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Posts posted by OneSizeFitz

  1. Still :censored:e.

    Would you eat a donner kebab off your wedding china?


    That's completely different though, isn't it? Because eating a kebab off your wedding china doesn't bring your any more enjoyment than not doing. Whereas watching your team play at Wembley is far preferable to watching them play at Boundary Park.


    Would you go if we got there?

  2. You never manage to offer an even bet do you. You just dont get the logic behind probability. Have a think and offer me a straight bet



    So you're moaning because you think there's a less than 50% chance that Rochdale and Bury will both finish above us? Despite having stated categorically in other topic that...


    "We will finish below Rochdale and Bury...again"




    Would you accept him keeping us this workman like & getting us ultra, ultra organised until January or February if, after that, safety secured we opened up a bit and had a go at the playoffs?


    If you think we'll have safety secured by January or February playing like we have the last two home games, I'd like some of what you're drinking...

  4. Might just turn out to be another Tarkowski.


    Yes he had a shocker against Carlisle but looks to have all the attributes. Personally, would rather we played and developed him alongside Clarke than rely on a loanee in Burgess.


    But will trust the manager; game time will be good for him - just hope he doesn't pick up a nasty injury.


    Will come good this lad.


    Not convinced, personally... but sincerely hope I'm proved wrong!

  5. We're desperately in need of someone in the middle of the park who'll get their foot and the ball and consistently pick out a forward pass. I'm not sure we actually have that player, but Winchester and Banks look as close as we're going to get, so I think one of them should play.

    We're also desperately in need of a pair of wingers whose first thought is to whip the ball into the box, rather than spend five minutes dallying around with it, before either passing it backwards or ineffectively trying to cut inside. Croft's done okay in that regard, and whilst McLaughlin has been largely hopeless thus far, he has only been given bit-part chances, and does at least look to run at a man and get the ball into the box. Flynn's another option, but he's been so anonymous recently I'm not sure I can justify him starting again. Or possibly Jahraldo-Martin, but he seems to have disappeared completely.

    At the minute, Robinson seems to be falling into the trap of picking his best XI players, rather than his best team...

    With that in mind, I'd suggest a (perhaps unpopular) 4-2-3-1;






    ...with Mckay given explicit instructions to play off the shoulder of the last defender, and get himself in and around the six-yard box as soon as the ball's played out wide.

    Seems a tad unfair on the likes of Erwin and Osei, who've done okay, but I'm just not really sure they offer much playing wide in a 4-3-3. Either play your strikers through the middle, or not at all.

  6. I think people need to redefine what they think are wingers...we've barely got one in the whole squad. A width/by-line man. Croft is the one who should fit that bill but he isn't capable (was rubbish again on Saturday when he came on - ran about anywhere where the ball wasn't.) Most others are not wingers but Left Centre Mids, Right Centre Mids or whatever you want to call them. Rick Holden, David Eyres, Andy Liddell (when his legs worked), Neil Adams...they were wingers. Very very few in this lot we have are. I'm praying McLaughlin gets fit and up to speed to be a proper winger but that would mean we would be more expansive. Which I'm not sure Robbo wants us to be at present.


    I think Croft's done pretty well when called upon this season, actually.

  7. Fané should have been subbed off before he was went sent off. Not only were we desperately in need of someone more creative and forward-thinking, but it was also obvious to everyone in the ground that he was a red card waiting to happen.

    Other than that, Osei was a handful when he came on, Law did well, and Peter Clarke really is a class above everyone else. The rest were all fairly average, but I've seen us play far worse and win...

  8. I think you're overdoing the poverty angle.


    Get on your bike and look for a ticket office.


    You can buy a printer for less than the price of two match tickets.


    Indeed. There are many things worthy of chastising Oldham Athletic for, but allowing fans to purchase and print their own match tickets at a reduced cost certainly isn't one them.

  9. Burgess - Hopeless

    Woodland - Hopeless
    Kettings - Largely Hopeless
    Edmundson - Largely Hopeless
    McLaughlin - Largely Hopeless
    Banks - Largely Hopeless (worldie aside - did improve second-half)
    Flynn - Anonymous

    We badly missed Clarke and Ripley in particular, as well as somebody (Green) to control the game from the middle of the park.


    Ladapo looks impressive, Osei and Croft both changed the game when they came on at HT, and I thought Mckay played well too. Brian and Dunne were both fine.

    So with Ripley/Clarke/Green/Fané/Erwin to come back in, I think there's a decent XI in there. And can't really complain for a fiver.

    (As an aside, Carlisle look quite good, and Mike Jones was the best player on the park...)

  10. This disgusting policy that's crept in of charging fans more for paying on the day is surely financial suicide for clubs?. Can anybody provide a logical explanation? It was a fiver extra for paying on the day today at Bradford (I`ve been working down south all week) - and I understand Latics have a similar policy. Surely clubs should be trying to attract the "floating/casual" supporter who thinks, "Nice weather, I think I`ll pop down to watch a match today."



    Works both ways though. If someone pays in advance, the club are guaranteed their money when they decide not to turn up because it's pissing down...


    ...particularly beneficial in Oldham.

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