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Everything posted by Inspiral_Carpet

  1. Have a look yourself. Just do a google for "men online" Alternatively......<<<Link>>>
  2. My ratings:- Mark Allott 8.5 Poor start but came good and was very consistent Crossley - 6 Not mobile enough but excellent shot stopper. Played with injuries when possibly he shouldn't. Eardley - 6 Thought he had a reasonable Season but looks more a midfielder than attacking full-back. Hazell - 8 Can't believe we got this guy on a free. Outsanding piece of business and best foil for Gregan. Stam - 5 Over-rated hoof merchant. Makes 5 times more mistakes than Gregan but still loved for some reason. Lomax - 6 Looks ok but very inexperienced and prone to mistakes which again go un-noticed. McDonald - 5 Anonymous for large periods but thanks for the memories Gary. Jarrett - 5 A few good performances but we need consistency and there are better available IMO. Livermore - 5 Don't like what he did to us by ending loan. Got class but not sure he wanted to be here Taylor - 6 Too in and out for me. Hughes - 7 Showed some brilliant class but needs to do that consistently and show injuries have cleared up. Davies - 8 Not the sharpest tool in the box but I love watching the guy play and if he "clicks", we've got something special. He's a winger though not a CF. Smalley - 6 Like him but not as a striker. Still a lot to learn. Alessandra - 7 This lad could be anything. Really looking forward to seeing him develop Wolfenden - 4 Not good enough I'm afraid and with injuries, this should have been his Season. Gregan - 7 Brilliant defender and great captain. Season would have been different if he'd not missed a large chunk of it. Perhaps a little harsh but I guess that reflects my overall judgment of last Season where we didn't live up to expectations IMO.
  3. The Rarely Wrong Senor Coconut is of course correct. Simon Blitz Programme Notes
  4. Damn. So I could have started the tale with "A little birdie told me........." It was also mentioned on here by one of our members. He usually get things spot on despite being a tad negative at times.
  5. Very sad for Gretna. It's interesting though to remember that the former Gretna owner Brooks Mileson was allegedly the money man behind Barry Chaytow's £18m offer for Latics just over a year ago. TTA could have sold then and taken a profit on their massive investment in Latics. They didn't and one of their reasons was that they would only sell where the future of OAFC was guaranteed. They needed to be comfortable about any potential purchaser before agreeing to any deal. Could we have been Gretna today? Makes you think doesn't it?
  6. I may join you in stopping over next Season. We were oh so close to stopping down for the night last time and would have if we'd got a winner that day! Has the rugby finished yet? Sorry for going off topic but I can't let "Weekender" go by without it stirring memories of the Flowered Up classic. If only they had been from Manchester, they would have been massive. Warning: Links contain strong language and adult themes.
  7. I've done 77 of the current 92 league clubs (either old or new grounds and most with Latics). Ones I'm missing are:- Middlesbrough Wigan Norwich Plymouth Preston Swansea Leicester Millwall Aldershot Bury Chester Dagenham & Redbridge Macclesfield Morecambe Wycombe
  8. You are the one with the paranoid conspiracy theories Diego. I'm happy to keep highlighting salient facts to disprove such flights of fantasy though if you ask nicely. As for that particular match, if it were a League game, Henry would have been sent off but the decision in the first minute of a friendly was a bit of a joke and totally spoiled the game as a competitive affair.
  9. Or.....Griffin stuck out his leg as far as it would go in an attempt to stop the ball going out of play. It hit his ankle and looped over the keeper in a bizarre piece of luck in a game were Latics could do no wrong and were 5-0 ahead at half-time. He's just lost his job so I'll give him the benefit of the considerable doubt! Good luck Adam and hope you get fixed up with another Club.
  10. Wasn't Roger Milford the ref who mysteriously allowed seven minutes injury time giving Second Division Latics time to conjure up a late equaliser at the "Top Flight" Dell? The rest, as they say, is history and I've got a scarf, mug and T-Shirt to prove it. That's the problem with conspiracy theories. Some smart arse always finds irrefutable facts to disprove them.
  11. Beardy ain't no geek. A hot bit of crumpet maybe but certainly no geek. Now if Ackey got a pair of specs............
  12. Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire is the only place for real Pork Pies. They are protected under the European Union patent thingummy that says only pies from Melton Mowbray can be called Melton Mowbray pork pies. Even Sepp Blatter can't get round that one. As the Lashers have now put in a bid for Taylor and Simon Grayson is shortly going to be appointed Leicester manager for anything between 3 and 6 months, then young Chris is going to be following the whiff of pig and congealed fat down to the land of Lineker and interesting house parties. Can we have Ian Hume as a swap?
  13. Wire, Wyre - it all sounds the same to me! According to a Warrington RL fan that I met in a pub in Bristol after the 0-0 draw at Ashton Gate the Season before last, he told me they were known as "Wire" because there used to be a lot of wire making factories in the Town. He had curly hair, a beard, glasses, was drinking Real Ale and looked a bit of a geek so this kind of trivia is probably meat and drink to him. Maddog was there as well but I think she was getting the (non Real) ale in.
  14. If you were that good at predicting you should have know they would welch on the award.
  15. I think it's an automated response. I got mine back immediately.
  16. Lol! It was several years later that oafc_ok remembered the name and number on the back of my Latics shirt and the realisation hit home that we had all had a drunken conversation as last orders approached in that pub in Stirling! Watched Latics at Clyde last pre-Season as well and had the pleasure of meeting Gary Mac's mum and dad. Nice people.
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