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Harry Dowds Green Shirt

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Everything posted by Harry Dowds Green Shirt

  1. Well your twopenneth is worth tuppence. If you want to follow yoonited then you are entitled to do so. However, whilst I fall firmly into the ABU category, I am a true Lancastrrian at heart and certainly do not consider myself a manc. (I know that comment risks re-opening the Saddleworth is in Yarkshire debate) therefore it would make my season if after Latics gain promotion, the 5 times champions of europe beat the inferior 3 times champions of europe to the premiership crown. Cheers, Harry
  2. I still can't believe that a topic that started out as a little fishing expedition to relieve the boredom as got to page 5 in less than 3 hours. hahahahahahahah Cheers, Harry
  3. Mark, I do believe that the words sinker, line and hook in no particular order spring to mind. I'm just surprised that it took to posts for you top grab on to my fishing line. It hasn't half been boring with no gamne this weekend Cheers, Harry
  4. Its a disgrace. First Mark closes a topic because he doesn't like it and now he changes his sig because some on here didn't like it. WTF is going on? Can't you have an opinion on here and just debate it rather than closing topics down and changing sigs? Cheers, Harry
  5. Is there a reason why you have to edit a 2 word reply? Cheer, Harry
  6. Andy, you need to read the offer again. If you buy in advance its 2 for a tenner, thats a fiver each. Cheers, Harry
  7. Are we stiffling genuine debate on here now? Lags post re: the manu badge has been closed. Surely we should be allowed to debate this subject. No other team in the Country stirs up as much resentment than the cockney boys from Salford and supporters of our club in general (not all) resent them due to the number of what I term as non supporters. i.e. those that go and watch them in the pub or on sky but who in a lot of cases have never even been to OT. Particularly those that live in and around Oldham. As there was no personal abuse in the comments posted,(and nor should there be) I can't understand why the topic was closed. Its been quiet on the board this week, there is also no game this weekend and I thought that with the number of hits helping with revenues, a subject like this would have provided some debate and (light hearted) entertainment. Cheers, Harry
  8. I think actually that Lidds has had a hard week or so and at his age it has taken its toll. I mean, come on he had to come on early against Nothampton then again last Tuesday against Cheltenham, he played the full 90 on Saturday at Southend and then tonight I realised as the 4th official put the board up for injury time 9 (4 f g minutes wtf did that come from) that he was still playing. Quite clearly this is Shez's fault and I started screaming to the bench to get Lidds off. As everyone knows our regular sub this season is Smalley for Liddle on 75 minutes. It's not on Shez. In 1 breath you are preaching consistency and then you do this with grandad. Shez out. Cheers, Harry
  9. Well the good news might be that on renewing for next season, a season ticket at £328 this season would be £321 next season a saving of £7 (wow) That is if the club do not up prices as this is the 3rd year without a price rise (on match day admission) Regards, Harry
  10. Bunch of Jessies my The Weatherspoons had more than a "refreshing can or two." In any case who put you in charge of naming the club chaplain for the match? Surely that was Beardy's job. Or was his back still sore from picking the ball out of the back of the net? Cheers, Harry Edit: What a crap post for my 200th.
  11. You can't start talking about CJ like that. These are changing times. The Corpoal is putting out posts and everyone (well nearly) is agreeing with him. Please don't put a dampner on such glorious times. Cheers, Harry
  12. You mean you've had a senor moment? Cheers, Harry
  13. I'd forgotton about Vale. It must be the fact that we've only won their twice in 30 odd years that made me overlook it. Either that or it was a very long day. I mean what do you expect when Beardy insists on setting off early to take half the team to the OWTB match. Sod that for a lark when its blowing a gale. The Weatherspoons in town was much more welcoming, full breakfast, Uri Gellers and all. Cheers, Harry
  14. Incorrect. We won at Crewe as well. Last game of last season. Cheers, Harry
  15. The most notable thing from this thread and others that are a similar topic is the number of people who are expressing their opinions and then saying that Shez still has his/her support. That is the importnant thing at the moment. I think that most on here believe that Shez is actually a decent manager just lacking a little in certain areas and hoping that those deficiencies improve the more experienced he becomes. I agree with those that say his most baffling decision was not putting the reserves in a league this year. I just think that he was reacting to last seasons situation when we were basically putting schoolkids into a team to recieve a thrashing (awaits comic quips about schoolkids and thrashings with lewd undertones) and that could only hamper their progress and he didn't want a repeat of that situation. I wonder with hindsight if he regrets that decision now that he has such a large squad. In fact it makes you wonder was that decision taken before he knew that he would have such a large squad. Davies was and is an enigma. He appears to have so much potential yet on so many occasions doesn't look like he will fullfill it. For me Davies is a confidence player and having got off to such a bad start, particularly his sending off against Rochdale, his head has dropped significantly. Although in the JPT game against Morecombe he put in a full shift and was clearly out to impress and show his remorse, things have not picked up for him. Only time will tell now if he is gone or if SC was telling it as it is and they are looking for Davies to help Stockport take points off our