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Posts posted by GlossopLatic

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ted/7492705.stm


    Dont know if this has been discussed but i think if things keep going the way they are with rising prices etc it might hit our gates even more so than last year. im no expert in economics and what is going on in business at the moment but its obvious most people/families are in for much harder times than before.???


    The credit crunch and impending economic slowdown will have an effect over the next season it depends on the levels of unemployment really. But not as greater an effect as people choosing to watch other teams on Sky in that sense its not too dissimilar to other seasons really. To be fair to TTA regarding the price of going to Oldham this is the 4th season in succession where pay on the day prices have remained the same.


    The impact of the economy is going to be most felt by the Stadium development and how many property developers will be prepared to take on the residential development as banks are becoming much tougher on lending money to people through mortgages and lending to developers to take on new projects. Result being that this stadium development may take longer than was first hoped and hit TTA in the pocket personally. Although as we haven't heard otherwise we must assume that the new main stand and residential development will go ahead as scheduled

  2. *Latics fans in fickle scapegoat-making shocker*


    Don't you understand LL...he was the worst ever Latics player because he didn't chase every single lost ball. His flick ons were rubbish and to noone...it was never Craig Davies' fault for going walkabout and not having the intelligence to stand somewhere, anywhere, in the middle of the pitch rather than out on the flank (he's not a forward, you know). You must have been somewhere else when we played Walsall at home...showed that day what an awful, useless waste of space he is. Not to mention the fact that Stefan Stam's dog's brother's owner's aunt who saw Deane Smalley's mum in a sandwich shop said over a tuna and cucumber barm that Rico punched her Deano in the face.


    Maybe it's time to resurrect the Official Michael Ricketts Appreciation Thread.


    Yeah it was all the fans fault we are worst people in the universe so what was his excuse at Southend, Leeds, Cardiff, Preston, Middlesborough, Bolton, and Walsall. The guy couldn't play for 90 minutes he just got knackered which for someone at 28 is poor to say the least.


    He won an England cap and he thought he was gods gift perhaps it all came abit to quick for him hence why he is just another player who had all the talent to be at the top but none of the heart to do so he is a waster in my book.

  3. was looking at the stats last night....


    in just over 40 games he scored 6 times.... twice in one game alone!!


    not a bad return really!


    Not bad for a midfielder when you consider what was Richie Wellens highest goal tally for a season and he has been consistently been one of the best midfielders in League 1 for the past 5 seasons. Not that Wellens should be remembered as anything less than a good player for us but it goes to show that Ernie did have something about him skill wise He could find the back of the net. Ernie would be the type of player who would arrive in the box to get on the end of a cross think his goal against QPR which I'm sure was his most memorable.


    " My aim is to get psychically fit , even that would be over achieving, but we all have a dream"


    That sentence brings a tear to the eye.

  4. Ernie made his debut in "The rose bowl". I think when we play the game next as a "pre season friendly". It should be renamed.


    The next game between the clubs is different as its a league cup game. But Ernie left a bigger mark on the "rose bowl" than any other player in memory. I think it would be fitting.


    That would be the most fitting tribute to the great man.

  5. Well I saw Paddy McGuiness buying a big screen telly at Richer Sounds in Prestwich on Tuesday with his ladyfriend who was rather easy on the eyes. He then got in a big black range rover and started talking on the phone before setting off whilst still on the phone!!!!


    And this has absolutely nothing to do with anything.


    Really! Well I saw a slim line Johnny Vegas walking into Granada yesterday you could just tell by the look on his face he knew nothing at all about the new stadium development or for that mattered cared and I didn't ask him which must mean we are moving to Ashton!

  6. Like everyone else I'm devastated. I'm going through a difficult time at work and am being made redundent but this has put that into sharp perspective.


    Will remember him for the first time I saw him in a home friendly against blackburn in the summer of hell. Knowone was trying harder than him on that occasion and the fans took to him instantly it was easy to appreciate his efforts because he was so honest and brave and thats the biggest compliment I can pay him.


