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Everything posted by Midsblue

  1. Don't get too bogged down comparing him with Crouch due to his height. Yes, he'll cause problems to defenders due to his height and presence but he's more than capable at creating and converting his own goals. Not as awkward looking as Crouch and has actually scored a fair number as a goal poacher in the box converting the chances coming into the box. Interestingly though, he's been tracked by a lot of scouts and has had a number of clubs at our level and above sniffing around. Rumour down here was that Coventry and Birmingham were both keen and ready to jump but we've beaten them to it. Well pleased with this signing - relatively cheap on wages, huge potential, young, mobile, physical, great goal-scoring record in a very competitive league with loads of ex-professional players.
  2. I doubt he will ever play for us in a competitive match and will hang up his boots this summer. HOWEVER......... Don't you think that Corney would have raised the subject with him? I'm sure that he would have done so purely as it would guarantee a significant increase to our gate every game plus extra through shirts, merchandise and Sky having us on telly more than once a season.
  3. Give the lad a chance to complete a pre-season to improve fitness and gain some confidence and form! Back end of last season the whole team was misfiring so how do you expect a striker to improve, especially if he was in and out the team? He's got his chance to prove the doubters wrong. The lad had great potential and you don't lose ability and skill. He needs to apply himself and until his kicked a ball in anger for 10 games in a row next season the let's reserve judgement until then.
  4. Whatever we receive for him is additional to the playing budget already agreed for next season. Basically it's not being ploughed back into the club to pay the debts. Sorry to see Stephens go (and possibly Taylor for that matter) but if we can replace him with two or three decent additions then this will only benefit the future success of the club on the pitch. Feeney apart, I trust PD's judgement and if we can secure a suitable replacement in the middle to replace Dale plus add a striker and secure M'Voto then it's only good news for us.
  5. Now is the time to cast our net and secure talent in the non-league where compensation is minor, risk is low and the gamble of signing basedon potential is worth the gamble both in time and finances. Too many success stories to mention amongst other teams at our level and we've even had our own with Fitz Hall, Trotman, Andrews
  6. Head says Mid-table and avoiding relegation with 4 games to go. This then gives us time to sort out the stadium, secure investment and then progress during season 2012/13. Dickov's ambitious and I have all faith in him unearthing a few gems and getting the team playing well. However, the budget will constrain him massively. Heart says A JPT Final at Wembley - a day out for the fans; perhaps a resurgence of good old days and we add an extra 500-1000 per home game following the final up to end of the season. The drugs say Champions by Easter 2012 with Scholes chipping in with 15 goals from midfield. We lose out to Chelsea in the Semi-Final of the FA Cup after Scholes scores first, Torres equalises, Feeney takes us 2-1 up and Chelsea sneak through with a Sturridge double - the second on 93 minutes.
  7. Couldn't Visually (that poster who was designing t-shirts) look at cost of generating replicas of that Spall kit? He can then gauge interest on here and get advanced orders plus discuss with club? I'd buy one for me and my two kids so that's 3 already.
  8. For us to succeed next season we need to keep Taylor and Morais as both can create things, can score and are our main sources of excitement and threat at the moment so will retain bums on seats. As our budget will/should reflect the retention of both, I'd dump the fringe players and opt not to offer new contracts so that we bring in players to build around the nucleus of our current strength. The nucleus should be - GK Lee - M'Voto - Tarkowski - Black or Evina Morais - Furman - CM - Taylor CF - Brooke I'd renew Brill if he seriously drops his current wage because he should be back-up. The youth players I'd keep but seek to offload the other contracted players and use the Stephens income to fund along with what remaining budget we have. Feeney will be our millstone unless we seriously persevere with him with the hope he comes good i.e. play him continuously in the pre-season friendlies to build his confidence and Reid if he remains. If we can retain Tonk on loan then I think he'll come good even if he's a problem for the opposition up front allowing the partner to score the goals.
