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Everything posted by peanuts

  1. theres loads already lots of dirty leeds around saddleworth mossley and most of those have bought tickets for the chaddy for themselves and friends
  2. dont you meen there bmx mummy wouldnt trust them wth bus fair!
  3. did exactly the same thing at molinuex a few seasons ago tics 3-1 33/1 i will have some of that misus pulled me away and said dont bother look on her face at full time
  4. where he will spend most of the game trying to get out of greegs back pocket ..... again !
  5. basicly said that the whole club are just abunch of thugs the team in there style of play and the supporters in there style of support went on to say that they have always been aphysical team and the supporters seem to want & like that thugish style of football finished off by saying they were scum of the earth made a change from all the suiciadal citeh fans after yet another crap performance
  6. would get him out of having to wear the pink kit aswell wonder how many will be thinking along those lines so pics of them in pink dont haunt them for the rest of there career lol
  7. ah but? what do you call some one who only watch them on sky other then a plastic red b*%$&@?d
  8. just been having this discusion on a forum at work what do you ? think describes the aforementioned my thoughts are fan goes every game home and away avidly trawls numerous web boards for news and views of the club seasonticket holder for years always has some item of club branded merchandise on his person supporter goes to most home and some away keeps abreast of news has branded merchandise for games window sticker in car etc follower goes to the odd home game usualy when we get a big team in the cup has no merchandise would watch us ont telly if we were on but only down pub with his mates agree or disagree
  9. nothing on bbc radio manchester on either the news or sports bulletins mind you were not citeh utd bury stockport bolton wigan rochdale altrincham or fc utd who all appear to be infront of us on that station!
  10. tinkers have nothing anthemic ? "all we had was fun and glee " "they laughed at all we towd em " "and asked if folk were all like me apen to come from owdham" anthemic ?
  11. no no no its bloody cursed keep the damn thing where it is we never win when its out for the telly wembly 94 playoffs qpr playoffs lashers remind me what happend ?
  12. me whos the tic with the white van on the main rd with the big crest on the back window anyone on ere ?
  13. maybe some of those police who are on "standby" could be told to wait at the top of the dirt road at the back of B&Q stop all the breakins ?
  14. been telling you that since brighton leezy but you just keep it up
  15. which train was that ? no doubt the boss will be on the phone asking why now
  16. sounds like the good old elf n safetee at work now all track workers are incorectly dressed unless there wearing hi-viz trousers as if a pair of dayglow orange trousers are gonna stop 600 tons of train from squashing you!
  17. can just see twenty inebriated "storm troopers " chasing a large bearded "princess leah " around walsall now ! god help em
  18. not being a pedant but shouldnt that be knitting machine ?
  19. on bbci there quoting shezza as saying"hes happy here and NOT leaving" make of that what you will
  20. have alook at bbci there quoting shez saying the same "hes happy and NOT leaving
  21. depends where your traveling to ( you dont say in your profile) best i can find scunthorpe dep 22.21 doncaster arr 23.02 dep 23.38 dirty leeds arr 00.13 dep 02.35 manc picc arr 03.59. means along wait at leeds not realy practical if your working next day
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