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Everything posted by LightDN123

  1. I understand your view, but just to put it into perspective, he was in a Wycombe side where by the end he didn't want to play as he was forcing a move to a bigger club, he was very well thought of at Wycombe. He then came to us, and was a pretty big influence for us in providing the service and hold up play for main for expample to score the goals(yes I know he got injured) . He then went to fleetwood played a handful of games and got injured again granted, so can't really judge that spell. Here we are now, and he's playing in a team where pretty much everyone on here can agree it's the worst CM in an extremely long time. Yes he's not a goal scorer, but he's bloody good at holding the ball up and bringing others into play, not his fault that currently no one is even moving to receive the ball. For example, if we played Osei and duffus, neither can hold the ball up well, so Clarke and others will be hoofing it to them to bypass our awful midfield, the ball will come straight back as they can't hold it up, alternatively they can Mick it down the channels, but this only ever comes off a handful of times, and will mean the all will come back at us. With Holloway a least the ball sticks with him and gives us some time, it's then up to everyone else to bloody move and offer an option, but they don't. Anyway just my opinion on the situation.
  2. Holloway is actually a very good centre forward, service is the issue imo, he by far one of our better players
  3. Have we even created a 1 v 1 opportunity yet ? Says it all really
  4. Thank you very much, that would be a massive help, I really appreciate your time. It does seem a bit odd, and there are also times on the sheet that show the times I was parked there and the date so this would match up with the date of the game, if they needed any kind of evidence.
  5. I had the ticket the steward gave me on the dashboard visible, and the letter is from the hospital it seems. Very strange. Thanks for the reply, I'm not from the area so the help is appreciated.
  6. I parked in the hospital car park, and payed with the steward and eveything, went where I was told, and have just came home to a parking ticket ? Anyone else on the same boat ? Any advice at all ? Many thanks
  7. I'm sorry but a big problem is fane, he is a footballer who can't kick a ball ? If we wanted someone to just run around the centre of midfield with sum pace we may aswell put Tope there to do that, at least when he gets the ball he can pass. (I obviously don't want tope in centre midfield). It's simple tho, he can't play football, he's in our midfield, therefore we will struggle. But against the top sides where we don't have the ball he may be useful, but we will never be a top side with him in the team because we won't be that team keeping the ball, if that makes sense
  8. It's no problem, but currently your saying it's true, but you don't know it's true ? People just want to know how you know, and you literally don't
  9. I'm sorry but you have pulled that out of nowhere with no real evidence at all, but agree they maybe are a bit slow together
  10. How do you know they don't like each other ? Genuinely wondering
  11. Have to agree, he has natural ability on the ball fawns, it's great to watch, but obviously his positional sense still needs working on
  12. Wouldn't play wing backs, want McLaughlin on the wing as far up as possible
  13. Honestly last nights performance was overall very good, for a guy rarely getting into the box, he did well to hit the post, have a glancing header just wide, and a 1 v 1 in the box, three chances a game like that and he will score goals
  14. Fucking hell you need to watch the game again pal, he won everything in the air from where I was sat
  15. Sorry who is KL ? Lee ? No it wasn't him, but he's good friends with duffus, so duffus also knew what to expect
  16. I had a mate who was managed by Sheridan in the last few years, no matter what happened, what the score was, he would come in at half time and go bloody mental, that's just the way he is I think, some react some don't, I suspect Davies knew what he was getting into
  17. I'm sorry but if you didn't see the qualities that Holloway provided yestrday, I'm Adair you never will, which is fine it's all about opinions
  18. Yeah we didn't win, yeah there are improvements needed, but last night was a good performance, and was entertaining to watch, and Holloway did his job fantastically, and dominated those centre backs, Shame he could not find the goal
  19. Apart from the Holloway 1 v 1, Holloway hit the post, Holloway glancing header from a corner, Peter Clarke's header at the end which was clear cut chance, then soon after the cross that almost went it. Yeah mate never looked like scoring, stop talking shite
  20. Entertaining match, improved performance, 3 points on Saturday needed for confidence
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