  9. As early as next week - once the season is over - the club should make a statement regarding next season and the immediate/short-term future of the club. If administration is looming and budgets are being cut back dramatically then potential ST holders should be informed so that they aren't misled and we go into next season with animosity on the terraces. IMHO I think it's unlikely and the rumour-mongers are just that. There's a number of positive factors to consider - 1. Evolution - new badge and club promoting evolution and a new future 2. M'voto - a great player for us at this level - is in talks with the club to stay and genuinely loves the club ... don't you think he'll be one player questioning the prospects for next year? 3. Dickov - is talking about next season, making reference to a list of transfer targets and progress ... don't you think a young, ambitious manager won't also be questioning the ambitions of the club and sounds positive? 4. Change in council - increased support for finding a new home for the club and I reckon securing a location for the new stadium will gather pace in the close season and with this will come renewed financial support into the club 5. Our youth team - extremely promising and already with have some great home-grown players in the first team and will be looking to stake a claim next season 6. Strong nucleus of players contracted to the club for next season - Taylor, Furman, Morais, Brooke, Black 7. Tenacity & determination - the fans and the officials have been on a constant struggle for the last five or six seasons but battle on and SC gives the impression that he will not allow the club to fail and will continue to find a solution in funding and securing not only the short but also long-term future of the club 8. Loyalty of fans - continual promise then failure hasn't beaten the passion and loyalty of the hardcore contingent of fans who continue to buy STs or attend as many games as possible if they cannot commit Keep all those positives in mind because we have two routes in the summer - admit defeat or fight on. Via the evolution we have changed our official motto and this evokes a more positive approach to the future ... "Keep the Faith" is more blind optimism whereas "We are Latics" sends a statement of togetherness, pride, determination and tenacity to continue to fight and strive for success. The only thing hitting the fan next season, in my opinion, is a bright future right between our eyes!
  10. Being born and bred down in the midlands I'm often asked whether I prefer Villa or Birmingham. Same applies for these two as it does for United or City - they're just football clubs to me. As I like watching football then I'd watch them but I have no feelings towards them - negative or positive. I'm still asked all the time why I'm an Oldham supporter despite having no connection to the club or the town. I have done so since the mid-80s, enjoyed the highs and the lows for the past 24 years but I'm only emotional about one club.
  11. Could you define Stitch, Shez, Eyresy and Kilkenny as "fans"? All four have a close affinity to the club and return to watch us play. You could probably, at a stretch, add Pogs. What about some of the youth players? Can only think of four but two of these are doubtful - Scholes and Taylor definitely but Mark Robins and David Platt? Someone probably has a list alongside celebrity fans. Trivia - can you name 10 celebrity fans i.e. publicly recognised and open about their devotion to the club rather than some reality star or pop star who jumped on the wagon when we played the semi-finals and finals on TV and the Man City v Oldham game on BBC (Mark *cough* Owen)
  12. Legend is questionable at this present moment in time but he's one of us. Absolutely loves the club and was totally professional when asked by Sky last night whether the team has been affected by wages being paid late. Take a look at his reaction (his eyes and body language) to the question before he answered - more fan than player - as the question was criticising his club. Appreciate he had to be diplomatic but he looked genuinely hurt and uncomfortable over the comment. Also, last night he was the centre of everything and well worth the MOM alongside Morais. He's passionate about the club and tries to drive the team forward. OK, it's on a totally different level but he's similar to Beckham and England. I for one would miss him if we decided to cash in on him. A footballing legend maybe not but definitely a club legend in the making.
  13. Have I completely misread the situation but my understanding of the current "debt" is an accumulation of loans provided by Corney, Blitz and Gazal? The owners are therefore technically creditors but as they're owners of the club then can they (or even would they want to) enter the club into administration? They'd be other creditors - tax man, players, supplier etc - but as long as they're being paid on time then the club is effectively debt free. I've always found Corney very passionate about the club and it's future - be it from a business point of view or even as a "fan". Therefore, any threats publicly is purely to incite an reaction by the council to achieve a stadium move or redevelopment to secure long-term income and safeguard the future of the club. If other boroughs are willing to throw money to relocate the club and stadium then why shouldn't we take the money and run? OK we'd be the next MK Dons but as long as my club continues to exist even without the Oldham prefix then so be it. This is the LAST resort but surely stakeholders within the Oldham borough need to realise the importance of the club for the town of Oldham. A fast decaying ground with archaic facilities will not entice the fans back or the next generation of fans without greater appeal and we are fast approaching that last resort.
