is the important point, I believe that his inclusion actually unbalances us and that is where the opposition target us. Sometimes your best players don't produce your best team. I am not blaming Jones and in all honesty I don't think that you could pick anything out of any of the goals and say. "That was Jones's fault" Its all about balance and although some would say that Kelvin is not as good a player as Jones, I believe we actually look more balanced with Lomax at left back, despite him being right footed. It's strange but it's just the way I see it. Not a critisism of Jones. One thing I would say and earlier in the season I was singing his praises, but for me this last 3 weeks Gregan has looked off the pace and you can point the finger directly at his lack of concentration for a couple of the goals which is unlike him. I believe that he is probably 1 of the players that Shez referred to and his performances are also probably linked to the other issue that has been placed officially in the public domain today. Cheers, Harry
  7. I think that technically he is still registered to Forest for the purpose of the transfer window, so is capable of being loaned by Forest to us. There again I could be wrong. Cheers, Harry
  8. In all seriousness, I thought the club said that they were after/expected to bring in A (one) Forward and A (one) defender. So I certainly wouldn't expect to see 2 forwards coming in especially as SC said in the LW interview that O'Grady will be back on the 15th. Cheers, Harry
  9. Well if you are saying 1 or the other will sign then it will be 50/50 :laught16:
  10. Paddy, who said I didn't think that. Have played unregistered myself and got injured. (dislocated thumb) Thats why I used the I'm with stupid emotion. Cheers, Harry
  11. Yeah well thats his opinion. I happened to manage a team in Taylor's league (Rochdale and Oldham Youth Sunday League) and we always had good games against a good Springhead outfit who had several players a class apart. From under 11's upwards Taylor was always one of their main dangers. In those days he played central midfield. He had a good engine, controlled games and opened teams up with his running, worked tirelessly for the team and you always had to plan to try and nulify his threat. In all the years I saw him play at various age levels, I never thought he was poor. The strange thing is. I never really thought he was that quick. Either that or my own central midfielders were bloody deceptive. One thing I do know is that as a team we were very happy when Taylor was taken on by tics and couldn't play against us. And that came from my players. Sometimes you can have jealousy in your own ranks that blinds you from the truth. Cheers, Harry
  12. So TTA come in save the club give the fans a representative on the board via the trust and say that they are going to be as open as possible with supporters. The fans say it is about time we had some transparency and its good to have owners keeping them informed. Fast forward to today and TTA are still doing what they said they would 4 1/2 years ago. But hang on the fans are changing their tune. Now they say we don't want to be hearing you say that in public. You should keep that behind closed doors. I think the saying dammed if you do and dammed if you don't is very apt here. They really can't win. If you want transparency then you can't complain when you get it. You can't pick and choose what you want to hear. Why doesn't someone start a poll. The question would be "after 4 1/2 years of transapency from TTA do you want them to continue their policy of openness or should they shut up and say nothing like the good/bad old days?" Cheers, Harry PS Nice to see the Corporal out of hibernation
  13. Can't believe this rumour. To start with the "Sunday League" will be a recognised FA appoved competition. The "pros" contract will prevent him playing for any other team without the correct transfer forms being completed and registered with the league/FA, which makes the player ineligible for the "Sunday Team" and leaves the team open to a points deduction for fielding an ineligible player. Also, depending on the insurer, the teams insurance policy can be invalidated for playing unregistered players and therefore all players in that team risk not being able to claim for any injuries incurred in that match/matches. Surely the Sunday league lads arn't that stupid are they? Cheers, Harry
  14. Hmmm. Now let me think. When did our problems start? 3rd October I do believe. Stockport away, the day Jones signed. Don't get me wrong, he cannot be totally to blame, it's just that I believe it unhinged and unblanced us despite him being a left footer. Now it may be co-incidence, but I don't think it is. I actually like Jones, however, I believe that we are more vulnerable with him in the team and of the games I have seen him play (I didn't go to Bristol or Swindon) I would say that we are suffering from the change of direction down this side of the team and that the goals we have conceeded have come mainly from this area. We may be more attack minded with him in the side, but attacking hasn't really been our problem. Defending has and I think we have been opened up more because of this change. On reflection I would rather see young Kelvin in there and Jones back at Wolves. It will be very interesting to see who the defender coming in is as I think that will be more important than the forward, be it Byfield, Cole or whoever. Cheers, Harry
  15. With regard to the pitch, pre platic the slope from Rochdale Road end to Chaddy Road end was 6 foot. This was halved to 3 foot when they took up the grass and carried out the ground works and drainage prior to laying the plastic carpet and sand. When the pastic was taken up, no further levelling was carried out so the slope today remains at 3 foot. Cheers, Harry
  16. Try getting out of bed on the other side in the morning Lordy. You never know, you might even come on here and say something positive. Cheers, Harry
  17. Strange you should mention that Neil. What with you sharing your name with one of our ex legends. It'a a shame that you are 6'2" cause no one will mistake you for him in the street. P.S. Are you quizzing tomorrow?
