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Everything posted by peanuts

  1. nah just spake thara thruster used for the moon landings and in the film 2001 that builds into acreshendo aswell mind you after saturday think here come the girls for our back four !
  2. quick edit 5minuits before kick off then mark ! bloody picky
  3. wouldnt work in the rre as some miserable old git behind you would break off from there anti lomax/eardly/allot/liddle etc tirade to tell you to "put that bloody scarf down or il get astewrad" and thats ten minuits before kick off !
  4. after yesterday think a PLAN A would be a start !
  5. Right i know you will probly never read this but its has to be said right now your probarbly feeling the world is against you and at your lowest point in life your going through a bad spell and things just dont or wont seem to go your way the fans are on your back shezza and tommy are giving you stick you just want curl up and shut it all out . well i aint here to wallow in it with you no niether am i here to critsise what i will say is this we all know and have seen you put in some fantastic performances we know you take pride in the shirt and never set out to play badly not lang ago we were all quite rightly singing your praises on here and i do believe given abit of time and patience we will see this again . so i say this get your head up work hard and show the boo boys what you can do we know you can do it you know you can do it so get out there and do it mate good luck keep working hard and dont let the buggers get you down keep the faith peanuts
  6. two long balls over the top two goals acording to gmr
  7. admit it you bottled it incase his knukle dragging sidekick "aaar liuuum " was there to back him up ! hes hard you know he tells every body so !
  8. not realy aproblem tommy a lot less frieght runs at weekends so train would be able to use there slots also slots are left in the time table for just this eventuality this was realy just a float it and see exercise before suggesting it to the club /trust for them to organise
  9. hire the train from west coast railways they do all the rest ie train crew routing times etc had my long service award at work part of which was a trip out on this train with with the full slap up meal etc was quite a pleasant experiance thats what gave me the idea
  10. just testing for interest for now would anybody be interested in traveling by chartered pullman train to either of the above fixtures obviously at slightly higher cost but this would include full 3 course meal served at your table on outward journey plus light buffet on return complimentry wine tea/coffee coach transfer to & from the ground train to pick up/ set down at rochdale shaw & mumps ? not aimed at the boozer cruiser crowd more your family/ group of friends thing who dont want the long drive there and back any interest ?
  11. whoops must rember do NOT read and comment on posts without glasses lol appolagies
  12. so they didnt get there only away win in division two at boundary park in the 70s then hmmmmmmmmmm must of imagined that game we lost 5-3 against hereford
  13. mike quinn funily enough another tic to do time we do seem to collect them quinn gorton hughesy
  14. be carefull if returning on the sunday as it may consist of a lengthy diversion /bustitution all direct services manchester east mids via sheffield are replaced by buses on sundays untill may means i can have arelaxing day at work haha no trains have alok at going back via stoke/crewe on the sunday may be a better cheaper option cheap ticket liecester derby then rebook derby manc give it a try you never know
  15. they were both the front two rows all the way accross loads off oeople stood down the isle stewards and plod trying to sort it out " officer why dont you take the netting of the front rows put them in there " plod " shut up or your out " me " was only making a suggestion not rocket science is it loads with no seats seats netted off obvious isnt it "plod " i told you shut up or your out " proceeded to give me meleavolent stares for the rest of the game lol god help them when the " massive " leeds come to town if they cant cope with "likkle oldham "
  16. agreed 1000% much more of a mark of respect fro a noisy football stadium to fall quite as a mark of respect ! mind you there woudnt be a differance at the emarates lol
  17. nearly as bad as wondering about the frozen waists of delph frightening unsuspecting motorists with your owl head on and chatting up the local milf whilst everyone else changes the puncture think that counts as bringing chaddy into disripute
  18. exactly its not like were playing infront of 26.000 every week and just sacked our manager for losing six on the bounce is it IF and i mean if this is our bad run then i for one will take it thanks
  19. yeah but there yorkshire men you know how tight they are will they turn it on ?????????
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