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Everything posted by ChaddySmoker

  1. Might have been a 1-0 win with a late penalty that never was, now that might explain......
  2. Most of the recent criticism of Tarky on here has been a rehashed version of other stories. E.G. This second phase stuff He was, at times, in the past left for dead by simply a straight ball which has caught him flat footed facing the opposition goal but he has addressed that, yes with coaching, so that he is more 'side on' on a regular basis. Taylor was potentially a good player, we all knew that but so was Tarky and he will be. He will go to much higher levels than M'Voto simply because he is a much better player, less one dimensional plus he is a ball player too which will stand him in good stead as he plays at a higher level. But please do not use the Furman correspondence, he was a con artist that a few fans fell for but I for one never did! If Tarky had not been sold we would be a much better team with him.
  3. Just to clarify, I never said that you were Australian! You misunderstood. I am English too remember and please remember that I stayed.
  4. Relax the Director that I spoke to says It'll all be replaced by the end of February-but I never asked him in which year?
  5. Actually the costs to the NHS will probably be covered by my not lying in a pool of my own urine in some privately owned nursing home thereby saving the DSS some £25K per annum for several years boring the other residents about the times I went to Wembley. It is still a free country! All I want is to be able to smoke without expecting someone else to inhale it.
  6. Rubbish, some of us saw his potential even before this season, luckily that faith has been justified by the fee income.
  7. Let me just make it clear Youngen, there are no current regulations in the UK regarding smoking in the open air only at Latics. As a consequence, and yes it might partly be the fault of people with no or little discipline, the smokers who cannot last those 2 hours, go to have a smoke in covered areas within the ground, usually to the inconvenience of other paying spectators. I, despite my username, do not! It is no hardship really to go without the cigs for the duration of the match! BUT What I do get annoyed at, is people telling me not to smoke, especially out in the fresh air! It is my body and my health and if everybody gave up smoking or was forced to do so, then your tax bill would rise quite considerably!
  8. My mistake Adolf, by the way the cricket team are a bunch of :censored:s!
  9. Well that's one more reason not to go to the land of the Convicts, cheers Adolph! I presume that your firm doesn't operate in the customer services business.
  10. I quoted this on another thread; A mate of mine who is a County fan really rates him as a good prospect! He is quite well in at Stockport and reckons that the 'undisclosed' fee was £20K and a bargain for us.
  11. I do agree totally with that comment, nothing really more to say is there?
  12. A Stockport fan was telling me on Friday that he is going to be a hell of a player. He is quite well in at County and reckons we have paid £20K for him.
  13. Elliott looked quite a decent player in that first half, so they might struggle without him, poor Brizzle!
  14. Talking of cobblers, it would seem that you didn't read fully the Sky Sports article in which it was clearly explained that they had 2 centre backs carrying injuries-not new injuries! They have simply changed their minds! It is not hard to understand! I did actually refer directly to that article to assist those less well educated on the forum who struggle to understand, but who simply 'imagine.'
  15. As someone else said was that the NIL NIL with Millwall so windy on that plastic pitch, freezing too
  16. Reading the Sky Sports report, it seems patently obvious that Brentford have changed their minds on the 'agreement' I guess LJ will have to put it down as a lesson learned, Don't trust Londoners!
  17. Don't get into in a verbal agreement with a city trader! We needed Tarky yesterday
  18. Agreed but Mellor's failings doesn't make Wes even half as good as Smith, unfortunately!
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