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Pine Villains

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Everything posted by Pine Villains

  1. *gasp* It's not an episode of Star Trek. It's a football forum, with blokes and that. In any case, I reserve the word for special occasions like this.
  2. Now that would be :censored:, and we have the monopoly on that. *sticks two fingers up*
  3. Now I can't work out who is outraged and who is taking the piss. :censored: THE INTERWEB HIGHWAY AND ALL ITS TROLL OUTRAGE!
  4. Great. Making all those fat bastards even more fatter. ONE TIME ONLY! LATICS SEASON TICKET WITH FREE STROKE!
  5. Ahh, not the Hudson Bay t'other side of Todmorden then.
  6. HA HA HA - Hardly. Can't be assed posting a meme that encapsulates that post.
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