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Everything posted by KUNGFOO

  1. how many goals has he scored in the last 3 years to our backups?
  2. thats just stupid what thay gona do throw everyone out that abuses the ref etc fooking numptys i.e the chant THE REFEREE IS A WANKA thats 3 thousand fans gona allready :S how about getting these so called familys ear plugs
  3. haining wanted 4k a week thats why he didnt get a contract
  4. stripers for half time dancing proper pies pipes under the seats for them cold days heating ofc only home fans non in the away stand thanks A real nice stand 16000 with corners filled so it doesnt look like some block council effort main stand as u walk in the a big giant glowing oldham badge
  5. Are you insane Byfield 19 goals have you just come out of the bottom block
  6. were is all the byfield lovers im disapointed to come on the forum and see someone not singing his praise's what a waiste of time that guy is he only played tuesday cos parker and a couple of others was stuck in traffic, he is still the same player as last season maybe he should go on trail at chesterfield im sure thay will give him a 9 year contract
  7. dont think he was at fault for the first as hazzel started chasing him down as the ball was nearlly going out hazell then stopped and went back into the middle of defense instead of closing him down making sure the ball went out or put a tackle in so the ball couldnt get played back into the middle ok lomax was no where near him but ive never seen someone get chased down then stop with no oldham player near him to get back into his possition
  8. yeah he did okay but for his experince and age should be showing more to his game than just running everywhere
  9. everyone that played yesterday except brill id have fleming in there and byfield sent home parker first choice for sure on
  10. watched the goals on i just used my latics world login and it worked http://www.mfc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/sub/MF...1738053,00.html?
  11. havnt we had this all ready in prev posts please reply in them cheers thanks now delete admin cant be arsed with another thread discusing what we have already talked about
  12. yeah be a ok sub for last 5 mins after were winning 5-0 and we need someone to chase the ball
  13. Byfield - Different player to the one we had on loan, put himself about and was a real thorn in the side of Boro's defenders he was exactlyy the same as last season he just ran around nothing more i really hope we dont get this guy on board he is just boring to watch plus we dont need him as for the goal keeper i cant see why fleming has gone close source told me thay didnt rate him the coaching staff :S he was by far best goal keeper we had at latics only thing that let fleming down was his odd running out like a loone bad choice to send him away. great game looking stronger mentaly gona be a good force this coming season
  14. He added: "I spoke to my dad and mum and they gave me the OK, so it was pretty straightforward after that. i bet ronnie sujested hoof moore was a better name
  15. great stuff its amazing what possitive attitudes can do for people
  16. maybe have a whip around with a bucket for lids family or a charity at the games wensday and saturday
  17. oh nonono thats my one freedom it's the one time were the stress disapears well except for last season's results :S
  18. in our house hold we never give up i think thats why were so mentaly strong espceially the misses
  19. my misses wanted a kid for years we had 3 failed attemps misarages all 4 or 5 months in then eventually she fella pregnent again this time we was lucky gave birth to a beautifull little girl who is now 3 years old after all that termoil my misses this year has been diagnosed with lung cancer which is un-cureable its like one thing after another i writen a blog about it on my multigaming site if anyone is intrested please read it http://www.tlr-clan.co.uk/index.php?page=blogs&id=41
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