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Posts posted by pinevillawill

  1. The only stumbling block for bringing Baxter back would be his wage demands. But considering he's suspended until January, you'd think we could sign him on reduced terms. Get him on the books, keep him fit and out of trouble, and you've got a hell of a January transfer. Whether we've got money to spend on a player who can't play for half a season is another question.


    Why is it so astonishing? - Actually you are boring me now - so don't bother answering - as I said you are simply giving the loons the oxygen they want by publicising it - simple thing to understand for most but to you - it's astonishing.


    Because you've suggested the best way of tackling racism is by ignoring it. When do you pick up your Nobel Peace Prize?

  3. These things happen everywhere - just don't give them the oxygen of publicity - which you have done by posting about it. If 99% of the crowd are good - that'll do for me - you will always have a minority of loons. And don't forget - nigh on 2,000 home fans who ain't been for a fair while came along today. May have attracted a few looking for a dust up etc.


    It happens everywhere so just ignore it? Wow.


    And what has a few idiots looking for a dust up have to do with racist chanting? Lost me there.

  4. I'm all for abusive chanting at the away fans, especially when the away fans are from our neighbouring town. And - hell - chuck in a swear word or two for good measure.


    But. BUT.


    'You're just a town full of pakis' and 'Allah is your leader'.


    Hang your heads in shame, you :censored:wits.


    A small minority, I know. But, for the first time in my life, I was ashamed to be an Oldham fan. Disgusting.

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