    If the whistle blew for you to go over the top in the trenches ernie was the guy you would want by your side he would never let you down.

  7. Mouldy old dough and fanfare for the common man were both miles ahead of the rest for pre-match music. Any chance they could both be played before the matches to keep everyone happy?


    Please lets not play fanfare for the common man its just BORING it was great for the late 80's early 90's but it should be left there. I am coming round to the idea of a Mouldy Old Dough in a kind of Everton Z-cars theme way and we have never actually ran out to MOD since I have been coming (1990).

  8. Well Ive just got back from barcelona on a high and to hear this news like everyone else I'm devastated.


    Thanks for keeping us upto date Martin on his condition and to anyone who has done any fund raising for his family in this time well done your efforts won't have been in vain I'm sure.


    I like the idea of renaming the Rose Bowl trophy to The Ernie Cooksey rose Bowl Trophy as its a fitting tribute to someone who played for both clubs With heart, passion, courage and honesty. He will always be a fans favourite as you knew he was the type of guy whould leave nothing in the changing room.


    All the Best Ernie

  9. I have to agree with Derek, in truth we know very little about the players who have come in, we haven't signed any big reputation players so far, whereas last season we signed so many.


    I seriously doubt we'll struggle but I couldn't say we were promotion material either. Will have to see how pre-season goes and how we get on in the first few games.


    Because we don't really know anything about the players coming in we can't really say how well they will do. However they could be rough diamonds and that is what I believe shez has tried to unearth here.


    We have already addressed 3 key areas for improvement on last season. A new physio to combat injury problems. More squad depth to again mean we can cope with missing a few players, and getting our players signed up early allowing us as someone has said maximum time to gel.


    We still need to address 2 more key areas firstly as everyone has said the left side of the pitch to give us that balance, and secondly our delivery from set pieces which is still an area we can improve on.

  10. The problem I have with Mouldy Old Dough is that people coming to the club for the first time will not get it one bit. All it does is appease the die hard supporters and isn't a song which will inspire the players (who won't have a clue what connection the UK number 4 hit from the 1970's has to do with latics).

    The classical tune they played during the Dowie era (it begins with a C, cant remember the exact name) was epic and had a wide ranging appeal.


    Please, anything but Mouldy Old Dough... I see it as a backward step, we could definately find something a little bit original that will get the players and supporters riled up for the game.


    For me I want to hear mouldy old dough as I walk through the turnstiles and am taking to my seat buying a programme/pie because thats what will for me always be assoicated with going to Latics. i hope its always used at Latics and is forever connected with us. However I wouldn't want it as the tune we run out too as it neither gets the heart pumping or is something that we could all sing along too together like You'll never walk alone or Blue Moon.

  11. They've upped tickets this season to fleece away fans. Tickets went up £2 all over so it's now £20 in the away end. £14 in the sandy and £17 in the WMG. They charge £20 to sit with the stiffs in their main stand.


    With it being the cup they might reduce it. Then again, with it being Oldham and a good following expected either way, they might not and try to make as much money as possible. They could get a really good crowd if they dropped ticket prices and advertised it right. Wouldnt expect them to drop down to a tenner or so, but wouldnt be suprised if they knocked a few quid off. £15 all round with a tenner in the sandy.


    Good thing is Dale will be missing Perkins as this counts as one of his 5 game suspension. I was going to go dale's pre season friendly against Bolton and Everton if they announce it. Dont think i'll bother now.:grin:


    Keith Hill's Bar...... :lol::grin:

    Yep. They'd just do what the used to do with Burnley when that away end was the standing area and held far less than that. They used to split what is now the WMG. Even if it did lead to untold problems with the 6 fingered inbreds. Nah. They'd just stick the overflow in the corner of the Main Stand which bar the playoffs is never anywhere near full. They do it for clubs like Barnet who bring about 50 fans when they see no reason in opening a 3,500 seater stand for them.


    Deary me £20 to get in at Rochdale sounds steep which end will you be sat in Luke?

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