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Everything posted by PhilStarbucksSilkySkills

  1. Just seen it. Boy those Scientologists are creepy MFs.
  2. Yeah. That one is more down to his 10 retarded team mates not making sure the opposition couldn't kick off.
  3. Not sure if anyone's seen this: I assume it's the same lad. Don't know who this "Tramere" are though
  4. Here's one: Why do lazy b****rds on escalators just stand there? Up or down, old or young, athletic or able bodied. It doesn't matter, they all just stand there. Get out of my f***in way!!! Lazy Lazy B****rds!!!!!
  5. It also occurs to me that the northern quarter plus the "green quarter" falls some way short of being half the city
  6. Oh that reminds me. At Abu Dhabi airport, whilst waiting overnight for a connect flight, I couldn't access any porn sites on my laptop. Not one. They were all blocked. WTF??? How do people who live in that country cope? I demand a revolution
  7. I've got a feeling he's made bigger enemies than me along the way
  8. No offence to you, but your first friend sounds like a nasty piece of to me, and your second friend is a bit of a nob too.
  9. Here's some more 1)People who confront you or call the police whilst you key cut your best mate's car and slash his tyres for sleeping with your wife and fingering your pet poodle. Barstewards the lot of 'em. Why can't they live and let live? 2)Security guards at airports who feel the need to give you the rubber glove treatment for two straight hours, just because you were joking with your mate Ali Jaba Ahmed about blowing the plane up by igniting your own farts. 3)Traffic Lights and Level Crossings. Do we really need them? 4)Swans. Why do they have to be so delicious?
  10. lol Yeah! Right with you on that one. Fwuck small cars up the exhaust pipe with a double decker bus! Here's mine off the top of my head: 1)People who always say "could care less" when they mean "couldn't care less". "Could care less" would mean you DO care. Get it right thicko! 2)Apostrophe abuse 3)Women who feel the need to critique every little aspect of your driving while you chauffeur them around 4)Women who can't give directions properly whilst you drive. Me: Which way. Left, right or straight on? Her: This way (points) 5)Wayne Rooney's interviews. Erm....erm....erm.... 6)Somebody already mentioned dickheads at roundabouts who come to a full stop even though the coast is clear 7)This one might be controversial because everyone on the road seems to do it but me: Scenario > I'm at a junction waiting to turn right onto a main road. Another car is currently on the main road waiting to turn right onto my street. Instead of going past my car a little (while he waits) and making a near 90 degree turn when the coast is clear, he cuts across my car (coming to within inches of my bonnet) at a 45 degree turn from his initial retreated position. a )I don't see why he has to get that close to my car b )I can't move even slightly till he has joined my street completely, and by that time the coast may not be clear still
  11. I thought the film version was well done. Clint Eastwood is quite good for a old guy.
  12. I personally find it difficult to ask spirits their age. Maybe a ouija board might help.
  13. Holdsworth isn't transfer listed. No updates from Barry Owen then? You'd think he would be keen to keep us informed throughout the day.
  14. Frankly I've mostly parked at Tesco. It saves me a couple of quid, gets me some welcome exercise and saves me the mad traffic at full time.
  15. Well I'm not sure I buy that either. I think if they a prepared to do bad things in the name of their god then they would be asswipes without their god too. Maybe in that case many of them would be left without an excuse to do harm. But they would still be asswipes. I think what we can certainly say is that religion doesn't prevent people from doing bad things (as many will claim). And if you think about it, even if it did, it would only be like having a dog on a leash.
  16. Blaming the mother is hardly a hijack of the thread, it's completely on topic. It happens to be how I feel about the subject and I find it worthy of discussion. Other people have also said their own piece on trying to explain what has happened and how. Afterall, there's only so much that can be said along the lines of "I hope the boy gets better" or "I hope the truck driver isn't too distraught". Both worthy sentiments, but in of themselves they're not sustainable fuel for a forum discussion.
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