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Everything posted by BlueArmy1989

  1. OUR INTENTIONS???? just one stupid !!! and before u come back with a reply of i challenge u to this and that which tbh i dont care about maybe u should get behind the lads and help get them out of this little bit of trouble
  2. ok so we change manager then what, a new man comes in and has his own ideas and gets rid of half the team. it takes us until january for team to gel etc by which point were down deffo no !!!!!! DAVE PENNYS BLUE WHITE ARMYYY
  3. you are a complete and utter do you go to any games or are you a highlights watcher?? this is the same guy who won us 2 pens in succsesive games !!! on par with eardley imo !!! if you have nothin constructive to say :censored: off!! and royle army dont get me started....
  4. brill kept us in it today and wasnt at fault for the goal
  5. dont know if anyone has seen it but hmv are doin it with a fully functional set of night vis goggles £ 119.99 but pricey but be fun will find link after
  6. Cheers for that rocky always good to see how loanees are doing espc watchin them first hand rather than paper or highlights thanks for lettin us know
  7. Gregan: Wahay!!! Course number 12! I'll let you lot do the rest! Greegs to team: hahaha u think me an rueben can go a game without a mistake
  8. in the first half the same lad had a shot 35 yards out and we had gilbert on the line mate it hit gregan i think and we cleared so we obv do!! it was obv he was gonna shoot because they were winning :censored: all in the air and had a shot in the first half!! yes he flapped at 2 yesterday but they didnt lead to goals (this time)
  9. dont know how you can say the first was his fault at all we should have had a man on the post fair enouh he would be playing everyone onside but we wouldnt have conceded the goal secondly ruebens fault not brills he got a hand to it just not strong enough dont forget he has just moved from london must be difficult for the lad not sayin he is the best keeper we have had but lets get behind him
  10. that would be class for those who dont know here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeI4lAvv7Yk
  11. already a thread here mate use that one http://www.owtb.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25095&hl=
  12. what about dean furman,man,man he's our midfield magician dean furman,man,man he's alongside worthington to the left to the right hes been skinin u all night and he :censored:s on kilkenny repeat 100 times
  13. we got the lad from darlington abbott abbot he looks like david walliams abbott abbott he is a pole not on the dole hed love to roger cheryl cole pawel abbott oldhams number 9
  14. not sure but how about we got the lad from darlington abbott abbott he's gonna score us loadsa goals abbott abbott he is a pole not on the dole he'd love to roger cheryl cole pawel abbott oldhams number 9
  15. he was changing his ipod whilst drivin around christmas i think but i also remember reading he had been released by his club
  16. indeed glad were off the mark now great win lads
  17. think im gonna start a new thread guess how many games mistakes will cost us
  18. 2 up top i think anyone know if pav or parker are on bench
  19. rubbish mate thought it was a decent preformance tbh and whitaker wasnt the best player it could have been one of gregan,abbott,furman,worthington and closely followed by the rest decent team preformance :censored: looked good never looked out of place and i think byfield did ok when he came on if only abbott had squared it near the end oh well first point of the season! on another note stockport came here for a point at best and got it due to a wonder save and a few other class ones i think stockport may shock a few teams
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