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Everything posted by mattsgrandad

  1. Also if that becomes Div 1 North & South plus Div 2 North & South, it will possibly eliminate the need for overnight stays & the need to assess pitch playability the day before. Never likely to happen though - far too sensible an idea!
  2. Since when have Latics been 'fan focused' ? I seem to recall past occasions at BP where the home crowd has been kept in at the end of the match waiting for the away fans to disperse and now, the 'fan focused' approach is to move the home fans to accomodate the away fans.
  3. There's a saying ....'A poor workman blames his tools'. Lesson for Latics ...... A fork'n'spade aint enough. Whatever happened to straw coverings, hot air blowers and the like - the weather at BP hasn't really changed that much in the 50 years that I've been attending - but the way we deal with it has.
  4. Whether the decision is given today, tomorrow, next week or next year, it doesn't deliver a new stadium - only new investment will do that. Granted, a favourable decision that helps the quest for new investment will be very welcome .... but the lack of comment from the board on the land swap issue suggests they are in no hurry to put themselves back in the firing line. At the moment, the delay in the Charity Commision's decision is the board's excuse for (appearing to be) doing nothing.
  5. Do you get the feeling it's all a bit like supporting England ...... .... a bit of decent form and instantly we're labelled world beaters ...... until we play the games where a one-off performance really matters (e.g. all cup competitions this season) and then we let ourselves down. We can only take each game as it comes - if we win, great; if we win and turn in a decent performance, even better but consistency has to be the key and if I'm honest, my guess would be that we aren't good enough (yet) to be called a consistent team. So, support & admire what's good but let's not allow ourselves to adopt the 'we are England and therefore deserve to win every game we play' attitude. The play-off's are a long way off!
  6. Dickov on Latics website (Player): "ROCHDALE IS A GOOD GAME TO BANISH TUESDAY'S DISAPPOINTMENT" I think he got his words mixed up - what he meant to say was: "ROCHDALE IS A GOOD GAME TO REPEAT TUESDAY'S DISAPPOINTMENT"
  7. Why? A defeat I can accept - a bad result (i.e losing a 3-0 lead with just 13 minutes to go) is something else. Clubs like Man Utd don't accept bad results - example Villa 2 Man U 2 - contrast to Acc Stanley 3 Latics 2. I'm sure PD & his team won't either - if they do, they are not the guys to take us forward!
  8. Massive disappointment. 3-0 up. Sent a text to my son at half time telling him the points were in the bag - should have known better!!!!! What went wrong? - most of the posts reflect the exposure down our right hand side and question the substitutions. I agree with the lack of cover but I don't think anyone should be critical of PD - he put in Jones and had every right to expect him to do his job but he failed miserably. Also I would point a finger at Stephens - his second half contribution was negligible - apart from losing the ball in the build up to Exeter's first goal. When that goal went in (courtesy of Brill's fumble), the old doubts came flooding back, heads dropped and there was no-one on the field to lift us - that's where we miss a real captain. Will we learn anything from this? - I'd like to think so and no doubt PD will come up with the expected comments to tell us it won't happen again .... but this is Latics so we all know it will.
  9. A calendar ?? - Isn't that something that hangs on a wall or is propped up on the sideboard - and still shows January in September?? Isn't it comforting to know that Oldham still remains untouched by technology.
  10. In reply to c.hill12 I was merely supporting the point that atmosphere is created by people rather than buildings ... but then widened the issue to pass comment on the type of atmosphere being created. ps - you really must learn how to use the 'Quote' option.
  11. Chaddy vs RRE? RRE - better facilities Chaddy - the 'soul' of the club Was a ST holder in the Lookers since the days when it was known as the Ford stand but, with it's demise was forced to relocate and chose the RRE. The swapping about to accomodate away fans forced me to reconsider and went instead to the Chaddy. Performances last season meant I didn't renew my ST but I still sit in the Chaddy simply because I prefer to sit amongst like-minded people whoi go to watch the game rather than be pre-occupied with hurling abuse & foul language at the (usually) small number of away supporters who occupy the away part of the RRE. However, back to the debate - which is better ? On balance, I would agree with this previous comment..... ....but, based on my recent experiences, is that the kind of experience we want to encourage?
  12. Let's hope his transfer agreement to Bolton included an 'appearance' clause - much more appropriate (and by that I mean an immediate benefit to Latics) IMO than a 'sell-on' clause - and, if that is the case, he starts turning out for the first team pretty soon.
  13. - hence Chron should have gone for 'confirmation' or 'clarification' as Singe rightly points out.
  14. In the article, PD states ... "It is disappointing because Monday and Tuesday was the best Warren had trained since he arrived at the club......" Don't know what anyone else thinks but three months seems a long time to reach the 'best' level of training - even accounting for injuries.
  15. Injury has been officially announced on the club's website - but only as a doubt for Saturday.
  16. The solution is obvious ...... Latics & City agree a player exchange deal that incorporates the settlement of the MR sell-on clause. Neither club needs to disclose the sums involved. Wouldn't like to predict the players involved or who would benefit most but .... I can't see Carlos coming to BP.
  17. Is it just me or does anyone else wonder why he restricts his comments to the club's member's website? For me, the objective of the interview should be to update the fans on issues that matter - an objective unlikely to be achieved via this limited outlet. It's like watching a certain Piers Morgan interviewing his mates on TV - no real questions - just ones they're only prepared to answer. Did anyone learn anything new from that interview? Let's have the story behind the story - Failsworth - the issue isn't about the land - it's about the funding!
  18. It's somewhat surprising that no-one on this thread has really considered the business sense aspect of 'buying' the club. Now I'm no expert and stand to be contradicted, but surely, when someone buys a business the normal expectation is that in return for buying the assets (or goodwill), they have a business plan (which may or may not include further financial investment) that provides for an acceptable financial reward for their money & efforts. However, in Latics case, I don't believe we have any assets of any value as the stadium is owned by a 3rd party company with loans already secured against it (and rising by the day). So any investor would not only have to pay market value for the stadium but also settle the outstanding loans - a nett result that his investment is immediately worth considerably less than what was paid. The only conclusion I can make from this is that any investment is totally dependant on cast iron guarantees of a stadium development (BP or Failsworth) and the profit expectancies from that venture exceeding the settlement to the existing landlords and creditors. Is that a possibility in the current economic climate? Your guess is as good as mine.
  19. Whilst I agree we need solutions, they can only come after understanding (and accepting) the full extent of the problem(s) - something that only the club owners can relate - not a single line 'financial disaster' summary trotted out by AH. I wish I could see enough positives to outweigh the negatives that are keeping people away from BP but at the moment I can't see any.
  20. Yes but we're only a third of the way through the season. If players are tired at this stage, it doesn't look good for the final few weeks does it? Agreed about the need for a solid squad - unfortunately we don't have much beyond the first-choice starting 11. I still stand by comment and interestingly enough, a certain Mr hardy has used the same term as myself - "disaster".
  21. No drift - all I said was he should have stuck with his best eleven players. Cannot understand how he can preach a "no complacency" view to his players yet drop the two best ones from the team.
  22. ... and a green one for the spring, a yellow one for the early season games (late summer)...... Did every cup game adopt the orange ball or was it down to individual club decision?
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