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Everything posted by Rick

  1. How's about..........(note correct use of apostrophe ) Tangerine Terrors
  2. As Ronnie himself would say..... "There's no doubt about that"
  3. Dan, don't get players confused with fans. If I was a professional footballer (stop laughing) I wouldn't want to play for anyone else. I certainly couldn't wear red - unlike one Latics fan I could mention. Also consider your position at work. If a competitor came in and offered you a better package would you tell your current employer before you had an interview. Once interviewed, would you use your new and improved offer to try and get your current employer to beat it? In short, there is no loyalty in football. Everyone has a duty to do the best they can for themselves and their families. The Porter debacle is disappointing and not what would have been best for us. He did what he believed was best for him. I think we should all SUMO. Shut Up Move On
  4. I've just thought of a new away song inspired by our new Fluo Yellow change strip..... You can shove your "Fluo" Yellow up your "house" You can shove your "Fluo" Yellow up your "house" You can shove your "Fluo" Yellow Shove your "Fluo" Yellow You can shove your "Fluo" Yellow up your "house" Cos we play in Blue and Tangerine...We play in Blue and Tangerine....etc we could change the words in speech marks for more suitable ones providing that we wouldn't offend anyone of course!!
  5. Astounding decision this one. We have just broken our all time record for away wins - first time since the 1970s. Guess what colour away kit we played in then? Here is a clue - it WASN'T yellow. The Tangerine kit has proved very successful and has (whether you like it or not) brought the fans together with my favourite Latics song. My boy is 7 years old now, but when he was very young, I used to bounce him on my knee and sing "We play in Blue and Tangerine". I e-mailed the club and told them that I didn't like any of the proposed designs and wouldn't be buying any of them for me or my boy, but also thanked them for giving me the opportunity to comment. The only other away shirt I have bought before that isn't Tangerine is the White one from a couple of seasons ago. I suppose it will save me money (my glass is half full ) Do you think that they will get the point when we continue to sing "Tangerine" even when we are playing in Springfield Yellow?
  6. For me the only part of the entertainment industry you could draw a comparison with would be Open Mic Stand Up. Some people would go to find new talent and have a laugh, while others would go simply to barrack and show off to their mates that they are really witty and funny without actually having the balls to get up and give it a try.
  7. The last thing we need is for the club to come out and tell the world who they are after - we don't want Doncaster coming in and nicking them, do we now?
  8. New away kit is to be revealed Sick bags at the ready
  9. We should snap him up on a free and then sell him to Hibs or someone once Motherwell are no longer entitled to any money.
  10. Bloody horrible and not as good as the Tangerine kit we have waited for for such a long time. I will not be buying a new away kit next season (not for me, or my son).
  11. I am glad I didn't buy you that pint at Everton now
  12. I think that he could be our Jermaine Beckford - if he gets supported rather than slagged off.
  13. You have friends? Perhaps the no show is a secret sign?
  14. How about supporting him and shouting encouragement when he flicks on a ball or passes it? Rather than everyone slagging him off and calling him greedy, stupid and other negative comments. They don't do any good. I personally think that Davies has great potential, I am just not sure his future lies at Latics. Would be interesting if Doncaster decided to make an offer.
  15. Sorry, I was under the impression that you bought a ticket for Boundary Park. Didn't realise it was for Old Trafford. I would go and ask for your money back.
  16. What is was saying is that there used to be more encouragement then than there is now in my opinion. I agree that there have always been moaners, I just think that at the moment, there is a higher propotion of them than there used to be. My first season ticket was in the new Ford Stand, so I have also been watching since the 70s.
  17. Agreed. I think that the fans need to take some responsibility for the players performance and the players need to take some responsibility for the crowd performance. I do find it galling though, that people seem to be happy and willing to sit there either quiet or complaining when the players have said that the Latics support is their 12th man - and then they boo the players off. I really don't see how they think this is helping anyone bar the opposition. Onwards and upwards - hopefully, we will have a great atmosphere against Huddersfield and absolutley bury them out of sight - could be the start of an upward spiral. Keep The Faith
  18. Row L seats in region of 100 to 120. If you are in the bar before the game, go towards the Rochdale Road End and take the last flight of steps into the Lookers Upper. Go towards the RRE again and up the next set of steps. At the top of those steps go to your left (back towards the Chaddy) and we are in that block there. Back row is spoken for with Season Tickets but there are generally spare seats on the few rows in front of the back row.
  19. Rocky, if someone had decided to join in, then perhaps the one person giving some vocal support to the team may not have sounded depressing. Someone has to start the singing, but 95% of people will stop starting songs when no one joins in. Where was the support for the supporter?
  20. Do you need a top up? Your glass seems to be half empty my friend.
  21. Leading goalscorer in shooting at goal scandal Doesn't pass when he thinks he can score.
  22. Support required for young confidence player.
  23. No, trust me. Things have changed over the years. There used to be more positive feedback and encouragement from the terraces. We have been to Wember-ley, played at the highest level, reached 2 FA Cup semis. The subsequent fall from grace I think has had a devastating effect. People now seem to have expectations and I don't think that we had the same level of expectation back in the 70s and 80s. Trust me. Things have changed massively.
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