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Everything posted by PhilStarbucksSilkySkills

  1. It concerns me that he could have been planning this whole thing whilst under the impression that the Stadium capacity will be a great deal higher than it actually is. I hope it was just a temporary brain fart.
  2. My initial take on the pitch narrowing is that it has likely been done to reduce the effectiveness of teams counter attacking us at the www.BoundaryPark.com stadium. This in turn will allow us to attack with more conviction. In addition LJ will obviously be training the players to attack more centrally than our opposition would prefer to when we have home advantage. However I expect our tactics to change alot when we travel to other grounds.
  3. It says he's 2, however the birth date given suggests he is 12 and born on a very eventful day. Perhaps he was born out of smoke and fire.
  4. This has been bugging me (on and off) for a few years. I quote these factoids from the BBC website: Please can someone explain how it makes any sense for the club to borrow money in order to help finance it's own takeover. Surely if the Glazers were short of the funds needed buy out existing shareholders then THEY and not the club would be borrowing the money. What am I missing?
  5. Faith is blind by definition, which is why I dislike it so. I consider myself a realist. There is a difference between faith and optimism. Perhaps a new slogan could incorporate a more skeptical brand of positivity rather than the current unskeptical kind. I don't have any suggestions right now. Just trying to feed some ideas.
  6. I think he was at Bristol City at the same time as our manager. Rumour might have some weight if he rated / got along with him.
  7. But do you seriously think that Shrewsbury offered him a wage that we couldn't match? Would matching his terms have made him our highest paid player? If it had been Smith renewing his contract or if Worrall wants to sign, do you not think we would offer more? It ultimately comes down to value for money. The club has effectively stated this as the reason and I completely believe them for all the reasons that I have argued.
  8. I don't believe that for a second. What you are basically suggesting by implication is that Wes is irreplaceable (ability wise) for the wage he was offered / valued at by the club. He's a decent player, but he's not as good as you are saying. Add that to the Tweet by Matt Chambers, and the four scenarios I suggested are far more likely.
  9. Bottom line is that LJ either: 1) believes we can sign someone of better ability for the wage Wes was requesting 2) believes we can sign someone of similar ability for the wage Wes turned down 3) believes we can sign someone of similar ability for the wage Wes was requesting, but suits our playing style more 4) believes we can sign someone with at least comparable ability (at either wage), who is fairly young and is likely to be a salable asset over the coming years Time will tell if he's correct
  10. I suspect Mellor signing again has been heavily influenced by Grounds leaving. Left Back has always been a tricky position to find cover for.
  11. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpFrbi3lg2Y Anyone notice a rather glaring omission?
  12. On a poetic level this reminded me of the time when Ned Stark's sword "Ice" was melted down by Tywin Lannister.
  13. Anyone spotted this near the end of the match report on the fishal? Is that within the rules? Or did he the ball end up in the stands?
  14. Jebus Christ! Didn't take him very long. And I was kind of saying what I said tongue in cheek too. That guy is a walking parody of himself.
  15. In order to look as much like the person they are trying to emulate as practically possible. Why wouldn't you want to "black up" if the person you are dressed as has dark skin? The only way this kind of thing could be reasonably seen as controversial imho is if someone "blacks up" for Halloween or something, Then when they are asked who they have come as, they respond with "I have come as a black person". Then and only then would I understand the "offense". But this incident is just garbage.
  16. Apparently approximating the skin tone of a celebrity/character that you wish to emulate for a fancy dress night is offensive to some people. Absolutely frackin' ridiculous. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26446213 Even more irritating, unlike the Sol Campbell nonsense, I can't find anyone in the media yet who is speaking out against this.
  17. Or the fact that he's mentally impaired Or maybe, just maybe Alan Shearer and David Beckham were England's biggest and most influential players during the times he regularly made the starting eleven.
  18. Ha. I actually nearly went with "darker side of the force". I expect it to become the new Politically Correct term with months. ;) Although thinking about it, either term would be fitting for the "I could have been a bigger, but the racists held me back. There's no evidence but I'll throw my accusations out there anyway" idiots such as Sol Campbell. Basically with this book he seems to have turned to a career of professional victimhood.
  19. I was just looking at this captain list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_England_national_football_team_captains I make it four captains of darker persuasions - Paul Ince, Sol Campbell, Rio Ferdinand and Ashley Cole
  20. Hard to believe the kind of twaddle this guys is talking. I really can't stand people with his mentality. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26383249 And just to help you all decide if Sol is right: Stato time: Sol Campbell gained 73 caps between 1996 and 2007 There were three full time captains during that time Alan Shearer (1996-2000) David Beckham (2000-2006) John Terry (2006-2010) Sol Campbell himself was made captain for the day on 3 occasions during those years
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