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Everything posted by simplythemostimportantkick

  1. Nope. People have their minds made up and see what they want. Bet we score another from the excellent pressing. DU has massively underachieved but I want him to do well. Enjoying the match.
  2. These fan guests are getting worse. Didn’t think last weeks could be outnumptied but scatman took the biscuit
  3. My thinking is they can’t be any worse than the three in question.
  4. Some of us still do.. crabby Dan is not the answer. We need the injured players back. If they are further away from return than initially thought I’d delve into the loan market
  5. What you gonna moan about now ? Let me guess.. the new RB cos we didn’t sign your recommendation from Fish Chop Rovers
  6. Not just today. That same coked up pisscan element is at most aways and spoils it for others. (The fans not the cocaine)
  7. Lovely little retirement place.. why don’t you go support them and give it a rest on here
  8. Piss poor and a fine way to waste £9.50. Glad I didn’t get back from Luton in time to go. Atleast I’m only hugely disappointed and not hugely disappointed plus cold. Dogshit.
  9. I always felt Forte was gonna bag. Underrated imo.
  10. I wouldn’t worry too much about Dorking’s results yet, I’ve got them finishing mid table
  11. Fuck me. Are you new here ? He’s been at it for years. What he doesn’t know is not worth knowing.
  12. Any of the wierdos that frequent other teams forums know if they see us as their title challenging rivals ? Do fans of any other teams see us as a threat ?
  13. Only if it’s an ‘official’ complaint tho obvs…
  14. I wonder how many of the people that comment on DU weight are fat balding fuckers who couldn’t stand up to him fitness wise ? personally think it’s weak as piss even if you don’t like the man. Poor form.
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