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League one forever

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Posts posted by League one forever

  1. Mmmmmm


    With my fans hat on I think, take some responsiblitly you tosser.


    Equally what do we expect him to say - I’m awful, I shouldn’t have taken the  job, I made some really bad decisions. . . 


    Point being, it’s human nature to deflect and be defensive. 


    Still glad he’s gone like. ?

    • Like 1
  2. That’s so naive. 


    Do you think wellens thought he was he was getting an angel who was just unlucky at city, blackburn, and Wigan? The only reason we got anywhere near Byrne is because his attitude is poor. 


    Also, do you realise how small the football world is? Everybody knows everybody. 


    Bunn will know exactly why Miller couldn’t catch at bury, he know exactly why he ‘took a year off’ and he’ll know exactly why his career has nosedived. He’ll also know with all that in mind that he’s a risk.


    BUT- He still thinks he’s a worth a try. Fair enough.


    You live and die by them decisions so good luck to him.



  3. 2 minutes ago, the_mighty_bosh said:

    I'm happy another striker in the squad and Miller has shown in the past that, at his best, he's a powerful and talented striker.


    That said, the jury's out for me about how useful he'll be for us.  While O'Grady is coming off the back of an awful season at Chesterfield, I'd trust him to be more reliable for the team than Miller is.


    Fingers crossed that he turns out to be great and I'll be delighted if he does, but like a lot of the squad he has a lot to prove.



    Id have o’grady in every day of the week before Miller. 



  4. Just now, Smiler13 said:

    I believe Miller has been at the club a good few weeks now and has done a full preseason training. He was at City with Bunn and at Huddersfield with Bunn. So our manager must know a fare amount about the guy. I trust Bunns judgement on this until proven wrong . Obviously he would not have given him a contract if he didn’t think he could do a decent job for us and I’m damned sure he would not have signed him if he thought he was a bad egg. Bunn has had enough of those to sort out this preseason without adding more to his list.

    Wellens knew all about Byrne’s character before he signed him. . . 


    Lots of managers take risks with players that they think they can change.


    Plus it’s easy to look hungry when your on trial and after a contract- that’s not aimed at Miller that’s every pro looking to impress. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Bristolatic said:

    @astottie I won't disagree with the bulk of what you have just said. Neither were any of my posts intended to offend, so I apologise to @archiecat for the comparison with another poster. I just simply find it somewhat bamboozling that players are written off before even kicking a ball. I'm a firm believer in giving everyone a fair crack before coming to any conclusions. 


    It works the other way, too. Remember us all being chuffed to bits when we signed Adam Rooney? He was going to boot us into the promised land and we know how that ended. I'll repeat what I said earlier about the #frenchlads, who were instantly regarded as bobbins by some before anyone had seen them. Opinions have changed since they've featured in pre-season.


    So let's give Miller a chance. He just might come good and bag a panful. He might also turn out to be dog shit, but until he's played a few, we simply don't know.


    I've tried to make a reasoned argument for giving everyone a chance and trusting Bunn's and Rhodes' decisions. That's what I believe we should do, rather than resort to:

    I'm all for reasoned arguments and discussions, often with some banter thrown in, and some of us will just have to agree to disagree (to quote Kenny Everett "in the best possible taste, of course").

    I think there’s a misconception here between having an opinion and seeing someone play. 


    Surridge- played 50 games in this league last season and scored 10. For a kid on his first loan I think that’s a very decent return. He’s at a good parent club, with a great manger. His form, pedigree, and wiillingness to learn bodes well. 


    However- he might be shit for us. 


    On the other hand Miller has played 3 senior games in 18 months. Why couldn’t he get fixed up last year? What footballer just decides to have a year away from the game?? Especially at his age?? In addition he doesn’t score many (even in his heyday) 


    However- He might be class for us. 


    The point is, we are allowed to look at the history of players and be positive or dubious without being labelled. 


    I could be right or wrong, won’t stop me wanting both to do well. 



  6. 2 minutes ago, Bristolatic said:

    Here we go again. Another one written off before he kicks a ball. Are all clubs' forums like this, or is it just Latics that has so many judgemental "fans" who only see the down side of everything? 


    I really do despair of our fan base sometimes. And here we have one slagging off the latest signing without having seen him, but can't remember the name of the on loan keeper. Keep up lad.


    Oh well, I suppose you're a better judge of a player without seeing him than Bunn, who was not too shabby a striker himself, is having watched him with the squad for the last three weeks.


    I give up.

    Why do you come on here. . . So everyone agrees with you all the time?


    Why do you despair with our fan base? Very strange comment. 


    It’s forum, sometimes we agree, sometimes we don’t. That’s the whole point isn’t it? 


    It never ceases to amaze me people’s reactions to when somebody disagrees, or has the termerity to dare question a signing. 


    Hopefully he rips it up. But I don’t think he will. 


    I give up as well. 



  7. 3 minutes ago, yarddog73 said:

    Your calling others yet seem to be the only one getting defensive, maybe your not shouting but I think most understand you don't rate him, I feel similar with regards Benteke but some see something in him it's all about opinions. 