  14. We should be extended PD's contract and allow him to finish the job that he's started. This has been his first ever season as a manager and a very steep learning curve. We've seen so many positives and his style of play is light years ahead of what we've witnessed since Shez left. Yes he's made some mistakes, made one or two dodgy signings and some tactical decisions have made you scratch your head but I can only see this club progressing under one person and that's Dickov. Allow him the chance to make a few playing changes, retain the stronger players and release the weak links and we can do something next season. Question is whether the owners can afford to sign him up on a long-term deal and provide him with a stable environment to progress.
  15. Us getting any money from this deal is up there with Scholes appearing in an Oldham shirt and playing a league game for us before he retires
  16. I know this is a "no sh*t Sherlock" comment but we have to win and win quickly starting this Saturday. With all the doom and gloom off the pitch, the players have to step up and inject some excitement into the town to give the council and others a wake-up call on the threat of losing league football in the town. I know players were paid late but they're being paid this week. It happens but the team needs to realise that here are 3,500 punters who are paid much less than them and some who have lost jobs but still find cash to come and support. We're in it together for the rest of this season - a push, a play-off journey to a final and we can reflect in June on how what impact success could have on the fortunes of this club both on and off the pitch come the summer! People question the motto but "keep the faith" has never been more relevant than it is at the moment!
  17. Can I light a beacon amongst the doom and gloom on this thread? This lad is quality. He's a box to box player and will be superb alongside Furman. He's strong and decisive in the tackle where he'll break up the opposition play and then turn defence into attack with his range of creative passing. He's also composed on the ball, which is something we needed on Tuesday where we playing the upfield ball too quickly and lost possession. Just the ticket whilst Stephens is out. Tuesday night proved that Taylor is wasted in the middle. We have midfielders aplenty but I'm confident that we've signed young Sam at £0 wage whilst he's here. Baggies are keen for Sam to have an extended run at our level and the lad does too. I said the same when Kilkenny first arrived here and I think that Sam will be our catalyst at the time of the season where we need to push on and consolidate a P/O position come May. UTL
  18. I too have no connection with Oldham as a town. I was born and bred in the midlands but caught the bug in 80s when I saw OAFC as the away team and followed them ever since. Since then and especially early 90s I've met many who mirror my path to supporting the club. These people come to OL1 purely for the football but then spend money in the town, in the shops and in the hotels. I predict success again ON the pitch and others from outside the town will make the same journey. What I'm trying to say is that the town DOES need the club more than the club needs the town so I hope the council and Oldham folk realise this too. Do what you can to maintain the club's home in the town - even by turning up for every remaining home game for this season. Promotion will put the club and town back on the map, enticing people back and what's more crucial than a stadium that not only does the town proud but generates income and provides facilities to the town when there isn't a match.
  19. Southampton are a Championship team so we shouldn't be too disheartened after tonight. They're light years ahead of us in respect of financial resource, wage budgets, facilities and infrastructure. Despite their relegation, they could well hold their own in the Championship comfortably. We do have a young team but the older heads and PD/GT will keep them focused and it will be a different story come Saturday against Plymouth. Granted that they're similar in respect of Championship-level resources but their playing staff aren't the same as Southampton. Had we suffered the same against the likes of Swindon, Tranmere or those who've been at our level for years then I would worry. Tonight was a blip and we have a multitude of positives this season and a lot of potential to last the pac and finish in a P/O position. Brighton and Southampton will head the pack but we'll be in the mix come May.
  20. We need to sign PD up on a longer deal even if we miss out this season. What he's achieved at this club in the space of a few months is amazing both on and off the pitch. Barry, are there any other irons in the fire?? Perhaps a striker?! Could you give Lee a call?!
  21. Is that the 7" bloke from the Green Mile?? Imagine him and Tonk up front?!!!
  22. The one question mark of PD's scouting. Not the fox in the box we need. Tell Taggart he can personally keep 100% of ticket sales income over 4,000 punters if he lets us have Owen for nowt for the season. We'd still capitalise from food/drink sales before pies run out and the odd shirt sale. That or Eaves for final five months.
  23. Unlimited but only five in matchday squad. If PD is weaving his magic by securing quality cheap or at no cost to us then hopefully he can snatch a reserve team striker or young gun from Taggart, Wenger, Mancini or one of his other contacts.
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