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Everything posted by maddog

  1. Yeah cos all people who went to Hulme are posh.....
  2. No. Bacon, lettuce and tomato Or it could be Bums, Legs and Tums
  3. Dogtanian and the Three Muskerhounds (my favourite) He-Man Thunder Cats Ulysses Ooh, and Dungeons and Dragons - the cartoon, not the game of whatever tf it was originally.
  4. If it's a bird, I blame the owl. I also have self-inflicted injuries. Went to my BLT class on Thursday for the first time. And still can't walk. So I just booked me in for this week as well. Sadistic? Perhaps!
  5. Not much. It is teeny tiny. It's just that your and Ackey's signatures are longer than anyone's posts, so I have to scroll across from side to side as well as up and down. And it gets on my tits! Never mind, it's just at work anyway.
  6. Ackey and Stevie, can you shrink your signature pics a bit please? It messes up the layout for us people with tiny work PC screens . Ta.
  7. No I'm not, but you asked me what if I was. Not saying it would do any harm. Just don't think it would do any good.
  8. If I were black, had ancestors who had been a victim of the slave trade, and felt passionately that my family had been wronged, an apology from Blair would make me think - 'Why are you apologising? You did nothing wrong.'
  9. What good would it do if you get an apology? The Government would be as sincere as I would if I was asked to apologise for something I hadn't done.
  10. Yes, acknowledge and learn. No need to apologise - especially, as you say, if it's a 'toke' gesture - why bother?
  11. I'm not good at these political debates. On a logical and personal level, I object to being made feel guilty for anything my ancestors did - and I don't think the government should have to apologise for something that happened before they were in power.
  12. Officially, only one McNiven brother was from over the border . Scott chose to be Scottish, David was English.
  13. Wasn't Vic Halom a Mackem? If so, yes, definitely counts as foreign. As does anywhere in the north-east!
  14. Might do Manchester one night, but I know it less than I know Oldham. Fancy being our tour guide one night? Oldham after the game if anywhere! And yes, what you suggested would be like every match for you - that's why I'm trying to make it a bit bogger and longer Now get to bed
  15. 41 apparently, although I wasn't 100% he had any. That wasn't the question! Linky
  16. Used to go out in Oldham every week when I was at school, but things have changed a lot - even in the last 6 or so years since I last went there - new bars galore! I can safely say I never went to Candlelight. I did go to the Cabaret club a few times though, which was the most appalling school disco thing ever. Is that still going?
  17. I have some friends coming to the last match, and have promised to show them the bright lights of Oldham (couldn't face Rochdale - they've all led quite sheltered lives.....although Oldham could also be an eye-opener for them all). But they're here for a few days, so I could take them to town another night. I think taking them to the WH could be interesting. They have been warned! They were quite concerned whether you lot would mind them crashing their post-match drinkage. I told them not to be silly - they're all girls so will be welcomed with open arms . So we'll probably need food at some point - but they aren't averse to a dodgy kebab from somewhere. I think drinking will be a priority for all involved!
  18. I like the idea of a meal, but numbers could be a problem. Even 20 is quite difficult to accommodate!
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