    Miserable bastards because we have a different opinion. . .


    He’s the only signing I have serious reservations about. I think it’s with good reason. It doesn’t mean I’m miserable. I’m feeling quite good as it happens. 



  8. 3 minutes ago, archiecat said:

    Easily pleased you lot, aren't you? 

    May be a different story when you have watched him turn out a few times. 

    I’m with you.


    He’s not a young lad who we are dismissing before seeing him play. He was at Bury for six months the season before last and played 3 times. He was very overweight, and immobile.


    He’s then ‘ taken a break from football’ for a year. An now he’s signed for a league two side. His career has only gone one way. 


    He’s dining out on being decent 8 years ago. Another Micheal Ricketts. 



  9. 1 minute ago, astottie said:

    if we cant have hope 4 days before the season starts then god help us. I find it peaks at 2.55pm on the first day of the season especially if we are playing at home and i'm walking down the Sheepfoot Lane. however it's usually dissipated by 3.45. there have been a couple of anomalies. Cardiff home around 1985 springs to mind. 2 up after five minutes and going to storm the league. Drew 2 a piece. it's the hope that kills ya:(

    Not many clubs are even remotely successful, when it’s so turbulent off the pitch. There are exceptions like Blackpool. I’d feel a lot more hopeful if you could trust the club to run things properly for a consistent period. 


    IMO there are green shoots. 


    The managerial appointments. (Which more than anything bring the club together) 


    Bunns handling of troublemakers. 


    Reduced ticket prices. 



    IF we can get our staff paid on time and keep things on a even keel, we could surprise a few this year. 

  10. With Bunn and Rhodes trying to bring the club together, and the likes of Gerrard and Byrne being told to shape up or f**k off. Do people think things will finally settle down this season? 


    Although id obviously love to go straight back up; realistically I just want a decent season without any off field drama. With the whole club pulling in the same direction.


    So- fresh hope or more shitstorms? 

  11. 58 minutes ago, Gary1906 said:

    If he’s injured Fane on purpose then he should be out of the club as soon as possible. What does that sort of behaviour do for so called team spirit?!?!

    Hopefully they will be able to get some sort of fee for him but his reputation within the game must be going down and down so I doubt that there’ll be a queue forming.

    Maybe someone like Joey Barton might fancy his chances of getting the best out of him. He’s welcome to him as far as I’m concerned.

    There’s a player in their somewhere - but only when he wants to play and on his terms.

    I can see him back in Ireland in a couple of years. 

    Spot on. 


    Only turns up when it suits him. 


    Shame, as he’s a cut above when he can be arsed. 

  12. 20 minutes ago, youngen said:


    Hes not the sort of player "to put a shift in". When he plays number 10, he doesnt move massively, hes clever with his touch and the ball. He is way too lightweight to run around like a headless chicken just so it looks like he has tried. 


    If you asked Fane to play up front you would be exactly the opposite. He would run around "putting a shift in" but wouldnt score a goal cos he cant kick it straight, so everyone would slag him off. Byrne did contribute still, but if youre going to play a shape which doesn't play to the best of his ability, then he shouldnt play. 

    Wellens biggest fault was not keeping Byrne central and changing a system that had started so well.


    Same as this year, Byrne is an excellent player to have on the books, but hes challenging Baxter to play behind a number 9, then I don't see where Byrne fits. If Baxter is the number 9 and Byrne behind, thats the only place I see him.

    Your contradicting your own point. 


    One minute Byrne isn’t that ‘type of player’ the next you’d play him behind Baxter in centre mid. 


    I dont know about you but I want my centre mid to be that ‘type of player’ and moreover Byrne showed last season he can be  exactly that type of player. 


    Against Blackburn he played on the right of a midfield three, he was box to box, tenacious in the tackle, went passed people with ease, and could of scored. He was everywhere that day. I remember thinking, my god, I can’t remember the last time I saw a midfield performance like it. When he’s on it, he’s a very complete footballer. Who is more than capable of contributing in or out of position. 


    Baxter is much more of a flair player, who has never and will never track back. Nor I would expect it from him. 


    I totally agree- that IF you can get his head right, he plays centre mid with Baxter ahead of him in the free role. They could be very effective. 

  13. 33 minutes ago, mikejh45 said:


    But if he's continually crap in that position....don't play him in that position, put someone in who is more disciplined.

    I think if we could see that he still put a shift in out of position, then people would be firmly behind him. 


    You can still contribute out of your natural/preferred position.


    He didn’t. 

  14. Let’s take all the guesswork out. 


    Do people think he did he did enough on the pitch last year? 


    Personally i dont. He’s obviously very talented, but after his first few games (Blackburn at home when he was immense) he tailed off quite badly IMO. In his defence, he was played out of position, but that doesn’t excuse his inability to pass the ball, or put a shift in. 


    He went from absolutely bossing games, to being the peripheral frustrating flair player. 


    Can a manager trust him to be on it every week? 


    I think not. 

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