rivals. What we do know is that he is on loan until january the 3rd with a recall clause after the first month. With Ormerod injured and returning to Preston, it will be interesting to see if we do sign this new striker, rumoured to be Byfield, (Personally I'm not convinced by Byfield) if this affect Davies coming back be it in January or sometime during the 2nd month of his loan. I would think that any sign of injuries in early December and Davies will be on his way back particularly if the new signing doesn't happen or indeed if it does happen but the player is not impressing. Also, all this rumour about an "incident" is exactly that. Rumour. In all my years in and around this club there have always been stories around the pubs about this incident and that incident. The difference is that these days we discuss these "incidents" on the tinternet. Of course there are incidents amongst the players, but that is no different now to 10, 20 and 30 years ago, its just that there is so much more media coverage around the clubs these days and the media is hungrier and hungrier for the stories to fill their space. Most of these incidents are something and nothing and get blown up out of all proportion. Of course certain players will not get on with certain other players. But for god's sake it doesn't always mean the end of a footballing relationship. Just look at Andy Cole and Teddy Sheringham. These people are professional footballers and whilst some will say that footballers are thick and one brain cell short of having 2 brain cells, this is the environment that they have been brought up in. Right the way through the junior ranks at whichever club they started at. It is their way of life and for the most part don't know anything different. I'm personally sick and tired of reading on here that there has been an incident between A & B and "I believe it because it's from" a "Usually Reliable" or "Good" sorce or someone who "works at the club." Well strike it lucky sellers work at the club but the fact is that they know all about what goes on in training or in the dressing rooms so I would prefer it if people would shut the fu.... Nah forget it; just carry on with the rubbish at least it creates more hits for the site. Back on topic. As I said at the start of the thread, despite peoples observations, it's good to see people are still saying that they continue to back the manager. Without that continued backing we all know the outcome. Just ask Ronnie Moore. Cheers, Harry.
  16. Was it really as late as 77-78? I remember he hardly played, but watched him in training before his injury and he really was a class apart. Strange how time plays games with your mind or is it just a "getting older" thing? Cheers, Harry
  17. Tony Hateley was at the club at the time I had my cartlidge op in October 1973 and I was under the care of our then Physio Jimmy McGregor. The day I came home from hospital, my dad took me in to see Jimmy for an appraisal of my scar and muscle loss following the op and Tony was on the treatment table (which was not a rare occurance) Tony had had both cartlidges removed from both knees and to say his knees were knackered was a bit of an undersatement. He did though compliment me on my neat scar. Top pro was Hateley senior. What you would call old school. Cheers, Harry
  18. IIRC 1973-74 (It could have been 72-73) Jimmy Friz signed Mike Bernard from Everton Now Mike was, shall we say, a little rotund in the later years of his career. He had a "slight" thigh muscle injury in pre season and then tore it good and proper early doors before he fully recovered. When I say good and proper, he needed an op and the scar went from his groin to his knee. I don't think he played again after that. Also I'm not sure how many, if any, competitive games he played. Cheers, Harrry
  19. I'm starting to get worried now. Not only are several posters agreeing with CJ, I'm even finding myself in agreement with him. What the hell is going on? I think the mods need to take a long hard look at this thread as quite clearly something is not right. Cheers, Harry
  20. I thought I was being clever as Mrs Dowds birthday is 22nd November and I thought going Sunday to Sunday would have us back in time for the Warsaw game on Tuesday 26th. When perusing the fixture list I totally forgot about FA cup replay possibilities which are not detailed on the OS fixtures page. Cheers, Harry
  21. Five o'clock on Saturday I was relieved that we had managed to get a replay. Five minutes later I was gutted when I realised I would be in Tenerife next week. Still no worry a quick word with Mrs Dowd and I assured her that we could be back to Oldham and return to Tenerife in less than 18 hours to take in the game. Then we find that the Chaddy is closed. Well thats the final straw. She says thats for that idea . There's no way she says that shes coming back from Tenerife to sit in the away end or the morgue on the side (no she wasn't referring to the Lookers) She accused me of being some sort of to even suggest that we not go in the Chaddy End. So it looks like I'll have to pop down to surfers bar next Tuesday night to watch Sky soccer special and down a couple or so pints of the local brew. :drinking: Cheers, Harry
  22. Don't mistake debate for negativity. Not all the posts are negatives. Certain things have happened and been said this last week. Ppl are looking into the meaning of them. At the end of the day its a general discussion. PPl have their opinions as to what will happen, not necessarily what they want to happen. I just happen to think that if Shez doesn't get us promoted this season TTA will say "Thanks for your efforts John, but its time for someone else to have a go." Would I change him? Not really at this time. The fact remains though that not many managers get 3 years at one club without having some success. Cheers, Harry. P.S. For the record, Shez In
