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Everything posted by PhilStarbucksSilkySkills

  1. I assume this is our new signing's self promotional youtube channel: link Either that or he has a huge fan or stalker
  2. So you need to be in the prem or you are a sh** player?? Saying that everyone who is not in the prem is sh** is equally as illogical as saying Clegg was good because he was better than worse players
  3. What a load of nonsense If they are suing us then they are saying we knew about it. If we knew about it then surely he would have been a first or second year pro.
  4. I was thinking more along the lines of: Mass panic at Boundary Park, and every man for himself, as players from both sides attempt to avoid becoming the latest victims of the 'Notorious Colchester Scrotum Feeler'
  5. It was said somewhere that he was injured playing for Congo
  6. I disagree. The video quality is much the same as it was back then. I actually downloaded a few of the old Latics World highlights back in the day, which because my subscription is reactivated, now work again. I can therefore make a direct comparison. They are pretty much as pixelated as each other. Rather annoyingly though, only the brief highlights work again. The extended highlights come up with server errors when searching the internet for permissions. So I now have a bunch of videos on my harddrive that I can't get to work under any circumstances.
  7. I certainly remember it being better and more in depth than it is now. I too had a subscription to Latics World (pre Dave Penney), and one of the perks was checking out old highlights. I remember 10 minutes or longer of highlights being produced per match. Additionally they mixed the highlights with the live commentary from Gordon and co (which while not perfect at least had some passion). It doesn't seem like they are making any effort now. I don't know why they think I would pay for this once my free trial ends. And as I say, the video quality may be ok for some (and better than nothing) but I find it completey unacceptable by modern standards.
  8. 1080p is High Definition (eg blu ray and HDTVs) 480p is DVD definition 720p is somewhere inbetween The stuff I have seen on Latics Player isn't even of DVD standard. It's a very poor effort, if that is all there is.
  9. I've just given the 14 day trial a go and had a look at the "extended" highlights. So far the quality is appalling. Is this as good as the video quality gets? Is there somewhere to download 720p versions (or even close to that) of the highlights? This is 2010 right? I'm not still in 2005 and dreaming it's five years later? And where are all the interviews and such stored from more than a week ago? I can see about two clips for "behind the scenes", I can only find highlights for this season and last, there are no "classic matches" or "reserve team" clips. And whatever "legends" is meant to be is a mystery because there's nothing there either. Is this it? Or am I missing something?
  10. I heard that Phil Starbuck was the biggest star that had called in so far. They gave him 7p and a piece of chewing gum (pre-chewed).
  11. Even if you are right and I am not "normal" for feeling the way that you do, why should that mean I need help? Does the majority rule? Who is being wacko here? Shouldn't it be put up to rational discussion and not merely 'argumentum ad populum'? I'm not religious. Should I seek help because I don't conform to the majority opinion on the existence of Deities?
  12. I also love the fact that according to shiny, if you don't actively dislike, hate or root for another team to lose then you must be
  13. Not really. There may be teams I'm quite happy to be losing, but I don't really care. It's not that important, especially when they aren't in serious competition with us. All that matters is that my team wins. I'm saying that it would be quite a childish mentality if it seriously matters to you what a local team from two divisions above is doing (unless you like that team). If Utd or City winning gives you a downer then I think your priorities in life are a little askew. Don't bother. It's irrelevant. Maybe they haven't tried sticker albums either. More fool them. I think you sir need to grow up if you can use the word "hate" in relation to another football team (or supporters) and really mean it. And you obviously do mean it if you are prepared to boycott your own club because of this. If this is what it means to be a football fan for you then I suggest you take up something which will give you more of an outlet for your love of tribal hatred. Perhaps a fundamentalist religion. To me being a football fan is about being pro your own club through thick and thin, and not, as you seem to think, being against any other clubs at all costs.
  14. I'm guessing it will be up a little. Only a little though (after we won our last game). The attendence for the Plymouth game could be interesting though.
  15. Maybe. But I am calling out those 'idiots' for what they are. If this plan to bring in extra revenue fails because their dislike for one club outweighs their love for their own, then the plan failed because of their own attitude. I never cease to be amazed by people using this kind of superficial tribalisism to justify decisions in the real world. To actively dislike a whole group of people who you don't know personally or individually merely because they support another club is crazy. 1) Most of the clubs you mention are not desperate for cash 2) Like it or not, we are not in serious competition with Manchester City and haven't been for some time, or likely to be for the foreseable future. This rivalry is completely one sided, and with the delusional few. This is called a slippery slope fallacy. I can't see this kind of faulty logic working on the majority of people here. At least I hope not.
  16. I really can't believe that there are people on here bitching about this. I had hoped that the idiot who called GMR was an isolated case. The only people who have any right to complain about this offer are current Latics season ticket holders who are also Man City season ticket holders. I doubt there are any. I applaud this idea and any idea that serves to bring in extra revenue. Whether it does bring in extra £, time will tell. If your hatred for a rival club is preventing you from spending your dough on the club you claim to be allied to in its time of need, then that is on YOU and your attitude. You people really disappoint me.
  17. I do worry about us at BP. The standard of opposition we have faced so far on our travels has been much stronger, and not surprisingly the weakest teams we have faced away we have beaten comfortably. I think our team is better suited to playing away, simply because of how well we counter teams. When we are on the front foot we are not so convincing (yet). Dealing with teams at home who park the bus (probably most of them) will make or break our season. Away from home, I think we'll consistantly pick up points. In short Colchester - I think the momentum of our win at Brentford coupled with them losing their unbeaten record will see us win. 2-0 Southampton - A Draw. 1-1 or 0-0 Plymouth - Could be tough. Just the kind of match we'd drop points in. I'll go 1-1 Inbreds from the north - 2-1 win Inbreds from the east - Depends how they approach the game. If they park the bus and catch us on the break they could very well burst our bubble in this match. Does anyone know how they play away from home?
  18. Actually, I'm usually against violence, but I think a slap (the wet kipper type) is the least the moron in question deserves.
  19. And our opponents next Saturday have surrendered the lead six times already this season.
  20. Interesting stats here. We are top of the "points gained" table. We are also second bottom of the "points lost" table (ie we have surrendered the second highest number of points when going ahead in a game) stats.football365.com
  21. Who was the tit who called in to GMR to complain about the idea of giving City season ticket holders half price admission to the Plymouth home game?
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