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Everything posted by jorvik_latic

  1. I'm working my second job behind a bar tonight. VERY dangerous!!
  2. OMG! It must be close to happening if the fishul are reporting it! Still...I'll be happier when it's a done done deal!
  3. Total transfer fees of half a mil during his career. Thought it would have been more than that.
  4. Good point. Not 1 contracted striker at the club now. Anyone else worried?
  5. Well said. This issue has made everyone think long and hard- and I've still not decided how I feel! It's great to have reasoned debate on this forum without the WUMs. Only time will tell and I think I'll only make my mind up when/if we sign him(as it's still only on a handshake), and see what he does when he gets out. Let's see how he handles his second chance.
  6. To steal from someone else and lighten things up.. He's going to need a BIG shirt to get his number on the back!!
  7. I think he/she is genuine. I've seen them on there for a while (doesn't mean they aren't, I know!)
  8. I've got mixed feelings about this. He's paid his dues (a pathetically lenient sentence, but that's nothing to do with me or the club). How would everyone feel if they knew we had the chance to sign him and one of our competitors snapped him up and were promoted? This is probably the only way we can get a clinical striker without paying a fortune. This is from 606- We have some numpties supporting us!
  9. Lees - sounds like a good few days! Mark - jsut tried to send a message but your inbox is full. I'll try later.
  10. I know, nice 2 minute stumble from the 'city' centre. Where are you going?
  11. I might try and make this. I'm coming down to London this weekend as I'd already booked a hotel. My train gets into Kings x at 2.30. How far is it from there?
  12. Well, just under 10% increase for the earlybird and just over 5% for the normal price. Not too bad I suppose, but not exactly a negligible increase as the fishul states though- higher than inflation.
  13. I have to say it's a good decision. You can't fault the guy for effort but if we offered him a squad role, I don't think his heart would still be in it. Very brave of Shez to make the decision- I bet it wouldn't have been easy. Nice to know he can be ruthless when he has to!
  14. £167 last year on early bird and £217 after that for 16-19's. Not a bad price but may be tempted to lower it as you say.
  15. Ditto! The kind of football that Shez had us playing last season has made my mind up. Anyone know when the pricing is going to be released?
  16. Just keep going. I think you get 5 days per round to improve your score.
  17. Is anyone else struggling to access the leagues page?
  18. It's a long story! I've always moved around which has made supporting latics pretty hard! I graduated a few years ago and have a decent job over here now. I suppose it's only a short drive compared to some!
  19. It looks a lot different from the original design! Still good though, fingers crossed.
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