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Posts posted by pinevillawill

  1. Like I said, things have a habit of coming out rightly or wrongly. We are listening, we are on here not only has fans but as trust members to, but so are owners, employees maybe even players.


    Can you please tell me you understand this? Thank you

    So, let me get this right. You are against transparency for fear it will damage the reputation of the club, despite knowing 'things have a habit of coming out'? Bearing in mind, when information does leak, there will almost certainly be elements which have been twisted/edited/misunderstood?


    I would be far more respectful of the Trust, and the club, if it was open and honest with its fans on important issues instead of saying nothing at all in hope the rumours will, simply, go away.


    Saying nothing can be more damaging than saying something.


    It seems to me the Trust are against transparency for fear it will damage its own relationship with the club and, by doing that, the fans are very much an afterthought, hence my suggestion of a genuine supporter's association completely separate to the Trust.


    So, in answer to your question. Yes - I completely understand the points you are making. As I said in my original post, you have a near impossible task of keeping everyone happy. But, as a fellow fan, do you understand that no transparency leaves fans feeling disillusioned?

  2. As a directors of the trust we walk a fine tightrope between working with the club and managing fans/our expectations. We are also bound about what we are here to protect and what we can say that may/may not damage that.

    With all due respect, this is the reason why the fans are so disillusioned by the Trust. Fans are told they have a voice; a representative on the board to voice their opinions, suggestions and concerns. But, unfortunately, the Trust are bound by the proverbial tightrope in order to 'protect', what the Trust feels is, the best interests of the club.


    Is it not, therefore, time for a genuine supporter's association? A group that puts the interests of the fans at the forefront, instead of trying to find an impossible balance of pleasing the club and its increasingly disgruntled and diminishing fan base?


    I respect the work of the Trust - I genuinely do. But, as fans of Oldham Athletic, we all have differing views on how the club should, or shouldn't, be run, and it would, therefore, be refreshing to have a genuine supporter's voice, separate to the Trust.

  3. Sorry pinevillawill but I have to disagree, I think the club your describing there is Rochdale, granted I'm only mid 40's but I've got to say in my 30+ years attending the last 6/7 years has been as bad as it gets, historically we are now what you'd say is a lower end Championship top end League 1 team despite the :censored:e Corney would have you believe and in any case why should we accept mediocrity the whole club is rife with a losers mindset and that for me stems from the top.

    Point taken.


    This is our 99th season in English football.


    We have spent 44 of those seasons, including the last 20, in the third tier. Therefore it could be argued that we have very much found our level.

  4. In comparison to other clubs, our recent history has been relatively stable.


    What 'positive outcomes' are you looking for? Historically, we're a modern day League 1/League 2 club with small crowds and limited finances - and that's what we are today, and will most likely be in many years to come.


    Corney isn't everyone's cup of tea, that's for sure. But the grass isn't always greener.

  5. Wasn't the worst I've seen us play, but it was far from good. Poor in the first half, better in the second.


    Steve Eyre summed it up well on GMR - all our attacks come down the right hand side, nothing down the left, and no creativity in midfield; nobody to drive the ball forward.


    It's clear Robinson doesn't know his best 11 but you can't blame him for chopping and changing. He's desperately trying to find the right combination.


    Do we? I don't.


    Or do people like you just get miffed on our behalf in order to moan by proxy?

    The intention wasn't to moan for moaning's sake. I didn't intend it to come across that way, if it did. I was just trying to make the point that mid season promotions and reductions devalue season tickets, regardless of how cheap you got it for.


    A few seasons ago, I was a full paying adult season ticket holder. The club ran a promotion - a few games for not a lot of money. I can't remember all the details of the promotion, but what I can remember was Corney's promise of 'compensation' to season ticket holders - his words, not mine. Compensation which never arrived.


    I, personally, haven't had a season ticket since. Why not? Not because I didn't get a free car air freshener or a Chaddy the Owl mug. But because I've realised you can attend the majority of games at a discounted rate by not being a season ticket holder. And if I can't go (or don't want to go) I'm not out of pocket.


    It's only November and we've already had a buy one get one free promotion and a price drop on advance and gate tickets. Not to mention the discount for printing a ticket out at home.


    I'm all for the drop in prices - £24 pay on the day was ridiculous - and I really do hope it gets a few fans, old and new, down to BP. But, if people are of the same mindset as me, promotions and reductions could impact on the number of people renewing season tickets.


    Saying that, the core of season ticket holders would probably renew, regardless.

  7. Raw deal?? I paid £200 for my season ticket wouldn't call that a raw deal? Works out at £8.60 a game!!

    Every promotion, reduction, etc. which impacts on matchday prices devalues the season ticket.


    Yes - you are getting a bargain at £8 a game, but your saving on a match day has gone down £4 a game.


    And don't forget those ST holders that didn't/couldn't take advantage of the promotion.


    Not a ST holder, myself, but can see why ST holders get a bit miffed at times.

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