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Everything posted by simplythemostimportantkick

  1. Which in itself makes it bizarre that that’s where you thought we should have looked before going for 5PM (im gonna start calling our manager 5’O clock )
  2. He must’ve known there was an elite level world famous scout, with knowledge of the game he could only dream of, watching his star talent. You’d have to be at that standard to know we should deffo sign a crock, after seeing him for about half hour.
  3. Would you rather win the passing ? We’ve just won. Enjoy the result. Get that blood pressure under control
  4. People need to calm the fuck down . Not playing well and being 2-0 will do just nicely. We are 8th now and in good form. It’s all about results.
  5. Not great but I’ll take the goal lead at ht. we will come out different after MM gives em a kick up the arse. 3-0 incoming…
  6. It amazes me that when we are winning (regardless of performance) we don’t need to be signing the opposition teams best player on the day
  7. Upvoted on the 8th word As has been said by multiple people. Trouble is they are all blocked so he won’t see it.
  8. Going97758 times is that ? Just piss off if you wanna, don’t need to announce it
  9. What’s that got to do with the match. Ridiculous remark. Stick on topic
  10. Cos of dickheads like you maybe.. the pressure of being booed if we concede an indirect free kick
  11. Where’s @BP1960 to tell us which one of their players we could do with ?
  12. I wouldn’t have played him at all last night, not after limping off the night before.
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