  23. I think that there is a slightly bigger picture out there and people need to realise it. Irrespective of should SC have made his comments in public is the fact that when TTA took over they stated that they hoped to take us up to the championship within 5 years. In that time, they first of all pledged funds to stabalise the club in the first season, (where the season ticket money had already been spent by the previous owner feeding wages that he could not hope to sustain) and to keep the club in League 1 and to work through the contracts that the previous owner had lumbered us with and then funds to allow the manager to progress in years 2 onwards. They then pledged funds to Moore to build a team and Moore's "2 year plan" fell apart after his first season when the fans made it more than clear that they were not prepared to put up with the then managers style of play. TTA listened to the fans and changed manager, appointing Shez. They have backed him in each of his 2 full seasons and even more so this summer, to build a squad capable of taking us up. I think that most on here agree that the squad itself has enough ability to sustain a promotion push and with a little luck with injuries, suspensions and the general rub of the green, promotion is within our grasp. That being the case, TTA have a right to expect their management team to manage the squad to get the best out of it and bringing in a little bonus revenue from a cup run with the squad we have should not be seen as holding back a push for promotion. I cannot believe that our owners would, with their promotion target in sight , not re-invest that bonus revenue in the squad either in the january transfer window or with other "quality" loan signings in February and March. They would then be able to say at the seasons end "we promised you promotion within 5 years and now we've acheied it. Lets move on to phase 2 and establish the club in the Championship." They are too clever to miss such an opportunity. Since TTA have been here, this is the best opportunity they have had, even better than 2 seasons ago due to the current squad. Silly bookings sometimes go with certain players, it is in their makeup, but that doesn't mean that they have to be tolerated. Shez says that letting Davies out on loan is his decision. What has changed since giving him a new contact in August? Surely his sending off, silly as it was, is not the catalyst to Davies going is it? Not getting a game due to lewi's form is one thing and frustration at not scoring can get to a player, but surely Davies has got too much to let him go without having a dam good replacement lined up and Ormrod certainly wasn't that player and Byfield, good player that he has been in the past (I've not seen him this season or last) is unlikely to give us more IMO. Shez has got to stand up and be counted this season. He is no longer a novice. He is a relatively experienced manager and we all know that most managers don't get three seasons at most clubs without having some sort of success. IMO Shez needs to go back to basics himself, doing what he did well at the start of the season. Shez has learnt in his time as manager about that I have little doubt. Has he progreesed enough to take us up? Well against the top teams the answer is an overwhelming yes, but these are not the games that the players need picking up, motivating and preparing for. Against the poorer/bottom half teams? I can't even say that the jury is out as the walloping of Cheltenham and Hereford show we are a class apart, but then doing that on our travels is clearly an issue and its the prepartaion for these games that to me has probably got to the owners. What manager wouldn't if given the chance, travel the day before the game as opposed to the day of the game. Dowie even wanted to do it to Hartlepool. Losing the odd game at home to a team like Yeovil happens. The 1990/91 promotion season saw us lose at home only once, but that was to bottom team Hull. If we had had bad luck at Bristol & Swindon then fair enough, but the reports suggest otherwise. Despite the fact we started both games brightly, it appears that we couldn't keep going and to me that really is motivation and prepartaion. It is the managers job to deal with that. He has been given the tools by the owners. SC ranting in public is not new. He has from day 1 got his point across. Like it or not at least we hear it straight. I can't imagine what has been said in public this week has not been said behind closed doors previously. I still don't know if I agree with saying it in public and I don't have a scooby doo what the motivation behind it is, but if it acts as a wake up call to the manager and players then ok. At the end of the day promotion is what we want. As I said at the start of the post there is the bigger picture here. TTA will have their "promotion within 5 years" statement in their minds and this is year 5. This is a major season for Shez's future at the club and failure to gain promotion is IMO likely to see him carry the can. That is not to say I am a Shez out or D&G poster. On the contrary, I am generally positive. Overall, I like Shez's style, I think it's the closest we have come to Big Joe's teams. I just have some doubts, and I had them at the start of the season, as to whether or not Shez can provide leadership over a full season. We saw the team fall away 2 years ago and you can see it happening again. The difference this season is he is 2 years wiser and he has more time to change it round again. Good luck Shez. I hope you can do it. Cheers, Harry
  24. Not a bad draw for me personally. Having lost Mansfield & Wrexham from the league last year and never having seen us at Aldershot or Exeter, I had dropped back to 87 of the current 92 league grounds (Current or former) so if we can win the replay I'll be back upto 88 with the trip to Morecombe (the others 2 being Barnet + Dagenham & Redbridge - is that 3 with Dagenham and Redbridge? lol) I would imagine there will be a fair few tics at Morecombe with it being 1) a seaside trip 2) a new ground and 3) FA Cup. I think a Beardy bus would be in order. What do you think Beardy? Cheers, Harry
  25. I'd be more concerned if he called you sister. Brother Cheers, Harry
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