  18. Nice one Rummy You just knew it would happen. Capacity yesterday reduced to 9,900 due to extra segregation in the RRE and unreserved seating in the main stand paddock & Chaddy 8,900 looked about right. Its more difficult to judge the fuller the ground is, as you can't see the odd seats and small pockets as easily. You look at the main stand upper and lower and everyone knows its sold out, but its not full. The paddock is unreserved seating so capacity is reduced by 10%. The upper is reserved seating, but I bet there were odd empty seats. Leicester end looked full, but they didn't sell out and at 2707 there were 43 spare seats. (How many would think there were that many in there) The home section of the RRE was nowhere near full. There was a large pocket of seats at the front and from the Chaddy, you could see quite a few other pockets of spare seats when people were sat down. The Chaddy had plenty of empty seats. Then you've got all the strike it lucky sellers, turnstile operators etc who don't go through the turnstiles, yet still occupy seats. So its easy to see that the crowd at 8,900 is about right, but also why people think it might be fuller. Cheers, Harry
  19. I reckon the 1972/73 team is the best of those Rummy as quite clearly we wouldn't have conceeded a goal. Cheers, Harry
  20. With regard to the Stockport game I don't agree with you BB. The goal that came down our left was from a long throw, where the ball was flicked on in a challenge against Byrne and we failed to defend the proverbial second ball. I don't recall us having to defend too many crosses from Stockports right wing. When you say he stands off the man and gives him space, I think its more a case of a different way of defending* as he seems to have pace to burn and feels that if the winger wants to try and take him on, he already has a yard or 2 start and with his own pace it means that the winger is unlikely to go past him resulting in 1 dimensional crossing ala Lids. However, as we have seen particularly at this level not many wingers in the 3rd division have Lidds's crossing prowess. So I do agree with you about the way he defends and yes tomorrow will be more of a test of how good he is however, for me, that goes for the whole team. * If you recall the early nineties under big Joe, Ricky Holden in particular was a bugger for a full back to defend against. Like Lids, he lacked a little pace, but his ability to cross the ball with both feet from anywhere down his side of the pitch, meant that the full back invariably had to get close to him, resulting in Holdens lack of pace not mattering as he was able to bamboozle the full back going 1 way and then the other often resulting in the defender ending up on his backside. It would be an interesting test of Jones's defendingstyle coming up against the likes of Holden. I'm sure we'd here a few shouts from the crowd of something along the lines of "for 's sake Jones get close and get a tackle in." Cheers, Harry
  21. Pukka, you should be ok if you just head for the Chaddy. Its pay on the turnstiles there. If my guess of a crowd of 9,200 is correct, there will still be 1,100 (capacity now reduced to 10,300 due to increased segregation in the RRE) spare seats. Which means we will have ppl on here tomorrow night saying "No way was the crowd only 9,200. I couldn't see any spare seats so the crowd must have been at least 10,000. Should we start a pole as to who the 1st member will be to post on that thread? Cheers, Harry
  22. It says on the OS that the Main stand upper is already sold out for tomorrow. Apparently the main stand paddock Chaddy Road End is almost sold out with less than 100 tickets left in the other half. I would suggest you get down to BP tomorrow morning if you want a paddock ticket and haven't already got one. There is still room in the RRE and the Chaddy End, however my advice to those who want to go in the Rocky and haven't yet got a ticket is get there early. It looks like tomorrow will see the biggest turnout of home fans this season so far. As it looks like Leicester will sell out the crowd tomorrow should be around the 9,200 mark. 6,500 tics and 2,700 Leicester. Cheers, Harry
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