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Everything posted by KUNGFOO

  1. ive ben threw 3 miscarages i know its not exactly the same as lids but still hard times chin up m8
  2. ive been in 2 accidents claimed got 2.5k per claim happy days made my neck pain go instantly
  3. this guy is ammazing so far really impressed hope all his hard work and perfection gets us where we want to be this season
  4. ive actually done this but id rather tell u on the phone not typing all the dribble
  5. from facebook bless Philip Ojapah I've just signed with Oldham athletic lad propa happy man it's on the website x 4 minutes ago
  6. cant see anything anywere :S ur pulling my leg aint you :C
  7. its like she is waiting for a reply from Alan Hardy saying yes we do have bnp members and we also support them we have bnp meetings before the match and organise the fans for war
  8. yeah it was me i lost my temper could have said worse she then makes another lol post and makes it so i cant reply rararar must have hit a nerve she just doesnt get it raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
  9. That andrea is a typical women going on over fek all maybe she should look at all the killings in manchester before making dribble up
  10. what about them thay fook up the pitch cant expect to carry everyone there is plenty of fields for them to mess up
  11. Andrew West wrote at 10:08am Andrea Lynch true blonde relating ur comment of the bnp to oldham athletic silly girl the bnp are everywhere and have nothing to do with oldham athletic does the bnp have a possition on the oldham board NO!! so ur comment is invalid simpleton Delete Andrew West wrote at 10:00am sad people i cant wait to take a dump in our m35 post code stadium toilet thinking as the last drop falls in it giving manchester a right stink
  12. doenst look like people will be knocking him of the ball
  13. http://www.cncgrealestate.com/team.html i thought cncg was somthing else thay owned not real estate?
  14. i know somthing non of you know jam and cheese butties are very nice
  15. sort the live chat out pie munching freaks
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