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Everything posted by Clifford

  1. I heard him shout to Green "why did you do that you arsehole" and tell Davies his was a "fucking know it all" and then proceed to tell the Burton bench "Davies hasn't played for 2 years and knows it fucking all Nigel" I would say he was far more angry than usual. So much so we commented on how aggressive he was. Constant moaning last night from the start. Only plus point is Corney saw how limited we were so hopefully further scope for bring one or two in.
  2. Holloway more interested in trying out power his opponent than getting the ball, Dummington looked a right back filling in (not a long term bet at RW) and Green/Fane have not one ounce of creativity. If we are going to play in such a basic way we need to play with two rapid wingers feeding two big men up top. We are neither Arthur or Martha at the moment.
  3. If the steward had even made a joke about this man fancying 'Ben' not sure it would have been an issue. I agree with many the world is far too over sensitive but there is a line when in the act of work.
  4. ha ha ha Been married too long for any of that.
  5. Crusade? The video is the video, the club will deal with it as they see fit, not everyone is on twitter and it is of interest to some of our fans. Just saddened by the reaction from some on here. I posted video originally and didn't make much of a comment. It was then removed because of comments made by some and again similar are occurring on here hence me commenting. If people with backwards views are not challenged where will we end up? If that is a crusade so be it but I won't be outside the main stand with a rainbow flag on Wednesday. Homophobic bullying is a massive issue in schools in this town and adults need to be teaching their kids how to behave, some on here have tried to excuse his comments. I've worked in several public facing jobs, one or two dealing with drunk customers, at no point have I used such a homophobic comment or any other type of comment of this nature even when provoked (anyone who has worked on the front door of an Oldham night club will know what it is like). It's called being professional. I'm sure he regrets it, shame for him really but using that word makes me think it wasn't an accident he made himself sound homophobic.
  6. I'd have Taylor in the middle over Banks and Green. Especially if Gardner and Fane are in there as well. Can't see him wanting to come back, could not do right for doing wrong at times last season. Best to leave it well alone for all parties.
  7. He actually suggested he was interested in another steward because he was a 'faggot' so yes it was a directly homophobic comment. Without watching it again its something like "why are you so interested in Ben? Are you some sort of faggot?" Jesus. He hasn't just suggested he is gay he has used what is widely regarded as a homophobic insult. That would lead me to think it was a homophobic act and therefore the employee of the club, at that moment, was being homophobic. Not acceptable. Not excusable. We will have gay fans, employees and players. I cannot see how this is being seen as a nothing incident really, slap on the wrists stuff. If he had made a racial comment would the reaction be the same? Sadly probably. I think the mods should lock this topic, clearly something fans should see but the comments on here are a little worrying.
  8. Remove the posts showing disrespect or abusive behaviour. No excuse to delete the original post highlighting the incident.
  9. He doesn't work for my football club, he could be and probably is a total bellend.
  10. Rather oddly seems the original posting of this was deleted and there has been no explanation as to why. Please no homophobic comments ladies and gentlemen. I think fans have every right to see how our stewards behave ( we hear enough complaining about other clubs)
  11. Looks like we'll be needing a new steward looking at the video doing the rounds on twitter. What a dick head.
  12. What are the prices for Wednesday and any idea why it's on Wednesday and not Tuesday like usual?
  13. I see the Chron are reporting the probable team and have gone to the trouble of putting Brian Wilson's full name but no one elses. Perhaps a clue on who the keeper may be.
  14. With the deadline having passed I am sure we have someone or even two sorted. If they are dragging it out for a big unveiling it is making me lean to it being Ripley (or another name, Given?). If a team was going to pay a decent fee they'd want Ripley on board now I would imagine?
  15. I'd imagine we offer the chance to get experience on the proviso they get little or no cash. I know Dickov said he was on little more than petrol money (yes I was there).
  16. On a Manchester United tour? A good friend was working there with him. Believe what you will.
  17. Wellens was there with Jon Macken, think Macken is involved with the youth at oafc. 100% true Wellens was saying he had been paid nothing and was owe'd. It may well be he will be paid from here on in but pissed up off duty I have no doubt what he said was true.
  18. Wellens telling several people at weekend (away with united) that we've not paid him a penny yet and owe him.
  19. The more this drags the more I think Mr Ripley is coming back. Stand by for one of those cringeworthy transfer announcements.
  20. Latics to finishing 17th or below. Wheels to fall off when we are trying to flog anyone and everyone at the back end of January.
  21. Not sure we will be in with a shout without Ryan Mc being sold. He won't sign a new deal so I can't see Boro loaning him out again, it'll be a sale IMO.
  22. Hardly comparable talents. Sheridan was top class.
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